Home Assistant Supervised (previously known as Hass.io) on Synology DSM as native package (not supported or working atm)

Maybe this is a dumb question, but I can’t find an answer easily. :frowning:
There is new version of Hass.io announced (3.8). Please advise how to upgrade it in Docker?

It’s actually HassOS that has been upgraded to 3.8, not HassIO. Unless I have missed something in this thread, this package is not running HassOS so that update doesn’t apply to you. HassIO will have it’s update available in the usual place under the HassIO side menu

Yes, indeed. My mistake. Many thanks for the clarification.

Hi. Thanks for this. I’ve recently started playing around with hass.io again and happy to see that there is a Native package for Synology. I’ve installed it and it runs however I see this error in my logs:

2020-01-16 17:29:51 ERROR (MainThread) [aiohttp.server] Error handling request
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/aiohttp/web_protocol.py", line 275, in data_received
    messages, upgraded, tail = self._request_parser.feed_data(data)
  File "aiohttp\_http_parser.pyx", line 523, in aiohttp._http_parser.HttpParser.feed_data
aiohttp.http_exceptions.BadStatusLine: invalid HTTP method
2020-01-16 17:29:51 ERROR (MainThread) [aiohttp.server] Error handling request
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/aiohttp/web_protocol.py", line 275, in data_received
    messages, upgraded, tail = self._request_parser.feed_data(data)
  File "aiohttp\_http_parser.pyx", line 523, in aiohttp._http_parser.HttpParser.feed_data
aiohttp.http_exceptions.BadStatusLine: invalid HTTP method

@fredrike could you please help chime in? Thanks!

More additional errors @fredrike:

2020-01-16 18:01:16 ERROR (MainThread) [aiohttp.server] Error handling request
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/aiohttp/web_protocol.py", line 275, in data_received
    messages, upgraded, tail = self._request_parser.feed_data(data)
  File "aiohttp\_http_parser.pyx", line 523, in aiohttp._http_parser.HttpParser.feed_data
aiohttp.http_exceptions.BadStatusLine: invalid HTTP method
2020-01-16 18:37:04 ERROR (MainThread) [aiohttp.server] Error handling request
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/aiohttp/web_protocol.py", line 275, in data_received
    messages, upgraded, tail = self._request_parser.feed_data(data)
  File "aiohttp\_http_parser.pyx", line 523, in aiohttp._http_parser.HttpParser.feed_data
aiohttp.http_exceptions.BadStatusLine: invalid HTTP method
2020-01-17 00:42:09 ERROR (MainThread) [aiohttp.server] Error handling request
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/aiohttp/web_protocol.py", line 418, in start
    resp = await task
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/aiohttp/web_app.py", line 431, in _handle
    match_info = await self._router.resolve(request)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/aiohttp/web_urldispatcher.py", line 953, in resolve
    match_dict, allowed = await resource.resolve(request)
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/frontend/__init__.py", line 414, in resolve
    and request.url.parts[1] not in self.hass.data[DATA_PANELS]
IndexError: tuple index out of range
2020-01-17 02:05:58 ERROR (MainThread) [aiohttp.server] Error handling request
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/aiohttp/web_protocol.py", line 275, in data_received
    messages, upgraded, tail = self._request_parser.feed_data(data)
  File "aiohttp\_http_parser.pyx", line 523, in aiohttp._http_parser.HttpParser.feed_data
aiohttp.http_exceptions.BadStatusLine: invalid HTTP method
2020-01-17 06:02:47 ERROR (MainThread) [aiohttp.server] Error handling request
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/aiohttp/web_protocol.py", line 275, in data_received
    messages, upgraded, tail = self._request_parser.feed_data(data)
  File "aiohttp\_http_parser.pyx", line 523, in aiohttp._http_parser.HttpParser.feed_data
aiohttp.http_exceptions.BadStatusLine: invalid HTTP method
2020-01-17 06:04:10 ERROR (MainThread) [aiohttp.server] Error handling request
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/aiohttp/web_protocol.py", line 275, in data_received
    messages, upgraded, tail = self._request_parser.feed_data(data)
  File "aiohttp\_http_parser.pyx", line 523, in aiohttp._http_parser.HttpParser.feed_data
aiohttp.http_exceptions.BadStatusLine: invalid HTTP method

OK, so I’ve been running home assistant in docker on a Synology for a little while and came across this package. I went to try it out today, and I’m getting the following errors in the logs:

20-01-18 02:52:22 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.updater] Fetch update data from https://version.home-assistant.io/stable.json
20-01-18 02:52:27 WARNING (MainThread) [hassio.updater] Can't fetch versions from https://version.home-assistant.io/stable.json: Cannot connect to host version.home-assistant.io:443 ssl:None [Try again]
20-01-18 02:52:27 WARNING (MainThread) [hassio.dns] Error on install CoreDNS plugin. Retry in 30sec

So, I’m the resourceful type, did a little poking around, reading this thread, and discover that this is a known issue, and that I need to disable the firewall before I install the package. No problem. I go to look at the firewall setting on my synology, and it’s not enabled. I believe that I disabled it a while ago.

Then I see that there are compatibility issues with the VPN package. I look for that package and it’s not installed. Where do I go now? I’ve had problems with docker containers getting access to the internet previously, but it’s never been an issue. Is there something else I can look at? For anyone else here that is running docker on a synology, can your containers natively connect to the internet?


OK, I did some more digging, and while I’m in the container I can dig www.google.com @ so I know I can hit the internet, but my DNS isn’t working. I’m sure this isn’t a problem with the Hass.io image, but rather a configuration issue with docker on my Synology. If I figure it out soon, and I remember, I’ll post a resolution here.

Nothing new, read #2 post in this thread…

Yes, in my first post, I mentioned that I had already read #2 about disabling the firewall. Had you read MY post, you would see that I already confirmed that 1) my firewall is disabled and 2) I do not have a VPN package. It appears that I’m having problems with internet connectivity and/or DNS resolution in my docker configuration. I have had this problem previously, but it was never a real issue until today.

I managed to cobble together a working Hass.io configuration, however, now when I log in to my instance on http://:8123/ The Hass.io link just shows a blank page. I also just got an error on the page, saying: Unable to load the panel source: /api/hassio/app/entrypoint.js.

Found online that others have had this problem, and adding a dummy entry to secrets.yaml fixed it for them. For me, I already have an entry in secrets.yaml. I’ll be doing some more digging, but it would help if someone else has some ideas of where I can look.


I don’t think it is related to this thread, what components are you using?

It sounds more like you have issues with Synology and Docker, perhaps you could raise a support request with them.

Great that you managed to get it to work! It would be interesting to hear what you did to get it to work.
Regarding entrypoint.js it usually fixes itself by just stopping and starting the package (from. Synology package manager), I thought I had mentioned that in post #2 but perhaps it is not the same issue as you have.

So, I’ve been struggling with this most of the weekend. As soon as I think I have it figured out, I discover that in fact, I do not have it figured out.

I would tend to agree that it’s probably not related to this post, but if there are other synology users on here, maybe someone has a similar setup or situation and could help.

First off, the setup of my Synology is that I have the Synology Directory Server installed (for AD). I also have DNS Server installed and configured so that I can host my domain name locally for internal access.

I have installed the Hass.io package, which appears to install a number of docker containers. homeassistant, hassio_dns and hassio_supervisor. Regardless of which container I use, none of them sesms to resolve DNS properly. I’m assuming that the supervisor container is the first to start, which in turn starts hassio_dns and homeassistant. It also appears that hassio_dns is designed to do the dns resolution for the other containers. I’m not really sure what the purpose of that is, and I haven’t been able to find any real documentation on that.

If someone could explain the purpose there or at least point me towards some documentation on how hassio is designed to work, it might help me to troubleshoot this some more.

I think the other question I have at this point, is if the Hass.io native package works the same as just Hass.io on raspberry pi, or if there is more involved than that.

I really would like to get this installed to try it out. Hass.io seems a little more polished than straight homeassistant in docker.

It was a fresh install of Hass.io. But I figured it out. I had to add add baseURL settings in the config file.


I’m not sure if there is any real documentation, but I’m pretty sure that the DNS container is there to assist with the Hassio addon resolution. All addons register a DNS name through that container.

For me since 0.104 this installation become useless.
Twice a day the error: Unable to load the panel source: /api/hassio/app/entrypoint.js.
and my Hue lights stops working and all the other HassIO packages.

I stop the package, then the docker clear the supervisor and start again then it works for a few hours.
Is there any way to downgrade because this is very frustrating.

Hello @fredrike,

I am using your package for months now, very happy with it, THANKS A LOT!
I am wondering what is (if any) the “upgrade” path from your manually installed package to the official one in the community (I see it in Beta).


I can’t see it in beta (where is that?).

It should be possible to uninstall the package from Dropbox and keep the folders and then install the synocommunity version. The codes in the two is identical so there is no real benefit on changing at this point though.

Adding “http://packages.synocommunity.com/” in Setting->Package Source for “Package Center” you’ll get it!

Unfortunately it does not show up when I add this to Package Sources. Do you know a way to force-update package source lists?

thank you for your hard work

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