Home Kit Devices Not showing in Home Assistant

I have two new wifi based plug sockets that Home Assistant has no integration for, but they work fine in HomeKit.

So I launch the homekit controller integration and all I get is that “No unpaired devices could be found”

I have deleted my “house” in HomeKit and all that is in there are the two plug sockets. So this should be easy.

What am I missing?

That’s the issue: HomeKit devices cannot be paired to more than one controller (hence the “no unpaired devices could be found” error). So you have to remove them from the Home app on iOS, possibly reset them (device-dependent), then add them to HA.


I have the same problem, but don’t understand exactly what to do.

I have some Smart Plugs from Meross (which are really annoying…) but they work (most oft the time) with Apple Home, and they used to work with Home Assistant before the October Update. I have then removed the HomeKit Controller from HomeAssistant hoping it would somehow be possible to get everything reconnected. But it didn’t work.

I am pretty sure that at the first time I have connected everything I only had to add a HomeKit Controller and everything in HomeKit was available in HomeAssistant.

That’s what I’ve done now:

I have removed one of Smart Plugs from Apple home and reset it.

Then I have tried to add a new HomeKit Controler to Home Assistant have the same issue “No unpaired devices could be found”.

What is the correct way to get those plugs reconnected with Home Assistant?

Can someone provide some “step-by-step” instructions please?

Thanks, Timo

As soon as you do it right, it works…

To all who have the same problem:
If a corresponding device is connected in Apple Home and you want it in Home Assistant, you just need to remove it from Apple Home, but not reset it. So it remains connected to WiFi and can be found by Home Assistant.
These devices were now displayed in HA without searching after I removed them from AH.

With a HomeKit Bridge you can make the device available for Apple Home again, so that it can be switched on and off via the Apple app.

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I wish I had got those instructions when I first had this issue… I returned them to Amazon and tried something else… Too bad. next time I will try your instructions.

I had some more of these problems these days. Some of the plugs were disconnected suddenly and I was not able to re-connect them. Additionally I was trying to get some plugs from last year working for Christmas lighting. They are not working. Some of the switches seem to be broken.

I called Amazon and they offered me a refund for all my Meross stuff (3 outdoor and 12 indoor plugs). So I sent them all back.

So I absolutely cannot recommend Meross devices. From my point of view, they are total crap.

I have the same problem, my honeywell t6 thermostat showed up the first time and it worked for a time but then it disappeared. I haven’t been able to have it back on HA.
I reset it a few time, didn’t change anything. I got it in Apple Home app but not on ha. I tried to use netdisco on my computer it didn’t discover any device, and I don’t understand how to use it on my home assistant instance (In the bash terminal it doesn’t even have python installed). I don’t know what I can try next, maybe I’m doing something wrong…

Same story, maybe try to ping the IP adress of your devices from HA’s bash consol, make sure its not a wifi problem

I have done all of this and reset the device but now getting this message when trying to add Homekit into HA ( HomeKit Controller No unpaired devices could be found)

I can confirm this approach works. I sought specifically how to integrate Dirigera shades into HA, leading me to this post via another similar discussion where a similar (but with unnecessary steps) approach was prescribed. Here are the steps to what worked for me, boiled down, as of the date of this post:

1 | Removed IKEA Home Smart app’s association with HomeKit. I did this from within the IKEA app on my iPhone.

2 | I did NOT remove any devices from the IKEA app. Its setup and functionality remain the same.

3 | I verified there were no instances of my shades left in HomeKit and HA’s lists of entities after the disconnects of 1 & 2 above.

4 | I integrated a fresh iteration of Apple > HomeKit Bridge from the from HA’s Devices & Services page. In doing so, I was able to confirm at that time that the proper shade-related entities were present and available to HA.

5 | The rest you should be able to handle. Good luck!

I came across this today because I have been having the same issue with my Honeywell T6 thermostat. I followed your instructions and it worked. Lets hope it stays that way as it used to work fine and then became disconnected