Homekit Infused 5 (HKI) v2023.1.3

I’ve installed HKI on a clean installation in a VM to give it a try. Everything seems to work, i have the Homekit Infused button, and get the welcome message.
As far as I know i followed the installation instructions to the letter.
I have 8 lights installed and 2 switches just for testing purposes.
I’ve added them in the customize.yaml and in the device_counters.yaml
I’ve also setup the room_config.yaml and wanted to try the first addon card.
I’ve tried the autofill lights card and autofill devices card.
Again, followed the installation instructions and copied the example, but upon copying the example config in a newly created lights.yaml under the views/lights/… i get all kinds of errors…
what am I doing wrong?


  friendly_name: Ceiling 1
  type: light-color-temp
  room: livingroom
  friendly_name: Ceiling 2
  type: light-color-temp
  room: livingroom
  friendly_name: Ceiling 3
  type: light-color-temp
  room: livingroom
  friendly_name: Ceiling 4
  type: light-color-temp
  room: livingroom
  friendly_name: Ceiling 5
  type: light-color-temp
  room: livingroom
  friendly_name: Divider Top
  type: light-rgb
  room: livingroom
  friendly_name: Divider Middle
  type: light-rgb
  room: livingroom
  friendly_name: Divider Bottom
  type: light-rgb
  room: livingroom

  friendly_name: Outdoors 1
  type: switch
  room: livingroom
  friendly_name: Outdoors 2
  type: switch
  room: livingroom


  - livingroom
  - diningroom

# Which rooms to show on devices view?
  - livingroom
devices_rooms_floor_4:# Which rooms to show on lights view?
  - livingroom
  - diningroom

# Which rooms to show on devices view?
  - livingroom


- type: custom:layout-card
  max_columns: 3
    {% for rooms in _global.lights_rooms_floor_0 %}
    - !include
      - '../../../base/templates/auto-fill/auto-fill-lights-template.yaml'
      - rooms: {{ rooms }}
        columns: 3
    {% endfor %}

I’ve also checked (NOT EDITED) the auto-fill-lights-template.yaml which is also swarming with red lines, all saying missed comma between flow collection entries

Does it work?
You can ignore the errors from the IDE, it can’t handle the syntax correctly in this case.

You can ignore the warnings like said in the previous post. What you can try is open the HKI settings and enable the floor selector. Then go back to the lights view and change the floors to see what happens (since I believe it defaults to floor 1).

If you only have one floor you can disable it again afterwards as the setting is persistent. Also make sure you restart HA after changing the user configuration files.

No, It doesn’t work…
I see the 5 floors, even i have only filled in 1. And it shows 2 rooms, but no lights.
Changing floors doesn’t do anything either. Pressing -1 makes it yellow. pressing 0 makes that yellow. but pressing 2, makes 2 & 3 yellow…
Whatever I press, it always shows Livingroom and Bedroom, but no tiles.

Suggestion: it’s extra confusing now with 0 being the basement in the config, but on this view you have a -1…

I’d suggest going the English way… Where you have (G)round floor and (1)st floor. American will be confusing as overthere the ground floor (begane grond) is the same as the first floor… They use 2nd floor as being the 1e verdieping…


After I updated browser mod 1.2.3 to 1.3.0, all the popups don’t work anymore.
I returned to 1.2.3, then popups work well again.
Something is changed in browser mod integration?

Yes, the latest browser mod doesnt work with HKI (yet). Expect a fix very soon.

Thank you for your reply!! :+1: :+1:

do people ever read release notes Release 1.3.0 BREAKING RECOMMENDED UPGRADE · thomasloven/hass-browser_mod · GitHub

can’t expect Thomas have it attract more attention now can we :wink:

For the people wondering when I will fix HKI to work properly with browser_mod 1.3.0 I have some bad news.

Browser_mod changed a few ways that popups and toasts function. It also seems not to work well with custom-cards (yet).

However there is a way I could temporarily fix the problem. I wonder how you guys think about the following (temporary) solutions:

  1. Either I wait until Thomas AND Romrider update their cards (button-card needs an update for this as well unfortunately). This means staying on browser_mod 1.2.3 until they have fixed it. This will make all the popups continue to work as you were used to for a while now.

  2. I remove device_id: this from all the templates, this WILL make the popups work as before, BUT will ALSO be shown on ALL other devices that are logged in at that same moment. What this means is that if you open a popup on your device, it will also open that same popup on all other logged in devices. I guess this probably only annoying when using tablets on a wall, since I don’t think that many people actually use the HA app at the same time often. This will allow for browser_mod 1.3.0 (I have tested this and works fine)

What do you guys prefer, option 1 or option 2?

Option 1 for me.

Hi, I am pretty new to Home Assistant. I am trying to install hki configuration and I see below error

Package hki_configuration setup failed. Component frontend has duplicate key 'app-header-background-color'

Can anyone help with this issue that I’m seeing.


Make sure you have the themes folder outside of the packages folder!!

The themes folder must be in the root folder of home assistant.

I prefer option 1 too.

Today Romrider posted Button Card update.
May I update button card and browser mod now?
Or wait for your fix for this?

Thank you always.

You can basically update everything except browser_mod

1 Like

Thank you. :slight_smile:

Hi, I updated by mistake to latest mod_browser. Any chance to downgrade it?

Thanks a ton @jimz0 for the quick reply. I have one other question about the popup card. I cam trying to adding the light and thermostat popup card and when i add them in nothing happens on clicking the card. Can you help me in figuring out on what i am doing wrong.

This is what I have for thermostat popup card

title: Home
background: >-
  center / cover no-repeat url("/local/images/homekit/homekit_background.jpg")
    title: ''
      position: fixed
      z-index: 999
      top: 0
      left: 0
      height: 100%
      width: 100%
      display: block
      align-items: center
      justify-content: center
      background: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)'
      flex-direction: column
      margin: 0
      '--iron-icon-fill-color': '#FFF'
      type: 'custom:thermostat-popup-card'
      entity: climate.main_floor
  - title: Overview
    path: overview
    panel: true

And this is where I am trying to call it on tap.

- entity: climate.main_floor
       type: 'custom:thermostat-popup-card'

I have downgraded my browser-mod to 1.2.3 from 1.3.0 as there is a breaking change.

Sujith G

It’s very easy.
Just reinstall older version in HACS.

  1. Can you use the remote card with nvidia shield normally? I can increase and decrease the volume, but I cannot use the other buttons. I have already installed the ADB add-on.
  2. Can I change the source code of the remote control and change some button commands to control with the broadlink?

Found it!!! thanks.