Home Assistant Tags

It is not a service. It is an action

So that cant be used in YAML?

I think it can https://www.home-assistant.io/docs/scripts/#fire-an-event

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Guys, anyone?
In the meantime, there was an update of the companion app, but it didn’t change a thing.

Perhaps post in the iphone companion app thread/forum.

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So I have made the @adonno(Thanks Great Work) ESPHome Tag reader and have it working with my Samsung Galaxy Watch which has NFC in it. But when i try to use my iPhone 11 Pro my phone thinks its a payment reader and brings up on credit card on my phone.


How to use the trigger in node red?

I wrote too fast. I find it sorry.

Event all : tag_scanned

I bought an MFRC-522 RFID/NFC scanner last year and was using it with a D1 mini and esp rfid but it was unused until now.

It connects to MQTT and I use the topic “rfid” with an MQTT sensor which picks up the username that you add to the ESP RFID web portal

- platform: mqtt  
  state_topic: "rfid" 
  name: "RFID"  
  value_template: '{{ value_json.username }}'

I use NodeRed to pick up the username and can trigger automations depending on what NFC Ntag215 is scanned - it doesn’t even have to be programmed as ESP RFID will pick it up even if blank.

This does not add the Tag into the Tags field of Home Assistant but it is another way to use RFID/NFC tags.


You are supposed to scan NFC tags with your phone not the reader. Your phone and the Tag reader are acting as the same type of device.

Your phone thinks the reader is a pay terminal hence why your cards come up.


I use an Android phone and have a Yale NFC sticker at the bottom on the back of my phone under the case to unlock my Yale Connexis Lock
I was surprised to find the HA ESPHOME tag reader reads it.
Now I can just touch my phone on the reader and generate an event without having to unlock the phone - using the phone as a tag rather than a reader.
I guess you could do the same with one of those little self adhesive NFC stickers too

Maybe useful to add some 3D printer information in the repo (or on thingiverse)

Typically following info is shared:

  • What’s the filament being used?
  • Printer settings?
  • Dual extruder?

I like the professional look of the cases.
Somehow my printed stuff never ends up looking like this :unamused: :roll_eyes:

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Anyone know if the adonno tag reader can be modified to run on batteries, and if so, what kind of battery life to expect?

That is excellent news. I implanted an RFID tag into my right hand a few years ago, so have been itching to integrate RFID into Home Assistant for things like alarm arm/disarm, doors, yadda yadda. Glad I waited because the Tags integration seems a lot cleaner than pure automation based approaches fired via MQTT tag publishes.

Just curious, what was the cost?

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Also curious about this. And how much did it hurt? Because I am a 52 year old big baby. Lol

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I post a video on this and some other things.
I will post details when my website will be up :stuck_out_tongue:


I think I’m going to take a stab at this. I too have been really reaching for a use case on my end, and I think I found one: I’m going to put a tag reader at my gate and use it to give people access to my home. Depending on the tag, I can either unlock just the gate when scanned, or also unlock the house and deactivate the alarm (like for the cleaning lady).

Then if let’s say I get a new cleaning lady, I can just decommission the tag instead of reprogramming the keypads one by one (gate, lock, alarm). I have my wife convinced so now it’s time to run 12v out to the gate!

My inkjet printer does not support the tray.

Had anyone printed on some plastic sticker paper like this ?

I would then try to stick these on the NFC cards but I don’t know if it will have the same nice effect.

Or is there online ordering of printed NFC cards available?

I picked up the 125KHz tag in a kit from Dangerous Things for $49 US:

It was convenient because it came pre-loaded in an injector and I couldn’t find anything locally (veterinary suppliers would only sell to known establishments). I have a fairly high pain threshold after dealing with kidney stones half my adult life so I don’t know if I am good judge of pain. The needle, while about 1/8" thick, is beyond razor sharp so it slid right in barely leaving a mark. I had help in the form of a friend to play nurse.

I have the reason for the tag and the installation itself on video. Installation is in about the last 15 minutes: