Home Assistant "last changed" shows several seconds in the future

I’m curious if anyone else has seen this issue and knows what might be going on. For some reason whenever I toggle a light or some other entity that displays the “last changed” it shows several seconds in the future. Any ideas on what to look at or how to get things back in sync? This happens on my desktop in Chrome and on my phone (iOS app), and presumably any other device. I’m running the Home Assistant generic x86 image on an older Intel NUC.

I am able to correct this for now by installing and running the chrony addon. It immediately detected the offset in the startup logs:

2022-04-26T04:49:18Z System's initial offset : 8.704948 seconds fast of true (slew)

It seems like this is something that the system would keep in sync on its own without needing an extra addon running.

See this topic:

Thanks for pointing me there. I didn’t find that topic when I searched before posting. Looks like that issue was the time being out of sync on the Windows client device. In my case it’s the HA server itself that is out of sync.