Home Assistant just stops working!

Ok, great. Where are the Linux syslogs?

in /var/log, it will have the current log, as we as logs from previous boots

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Thank you! Since they are not overridden (as previously stated in another post), I will take a look as soon as my system is done rebooting from an updated I just did to core-2021.4.5 just in case anyone suggests I update it…again…sigh.

There are other logs that are overwritten, such as the main HA python process log. I was considering modifying the main HA python init code to make a copy of the previous log before it erases it… I am confounded why that is not the default behavior

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Strange. There is nothing in var/log

Do you get ever increasing CPU / Memory Usage?
You can track that with a simple integration or addon (System monitor - Home Assistant)
Worth to check this out.

Happend to me some time ago, and seems to be happening to some people as well currently:

In my experience, the load was every increasing, until the core just failed.
It was always possible to bring it back up manually without a restart of the full machine by logging into the CLI via SSH and restart the Core.

Several reasons, that may happen… it wasn’t an easy troubleshooting. I ended up making a VERY minimal config.yaml just to test. Also take note in your config of the line:


This includes several components which get activated by default. If you delete this line, you may have to add them one by one. Check the linked thread for some more insight.
For me it was once an issue with my network config, and then another time i had issues with the rtsp stream component.



Hope that helps!

You are looking at the filesystem of the container, not the host operating system

When it freezes, SSH doesn’t respond, Web doesn’t respond. And from the RPI sensor, it does not appear anything was being overtaxed.

If the system is actually frozen, it will not log stats during that time period, so it will probably show the last known value, meaning the cpu might actually be at 100% that whole time (regardless it is not the issue of increasing resource usage until crash)

Just got same issue on rpi4 with SSD, latest updates and sqlite DB.

Cannot connect thorough ssh :frowning: I am not at home so cannot physically restart.
Will need to setup remote restart for such cases.

Update #1: now looking at router. HA is active in network

Last 7 days shows increased activity on 12 of June. I was not at home on 12 of June :frowning: and I have not enabled any auto updates.
On 10th of June I did a update to latest version and even changed user configuration to show 24 format time. Maybe it’s related?

Update #2: plugging out and plugin in raspberry pi 4 power source solved issue.
Processor and memory use before(~08:00)/during/after(~13:45) outage

@DaHai did you resolve this issue? Now
I am having this issue around weekly for the last two months.
Setup: Rpi4 with SSD, always latest updates and sqlite DB. DB size currently ~600 mb
I don’t know even were to start. As power cycling losses all logs. When it’s having outage I cannot access system via samba and other add-ons for example plex is also not working anymore.

And I am sometimes getting one notification from my custom automation reporting conbee deconz connected IKEA light going offline. But logbook does not have such event
Any thoughts?

Had this issue again. But looks like I am the only one experiencing it

I have a similar issue almost daily with sd card. Moved to ssd to try to fix it, but now it happened again.

Can’t access anything to check logs and logs are overwritten when rebooting to fix it.


I have the same, also moved to SSD to try to fix it, also happens

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Mine happens sporadically. Sometimes two days a week sometimes all good for the whole two weeks.
How I can troubleshoot this?
RPI4 with SSD, + plex server addon so also acting as media server.
Always applying newest updates

Has someone find a solution? I have the same problem for about a month now. Every three days I have to reboot (disconnecting power supply) because the systems freeze. I can load the frontend, sometimes still can switch lights, but that’s it. Configuration.yaml cannot be found, Supervisor cannot be loaded. Tried reinstalling every addon, no result. Basic configuration, same result.

@bruin we have to find common denominator between us.
Setup: Rpi4 with SSD, always latest updates and sqlite. Wired lan connection to google nest wifi network

EDIT: this is not happening always :frowning:
Also noticed just now, that around time it happens my binary _ping router sensor is Disconnected for 5 minutes:

Sensor config:

  - platform: ping
    count: 5 #Default value
    scan_interval: 300 #Default value 5mins. The ping binary sensor will poll the devices every 30 seconds.
    name: Ping router

Edit: had two stops in 12 hours :-(. This time ping binary sensor was not disconnected

I have same problem. I have rpi 4 with ssd and maria db. It started with rpi3+ and ssd. I upgraded pi to 4 as i thought the ethernet was broken. I reinstalled it and i have the problem. I tried ethernet, wifi, static IP. It reoccurs twice a day. It seems like disk disconnects, coz i can access everything what’s kept in memory, but i can’t access anything which needs access to the disk. I’ll try to find a ram log add-on to see whats going on.

O.k. so searching for what’s been common between all of us having this issue:
RPI 4 with SSD (DB could be sqlite or maria)
Also I am booting from SSD. meaning: I am NOT using SD+SSD where /data has been moved to SSD. As @cogneato suggested in discord booting from SSD has more issues.

More information about my setup and problem. @tLuQo @bruin @Enforcerke @Daniel_Lim @DaHai Can you find anything, that matches?
All it started after newest updates on June 13.
From hardware perspective: I have RPI4 model B 4GB ram (official power supply) with SSD and a first generation Conbee.
Always installing latest stable OS and Core versions
My addons:
AppDaemon 4,Duck DNS,File editor,Mosquitto broker,Plex Media Server,Portainer,SQLite Web,SSH & Web Terminal (It’s not running),Samba share,Terminal & SSH,deCONZ

Especialy interested if anyone else having Plex Media Server, as another suggestion from @cogneato in Discord was that Plex may be an issue in there

Same at my setup: RPi4 8GB RAM, Booting HassOS from SSD
Addons: File editor, ESPHome, FluxDB, SSH & Web Terminal

When it freezes at first some sensors stay unchanged then some web doesn’t respond anymore and later I lose connection to the complete home assistant server.