Home Assistant SkyConnect / Home Assistant Connect ZBT-1 = The official Zigbee Coordinator or Thread Border Router USB radio dongle from Nabu Casa

Is this only related to multi protocol, or does it mean you can not use it as a Zigbee-only device with ZHA either (in container/core installations)?

I am using it right now in a container installation for my ZHA setup.

Working flawlessly.

Perfect. That is exactly what I plan to do once m.nu start actually shipping them as promised…

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I got my m.nu shipping confirmation today.

According to their website, they seem quite busy with this:
Update 2022-12-16
We are rapidly processing orders. Many of you can expect a shipment in the very near future. For customers outside the EU a slightly longer shipping is expected due to toll processing and a heightened pressure on shipping services over the holidays.

Update 2022-12-15
The work of packing all the bookings has begun. We had a slight delay in customs which moved the date back a few days. There are thousands of bookings to process so we ask to please exercise some patience and not overload our support with questions regarding your shipping. It will get processed as soon as possible, we promise!


Does the SkyConnect multi-protocol support using Thread and Zigbee2MQTT, or is just ZHA supported? The documentation for the addon only mentions ZHA support: addons/DOCS.md at 20362156401c4ef32da6ece44fb76612a8ad3dd0 · home-assistant/addons · GitHub

Only ZHA for now.

Once the dust has settled, I’d bet it will eventually work with z2m, but I don’t think anyone on the z2m side has worked on it yet (at least publicly).

Any news on the Multi-pan issues?

Btw, you guys can follow some of the related zigpy (ZHA) development discussion here → https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee-herdsman/issues/319 and the relared Zigbee2MQTT development discussion thowards the end of this thread → https://github.com/zigpy/zigpy/discussions/894

Check out documentation for Home Assistant’s Silabs multiprotocol addon which describes architecture:


The specific Silicon Labs Radio Co-Processor (RCP) communication is explained here with a CPC daemon (CPCd) diagram that includes OpenThread, Bluetooth, and Zigbee → Co-Processor Communication - v4.1 - Gecko Platform API Documentation Silicon Labs

As I understand it; when you enable multi-protocol support in the add-on inside Home Assistant it automatically flashes a Multi-PAN RCP (Radio Co-Processor) firmware to the dongle as well as enables multi-protocol support with a Silicon Labs CPC daemon (CPCd) and accompanying Zigbee deamon (Zigbeed) and OpenThread Daemon (OT Daemon) that runs the Silabs EmberZNet Zigbee networking stack and OpenThread network stack respectivly on the host in order to allow multi-protocol support, so in essence that new firmware is what adds a requirement of at least an additional Silicon Labs CPC daemon (CPCd) and accompanying Zigbee deamon (Zigbeed) which is currently only automatically installed and available/supported if using Home Assistant OS or Home Assistant Container.

The ZHA integration then connects to that Silicon Labs CPC daemon (CPCd) over TCP/IP using a socket as that in turn has taken over the serial port connection to the Home Assistant Skyconnect USB stick, and that Silicon Labs CPC daemon (CPCd) handles the accompanying Zigbee deamon (Zigbeed) and OpenThread Daemon (OT Daemon).

If the Home Assistant Skyconnect USB stick is installed in your computer with Home Assistant OS or Home Assistant Container with enabled multiprotocol so it has flashed Multi-PAN RCP (Radio Co-Processor) firmware and you only use it for Thread protocol and not for the ZHA integration inside Home Assistant, then Zigbee2MQTT might be able to connect remotely to that Silicon Labs Zigbee deamon (Zigbeed) over TCP/IP using a socket instead of ZHA.

As Zigbee2MQTT stand-alone does today not install a Silicon Labs CPC daemon (CPCd) and accompanying Zigbee deamon (Zigbeed) so as such you can not simply access the Home Assistant Skyconnect USB stick if it has Multi-PAN RCP (Radio Co-Processor) firmware. What is missing for Zigbee2MQTT to be able work stand-alone with Home Assistant Skyconnect USB stick when it has Multi-PAN RCP (Radio Co-Processor) firmware is its own installation of Silicon Labs CPC daemon (CPCd) and accompanying Zigbee deamon (Zigbeed).

At least in theory.

PS: OpenThread page does a better job at describing the different architectural design differences between Radio Co-Processor (RCP) and Network Co-Processor (NCP) designs → https://openthread.io/platforms/co-processor

Radio Co-Processor (RCP) verses Network Co-Processor (NCP) stack:




How can i manually install the sky Connect? My HA instance (Raspi4 with standard HA OS). Shows nothing in the devices pane. I already have a conbeeII ans a SSD connected via USB. Is this too much?

In addition: i cannot see a sky connect integration or addon at all. HA Os and HA itself are uptodate.

Are you using ZHA? You have to use the migration tool (if you can get it working) or uninstall the integration. Unplug the old antenna, put in the SkyConnect and then restart the host.

I am only using the deconz integration for my conbeeII.
But shouldn‘t i see at least the device on my system?

Ah so you are going from Deconz to ZHA.

Did you try to insert the extension cable, device and reboot the host?

Yes I rebooted the machine and I use the extension cable of course. Unfortunately the HA instance does not have slush to check for the devices.

Now I am just doing another reboot. Do I need to install ZHA first or is it builtin?

It should autodetect.

What kind of installation method of HA are you running?

Found it. I was always looking for the Skyconnect add-on/integration. I now added ZHA and the device was found. Thanks.

Glad to hear, Merry Christmas!

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Merry Christmas to you too.

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Received my skyconnect, setup the network on z2m and it is pretty good (coming from conbeeII on deconz).

I notice a little bit of weirdness here and there but will debug it as I go

I then flashed the latest fw (it came with so I flashed using @agners utility and the silabs-firmware repo

All looks good so far, will get some runtime on it

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Any tips on migrating from ConbeeII to Sky with z2m? I have same setup and just waiting on mine to arrive

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