Home Assistant not discovering Voice PE

On Pixel phones there’s an additional setting under Location Services called Bluetooth Scanning which needs to be enabled. As soon as I switched that on it discovered it.

I can’t believe such a simple step is this hard to complete. I’m using an iPhone with a Home Assistant setup on a Synology NAS. I’ve tried everything mentioned above, everthing updated but I still can’t get the device to appear in the HA app or on my phone’s Bluetooth list. I’m starting to think this might be faulty

Edit: I found another method. Plug you Voice Preview to your computer via usb, go to the following website and click GenricESP32, connect and select the USB device and run through the wizard

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Where is this “Manage Sensors” setting? I am using the latest iOS companion app.

Maybe it will help someone else, but I just got my VPE and at first I thought its BT was broken as the iOS HA Companion App could not discover the VPE. I had commissioned Matter/Thread devices successfully with the iPhone so I knew BT worked on the iPhone side. What I found was that for iOS and the HA Companion App, there are 2 BT settings:

  • Settings->Bluetooth
  • Settings->Apps->HA App->Bluetooth.

For whatever reason, the last one had been disabled, so turning it ON got things working.

Open Companion App so you’re in HA dashboard > Settings (left sidebar) > Companion App (right above “System”) > Manage Sensors.

I had all the permissions already set, but as this involves computers, I had to turn it off and turn it back on again (the permission, that is) before the device was detected.