Home Assistant Windows App (Home Assistant Taskbar Menu)

Yeah, I am aware of this issue… I have made some attempts to fix it, but I haven’t managed to fix it :frowning:

As a workaround, I made an autohotkey script to kill the process and re-launch it once the session restarts, but it’s imperfect…

It should be fixed in the latest version

New version is available!
It includes some improvements, including these neat sliders for lights


That’s a great update! Thanks for the improvements!
Can I suggest another UX improvement? The light menu closes immediately after changing the light parameters (when the mouse button is released). It is not convenient to modify both the brightness and temperature, the menu needs to be opened twice. I suggest to close it only when the mouse is outside the menu.

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This is caused by redrawing whole menu after an entity is updated. I plan to limit updates to only updated controls, it should solve this issue

Hey did you manage to make notifications work?

I also encounter same errror as AaronCake. Happens on first step launching the app (authentication / token problem).

Aaron;s LOG file looks just like mine.
It contains like this.

[08/31/2021 08:23:59] Config directory: C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\Home Assistant Taskbar Menu\Home Assistant Taskbar Menu
[08/31/2021 08:23:59] NO CONFIGURATION
[08/31/2021 08:24:14] Error while connecting: Invalid URI: The URI scheme is not valid.
[08/31/2021 08:24:15] Error while connecting: Invalid URI: The URI scheme is not valid.

And I see the developer not yet responding to this… Please check

Your problem seems different. Something seems wrong with your URL… What address have you provided?

HassWP running on local computer.
local computer has this ip address
I also use “localhost” to access the server, all with port 8123.

None of them success…
Long live token also have obtained, and copied correctly.

First I got error as I mention before.
Now, I got exact message as AaronCake (Unable to connect)

[08/31/2021 14:25:28] Config directory: C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\Home Assistant Taskbar Menu\Home Assistant Taskbar Menu
[08/31/2021 14:25:28] NO CONFIGURATION
[08/31/2021 14:27:25] Unable to connect
[08/31/2021 14:29:35] Unable to connect
[08/31/2021 14:34:30] Unable to connect

Follow these steps:

  1. Go to C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\Home Assistant Taskbar Menu\Home Assistant Taskbar Menu and delete contents of this folder
  2. Try to use address (or or http://localhost:8123)

Tried that. Still no luck.

[08/31/2021 16:08:39] Config directory: C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\Home Assistant Taskbar Menu\Home Assistant Taskbar Menu
[08/31/2021 16:08:39] NO CONFIGURATION
[08/31/2021 16:08:53] Unable to connect
[08/31/2021 16:09:04] Unable to connect
[08/31/2021 16:09:15] Unable to connect

is it something not compatible with the portable version of homeassistant? Here is my HA sys info

System Health

Version core- 2021.6.5
Installation Type Unknown
Development false
Supervisor false
Docker false
Virtual Environment false
Python Version 3.8.9
Operating System Family Windows
Operating System Ver 7
CPU Architecture AMD64
Timezone UTC

Home Assistant Community Store

GitHub API ok
Github API Calls Remaining 4935
Installed Version 1.12.4
Stage running
Available Repositories 877
Installed Repositories 8

Home Assistant Cloud

Logged In true
Subscription Expiration October 1, 2021, 7:00 AM
Relayer Connected true
Remote Enabled false
Remote Connected false
Alexa Enabled true
Google Enabled true
Reach Certificate Server ok
Reach Authentication Server ok
Reach Home Assistant Cloud ok


Dashboards 1
Resources 2
Views 1
Mode storage

Do you have websocket_api in a list of integrations in System info?



I can access Home assistant server running on this computer, from other computer on local network, using IP address.
from other PC, I use chome browser, I can access, and the UI shows up normally

I use Postman app, set the Authorization to Token, and input the Long Lived Token, then GET with command,
I got response “message : API running”

I’m not really sure what prevents app from running… I have installed both HassWP and clean HA Taskbar Menu on my PC and they worked without any problems…

BTW, this app uses websocket API to communicate with HA

I will try to install on fresh copy of Windows. Because this Windows already had much stuff going on and off… Thanks, man. I’ll get back after

You can try first on a clean copy of HassWP

Thanks for this app. And easy instructions! Appreciate it.

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Actually, are you please able to give a guide as to the format of the shortcut?

My entity ID is input_boolean.garage_door

This is what the instructions say:
call_service light.toggle {\"entity_id\": \"light.desk\"}

What would I change?