Home Assistant running on a high availability - fault tolerant mini cluster made of two Raspberry Pi (Pacemaker, Corosync, PCS, NIC bonding)

@fdlou147 unfortunately I have no plans to support any USB device. My board only has support for ZigBee at this time.

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That’s fine but still amazing write up and am going to follow. I’m going to use your idea and hope to get a second NIC teamed on my installation

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Would your setup allow to have redundancy of the full system, so if one pi fails the other takes over.
That would include any app, not only ha, running on the pis.
I’m looking how to make my network monitoring pi redundant.

As long as your app runs as Linux services it can be managed by Pacemaker and made it redundant on two PIs so that when one goes down it fails over to the other one.
If you have two PIs you can try.

I do have two pi 4.
Each is running pi is 64 bit.
Apps are mostly deployed as docker.

Is there a tutorial showing how to set up redundancy?
Or could share some bullet points on what you did?

sent from a fair mobile

On top of this thread there is a sort of guide I made some time ago, you can refer to that and try to adapt it to your application.
Unfortunately I have no experience with Docker.

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thx that is helping me, so it is only pacemaker and virtual / cluster IP.
That could even more interesting concept by integrating a shared network storage, so data is always in sync: HA Cluster with Linux Containers based on Heartbeat, Pacemaker, DRBD and LXC - Thomas-Krenn-Wiki plus help for docker compose: Creating Highly Available Nodes on ICON — Stage 2: HA Cluster with Nginx and P-Rep Node | by 2infiniti (Justin Hsiao) | Medium

I have to get me some spares rapsi pi and free weekend to test it :slight_smile:

some resources explaining the same as you did from another perspective:

Very interested in this bit what is the service you are using to synch the HA instances over the network. I see several references to a additional resource to synchronize the HA profiles but what is that service? I would very much like to set this up but would need to know what service is used to synch the 2 HA instances since I have 2 boxes with dual NICs already and the guide was extremely helpful in regards to setting up the virtual IP that the clients point to so you aren’t even aware of which HA instance you are currently connected to. I imagine this would work the same with a 3 node cluster although as you stated that might be overkill.

Hello James, thanks for your interest in my system.
There are a few ways to sync folders accross two (or more) nodes, the one I use in my system is probably the simplest and it’s based on rsync and inotifywait.

You need to install inotifywait

sudo apt install inotify-tools

create a bash script hasync.sh

while inotifywait -q -q -r -e modify,create,delete,move /home/homeassistant; do
    rsync -azrhq --log-file=/dev/null --delete --delete-excluded --exclude-from exclude.txt --password-file=rsync_pass /home/homeassistant/ rsync://[email protected]/homeassistant

and a file rsync_pass with this content (put a stronger password!)


configure /etc/rsyncd.conf (example below)

lock file = /var/run/rsync.lock
#log file = /var/log/rsyncd.log
log file = /dev/null
pid file = /var/run/rsyncd.pid

path = /home/homeassistant
comment = Homeassistant config directory
uid = homeassistant
gid = homeassistant
read only = no
list = yes
auth users = rsyncclient
secrets file = /etc/rsyncd.secrets
hosts allow =

create /etc/rsycnd.secrets


sudo chmod 600 /etc/rsyncd.secrets

only root must have write access to secrets file

I also create an rsync exclude.txt file with the folders/file that I don’t want to replicate


Then you need to create a systemd service in order to have the sync process running


Description=Home Assistant profile sync utility

ExecStart=/bin/bash hasync.sh


You need to create two configs, one on node A and one on node B
The one on node A must sync to node B
The one on node B must sync to node A

Only one sync process must be active at a given time and only on the currently active node.

I understand this is not a detailed guide but it may help you with a starting point.

I finally had time to create a personal blog where I will cover all aspects of home assistant running in a cluster,
including the node synchronization and the hardware I designed.

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Thanks so much for the detailed information. I’m trying to setup failover for HA and there are a few different ways but most involve VMWare, Proxmox or Docker which just complicates things and VMWare 8s extremely expensive,. Especially on the networking side of things plus other factors so the quick feedback and detailed info is extremely appreciated.

Even then. If also sounds like those methods may involve waiting for the failover VM machine to spin up and you lose all recorder history and with this method it appears you lose just the recorder/history that’s currently in memory on the box that goes down which is also a plus for doing it this way IMO. Thanks again!

I also use the strangest password for every site, Passw0rd. That 0 really throws people off and could never be brute forced :slight_smile:

Hello everyone,

I just wanted to tag on to this thread and mention I’ve recently gone down a similar path just as @Lantastic has. I happen to be employed by LINBIT and we provide enterprise support for Pacemaker and Corosync.

My approach differs a bit due to using DRBD (obviously!) to synchronously replicate the filesystem used for storing Home Assisntant’s data in real time between the nodes. Using this solution for mirroring data ensures each node has an exact block-for-block copy of Home Assistant’s filesystem and data. You’ll never lose data that has been written to disk this way during failovers.

I do have some fencing agents for Shelly and Tasmota smart plugs in the works. A very “Home assistant way” to bring fencing (also called STONITH) to Home Assistant high availability.

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HomeassistantOS is not one of the supported ones I presume :sweat_smile:

Haha, yeah there are too many ways to install Home Assistant.

HomeassistantOS seemed overkill and bloated at first glance. For someone already running an always-on server in their home, it didn’t make much sense to me. A few lean Docker containers seemed like a no-brainer way to go (for me). Running Home Assistant, MQTT, and ESPHome containers has been quite sufficient so far.

It looks like you could take the HomeassistantOS qcow2/vmdk/img virtual disk image and convert that to an actual block device (physical disk, logical volume, etc) - qemu-img dd -f qcow2 -O raw bs=4096 if=./image.qcow2 of=/dev/sdb or similar command.

Pacemaker can then be configured to mange a highly available virtual machine (with libvirt). DRBD will replicate the entire virtual disk between nodes in real-time. Similar approach, but everything is contained inside a VM.

@ryan-ronnander thanks for bringing your contribution to this thread. I’m glad to see that there is some interest in high availability for Home Assistant.
I went through your blog post and found your approach really interesting.
When I started my project, I evaluated DRBD too, but I ended up with the solution explained above in this thread for a few reasons:

  1. Being a hobby project, I wanted to keep it super simple and super cheap, it is actually made of two Raspberry PIs running on SD storage.
  2. I wanted file sync to be one-way only, from the active node to the standby node
  3. Home Assistant upgrades: during my testing, I found out that when upgrading the stand-by node, file replication must be disabled in order to avoid a sort of race condition between the active node and the node being upgraded.

This is how I upgrade my system; say node A is the currently active one:

  1. put node B on standby, this disables file replication
  2. upgrade Home Assistant on node B
  3. unstandby node B
  4. manual failover, node B becomes the active one, wait until Home Assistant finishes starting up upon upgrade
  5. standby node A, file replication is disabled again
  6. upgrade Home Assistant on node A
  7. unstandby node A
  8. manual failover, node A becomes the active one again

The directory affected by race condition if file replication would stay active during Home Assistant upgrade is /home/homeassistant/.cache

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Hi - amazing read, thank you so much!

RPI high availability has been such a recurrent and unwelcome headache for me for a while (mostly SD card issues) that I started looking into clustering today.

One setup I have in mind is a RPI (HA, MQTT, pihole) + Wintel (BIris) couple of machines.

Do you think I could set up a cluster between the RPI and a linux VM (eg virtualbox) in the Wintel machine ?

Does the cluster have one and the same IP ?

Could I also cluster Wireguard ?


I have never tried it myself but I think it should work

Each node has its own IP address but the cluster has a VIP (virtual IP) that is always the same and it is shared among the cluster nodes.

You could think of a design to include Wireguard in a cluster but I find it more convenient to have an external device acting as a Wireguard gateway.
In my system, I use a router flashed with the OpenWrt firmware as a Wireguard gateway.

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@ryan-ronnander I discovered your blog post immediately when researching HA for HA :slight_smile: I would like to implement a similar solution to yours, but I do have a few questions before I do so:

At the moment, my Home Assistant installation is based on docker-compose and multiple containers. I saw that there is a docker-compose script for Pacemaker - do you know if this has advantages or disadvantages over using the docker containers directly with Pacemaker?

You mentioned some fencing agents for Shelly/Tasmota smart plugs - any updates on this? I plan on using ESPHome-based smart plugs, using the REST API the integration should be straight forward?

I need to have access to a USB device from my Home Assistant container. I plan to attach the USB device to my NAS and share it via USB/IP. Do you have any experience with using USB/IP in a Pacemaker setup? I suppose that it just needs to start the USB/IP systemd client service before the docker containers for it to work properly.


Using docker-compose for a “typical” Home Assistant installation with a handful of containers is a better fit. In my blog post, I used a single container to prove the concept and keep things as simple as possible. With docker-compose follow the same “recipe”. Just swap the docker resource agent for docker-compose, and use separate directories for each container’s persistent data on the single DRBD-backed filesystem.

I’m actually moving my setup to something similar after finally getting my Pi 5 up and running.

You mentioned some fencing agents for Shelly/Tasmota smart plugs - any updates on this? I plan on using ESPHome-based smart plugs, using the REST API the integration should be straight forward?

I haven’t had time to hack on this yet, but it shouldn’t be too hard to implement. Fencing is a bit overkill for running Home Assistant, so this is more of a “hey this is neat” thing to implement.

I need to have access to a USB device from my Home Assistant container. I plan to attach the USB device to my NAS and share it via USB/IP. Do you have any experience with using USB/IP in a Pacemaker setup? I suppose that it just needs to start the USB/IP systemd client service before the docker containers for it to work properly.

No experience. It should be easily managed by a systemd resource in Pacemaker though.

Oops, I left a draft reply sitting here for a while. I just wanted to say that you can essentially use any block device (USB flash drive, SD card, etc) for DRBD’s backing disk.

This is how DRBD works by default, the primary (active) node will be the only node that can mount/write to that resource. All writes are replicated to the secondary (standby) nodes.

Container based upgrades are super easy, just fetch new images and restart the container. When upgrading the “standby node”, persistent data is never written to.

That said, sometimes a simple file sync is more straightforward and rsync can be pretty versatile.

In the end, I took a different approach: I went with two N95 Mini-PCs and installed Proxmox with ZFS on them. My Home Assistant Container is in a Debian VM.

High Availability is achieved by:

  • ZFS Replication between the two nodes (every 15 mins)
  • Proxmox HA for the single VM

In the worst case, I risk 15mins of lost data. However, this does not supervise the execution of Home Assistant or any other service. Crashes on the application level have to be taken care of on the VM. Crashes of the VM are accounted for by Proxmox.

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