Home Assistant Tags

Is this hardware compatible with pet RF chips? If so, what is the range, a few inches I’m guessing. I’d like to make my house respond to my pets going somewhere they should not (e.g. each other’s food, the guest room, etc.).

dear friends,
before working on the configuration of this work I would like to know something very important for me:
is it possible to get notification of the tag approched in realtime, keeping a NFC card attached to the reader continuosly or Home Assistant read just a single approach and the the next approach without understanding if the card is attached to the tag reader in realtime?
I don’t need to approach the card to the reader once in order to create an action but I do need to know if the NFC card is attached to the tag reader and it must be a realtime information as we have on HA for the lights/switchs when are on or off (card is attached or not).
Thank you for those who will reply me.

Not sure what happened with the last update. Now none of my readers will work. Kinda bites too. Grandson loved scanning his cards to start his movies. The card scans, logs show the tag reader see’s it, home assistant is clueless it happened.

How do you detect the Black Corners of the card?
Can you share details?

hm, is it detect by home assistant ? Does the LED work ? Maybe removing the reader and readding it could solve the issue ?

Well. Its all working now. I had to reset home assistant to the last backup I had which was 6 months old (I need to do better at remembering to back up HA lol), reflashed the readers (built 4 so far) and things seem to be working. After that I backed up everything again and updated everything but esphome. (all the while getting full backups as I went). I updated esphome to 10.0 and same issue with the readers. Reset back to prior backup and reflashed the readers and they work. Didn’t update esphome until 10.2 and everything is still working. Not sure what the deal was with esphome 10.0 but it didn’t like my readers.

Thank you for sharing the readers with everyone. Its been fun watching the grandson use the reader to play movies with. Using jellyfin and roku media player since thats all I can get working. Hope to get plex to work but its hit and miss.

I set this up like presented here and its all working great. I wanted to be able to make the entity_id a little more flexible but still tied to the device that scanned the card, so I added a select component with a few entity_ids to the esphome config. I am trying to use HA templates to get the slected option from the select component, but I am getting stuck. This is what I have:

    - variables:
        media_player_entity_id: >-
            {% for entity in expand(device_entities(trigger.event.data.device_id))|map(attribute='entity_id')|list %}
              {% if is_state_attr(entity, 'friendly_name', 'Media Players') %}
                "{{ states(entity) }}"
              {% endif %}
            {% endfor %}

It seems not to evaluate. I tested in developer tools | templates (substituting trigger.event.data.device_id with the actual device_id and it seemed to work ok.
What am I doing wrong?

Hello @adonno,
Is it possible to replace the D1 mini with a C3 mini so that I get all the existing features plus a Bluetooth repeater? If so, do you know what would be the pinout?

It would be nice if tags could be added to groups and even assigned to users… Been playing with a nfc card reader for a possible door access control system and having home assistant as the way to control users access using the tag scanned feature of esphome would be nice to be able to get new tags into the system without having the create a new binary sensor on the esphome config firmware everytime.

How about doing it the other way around, have the tag at the door instead of the reader. User scans the tag with a phone and then the rest is done with automations in HA.