Home assistant send free message to mobile phone: what are options?

Dear Bertrum:

it seems that you use ios-specific platform to send out notification.

My primary device is an android device.

and apparently there is no android equivalent of



So, I guess I just have to keep searching.


it require my home assistant to be exposed to the Internet according to the document.

I havenā€™t done my share of hardening it yet.

I uses firefox as my primary browser.

if i am only interested in sending a message to device within the intranet, do I need to expose my HA device to the Internet?

You can send messages via MQTT on the intranet ā€¦ there are dozent of MQTT clients for the phone and other devices.

If you want to use a service like Telegram than you have to expose HA to the internet

Iā€™m using smtp to gmail. Gmail sends an email to my carrier, which converts the email to a text, and I get a text for these notifications.

As far as I know, Iā€™m not exposing HA to the internet, well at least I donā€™t open any ports up. I expect HA connects to my gmail account just like I would from my laptop, and sends the message.

If this does create a venerability, Iā€™d like to understand how/why.

Also, I made a special gmail account just for sending these notifications. I donā€™t use my normal gmail account, which has 2 factor authentication turned on. So I donā€™t really care is someone hacks into this gmail account, thereā€™s nothing there except messages from HA.

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Can you post a link to the z-wave natural gas detector your are using? Iā€™m looking for one.

Thanks NigelL. I also use Bell Canada and found your post very helpful. Their current protocol is as follows:

All Bell mobile phones have a unique email address: (10-digit mobile phone number)@txt.bell.ca. For example, [email protected].