Home assistant sensors published at MQTT

I have the data of my PV Inverter available as a sensor in HA.
Now the question is, are all the sensors in HA automatically published at MQTT Broker?
I need those sensors in MQTT for the EVCC Module of andig.

How can i check or configure sensors to appear in mqtt?

I use:

Thank you for this hint.
I installed and can see the home MQTT this is awesome.

But my HA sensors were not published, how can i publish HA Sensors to MQTT?

that is described on multiple places in this forum. use the search function.


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I used the search, but this was not fruitful.
Maybe with the wrong words.
Thanks i will check your link!

I think “https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/mqtt_statestream/” is what i have searched for.
Thank you!

I added:

  base_topic: homeassistant
  publish_attributes: true
  publish_timestamps: true
      - switch
      - light

To my configuration.yaml.
But could not discover any changes in the MQTT channel.
Can anyone help me??