Weiser (KwikSet) Home Connect 620 Lock - Z-Wave inclusion issues

I have a zooz zac93 gpio z wave controller and am trying to add my first zwave device. It isn’t working, if I manually add the device with DSK and PIN, it does not show up as a door lock and does not expose any locking entities, only zwave status sensors.

If I try the QR code S2 SmartStart, it never gets included and just keeps adding random nodes that end up dead.

I am not at home, when I get back I can add debug level logs for zwave js UI and the controller debug logs.

It seems to get stuck waiting for the lock to respond during the s2 handshake.

Seems to error out after these log lines:

2024-07-31T15:22:37.228Z CNTRLR » [Node 140] Assigning SUC return route...
2024-07-31T15:22:37.228Z CNTRLR » [Node 140] Deleting SUC return route...

When I add it manually in control panel by its dsk and then enter it’s 5 digit pin, it adds it but, it doesn’t expose the locking stuff and no s2 or s0 encryption. It says unknown manufacturer and product id. Only status sensors.

This is a s2 capable lock and controller.

I enabled the z wave setting to allow for longer timeouts and am still getting the same results.

I have 2 of these locks I purchased and installed. Both of them are behaving the same. It’s hard for me to believe that 2 locks are faulty and exhibiting the exact same behaviours.

I forgot to mention this is my first attempt at anything zwave. I am familiar with zigbee but not zwave so forgive any glaring n00biness.

Edit: I updated the fw on the controller from 1.00->1.10->1.20 and am still having the same issue. Not really sure where to go from here.

Take a look at this thread and let us know if any of those suggestions help.

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Thanks for the reply! I had seen that thread and did bring my controller to within 2-3 ft of the lock. I was experiencing the same thing but I did not do any exclusion or anything before hand. It was near midnight and I was frustrated by that point so I don’t think I did a very good job at that moment.

I am going to try a complete nuke and factory reset on controller and both locks. I will give it another go and have the locks within 1-2 ft range during inclusion.

Really appreciate the help, thanks!

I am still experiencing the same issue. The controller is approx 12-13 inches away from the lock.

When using the S2 QR code inclusion method, after some time, a node does get added but, it is an unknown device with no encryption which means no lock/unlock entities. The controller then keeps trying to add the node using SmartStart which leaves dead nodes in its wake.

If I manually add the node by using DSK and PIN, I get “Node X added with security: None S2 timeout error” which adds a broken node like SmartStart.

Here is a more complete debug log of the SmartStart process:

Kwikset Home Connect 620 Z-Wave SmartStart inclusion issues · GitHub

Edit: Both the SmartStart and manual methods of inclusion error out around the same place in the S2 negotiation. I do see a fair amount of commands needing to be retried, is that normal? I don’t really have anything to reference on what’s normal or not, as this is my first foray into zwave.

I can also try to change how the ZAC93 is set up. It is currently attached to an esp8266 and being used via a serial stream like ser2net. I can use a USB-TTL adapter instead to see if that changes anything. I do have a pi 0 w2 to try as well.

I am currently using the HASS add-on so, I may change to a docker container setup. That way, I can open an issue in zwave-js repo if needed after trying to troubleshoot.

I am placing manually adding the node data here.

The node is added without encryption due to a timeout during S2 negotiation.

Near the end it tries to execute a command 3 times and then the S2 negotiation fails.

Edit: I have opened an issue in the zwavejs GitHub repo.

Switching to an esp32-c3 super mini has solved my problem.

I am quite curious as to what the issue on the 8266 might be. It’s only setup to stream serial over TCP and only has the zac93 on its hw UART. The logger is set to 0 baud to disable esphome logging over the HW UART.

An additional note is when the esp8266 was the host. The zwave protocol only reported regular zwave for the controller, the esp32 shows z-wave and Zwave LR.

Things are working as expected now.

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