Hi, Since I’m running my Home-Assistant in a virtual python environment and on an Ubuntu server, I’ve written a small bash-script to ease my updates.
If anyone has a solution to make it autoupdate whenever a new Home-Assistant update is available, I would love to hear from you.
echo ''
echo ''
echo '##########################################'
echo 'Upgrading Home Assistant to latest version'
echo '##########################################'
echo ''
echo ''
echo 'Stopping Home-Assistant'
service homeassistant stop
echo ''
echo 'Updating Linux'
apt-get update
echo -e $TEXT_YELLOW
echo 'APT update finished...'
echo -e $TEXT_RESET
echo 'Upgrading dist'
apt-get -y dist-upgrade
echo -e $TEXT_YELLOW
echo 'APT distributive upgrade finished...'
echo -e $TEXT_RESET
apt-get -y upgrade
echo -e $TEXT_YELLOW
echo 'APT upgrade finished...'
echo -e $TEXT_RESET
echo 'Autoremoving unused services'
apt-get -y autoremove
echo -e $TEXT_YELLOW
echo 'APT auto remove finished...'
echo -e $TEXT_RESET
echo 'Cleaning unused configurations'
apt-get clean
echo 'Purging unnessesary packets'
apt-get purge -y $(dpkg -l | awk '/^rc/ { print $2 }')
echo 'Changing directory'
cd /srv/homeassistant
echo 'Activating virtual environment'
source /srv/homeassistant/bin/activate
echo ' Updating PIP'
pip install --upgrade pip
echo ' Running PIP / Upgrading'
python3 -m pip install --upgrade homeassistant
echo 'Deactivating virtual environment'
echo 'Restarting Home Assistant service'
service homeassistant restart
1 Like
Similarly here’s my HA downgrade script for getting back to the version that worked last quickly:
echo "Stopping HomeAssistant"
sudo systemctl stop [email protected]
read -r -p "Do you want to compile remove the HomeAssistant database?" response
if [ $response = "y" ]
echo "Removing old HomeAssistant database"
rm /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/home-assistant_v2.db
echo "Continuing on without removing the database..."
read -r -p "What version do you want to revert back to?" version
echo "Activating Python vEnv"
source /srv/homeassistant/bin/activate
python3 -m pip install homeassistant==$version
echo "Starting HomeAssistant"
sudo systemctl start [email protected]
Works on Debian, so should work on Debian variants like Ubuntu.
(Mark Bajaj)
May 15, 2019, 2:13pm
I use this script:
bash << EOF
echo "**********************************************************"
echo "*********************** Stop HA **************************"
echo "**********************************************************"
echo " "
echo "systemctl stop home-assistant@homeassistant"
echo " "
systemctl stop home-assistant@homeassistant
sudo su -s /bin/bash homeassistant << DOF
sleep 1
echo " "
echo "********************* HA is Stopped **********************"
echo " "
cd /srv/homeassistant
source bin/activate
python3 -m pip install --upgrade homeassistant
sleep 2
echo "**********************************************************"
echo "********************** Start HA *************************"
echo "**********************************************************"
echo "systemctl start home-assistant@homeassistant"
systemctl start home-assistant@homeassistant
echo " "
sleep 3
echo "**********************view HA log*************************"
echo " "
sleep 3
journalctl -f -u home-assistant@homeassistant
I just run it once i see HA update available. Maybe set an automation that if update available run script?
May 15, 2019, 4:26pm
Bookmarking this thread!!
Good info here.
Many thanks.
Your script contains apt-get
so I assume that you are running the whole bash script as sudo
How do you then avoid that the HA upgrade part is then not mixing up permissions between your privileged user and the user running HA?
I had to go through some more trouble to script the HA upgrade and retain correct permissions .