Homekit Infused 5 (HKI) v2023.1.3

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That should be fine though, could you also share the line that refers to packages in configuration.yaml?

Yes this is it

  packages: !include_dir_named packages/

Hm looks good too.

What you can try is opening up that configuration file again hki_configuration.yaml and change all the lines that contain this ../../ to ../../../

Make sure you get all of them in this file. You might need to check the other files as well, but I don’t think they reference other files (but I am not sure so check to be sure).

It is kind of a pain since you will have to repeat this step after each update. On the other hand, I do not push updates very often so it might work for weeks or months. Just keep it in mind if you are going to update.

Edit: only for the files within the packages folder!

Hi I have a short question.

Is it possible to add a switch button to the light Popup card?
I use the Circadian Lighting integration and it would be nice to have the button to activate it directly in the popup card. That prevents me to add an extra button for it.

Set the type to rgb or color-temp this will force the button to take either of the two presets.
The settings button should take you to all options in case that isn’t enough.

Oh sorry, this is a misunderstanding.

The Button should be for a different entity.
For example, the light entity is “light.spots_wohnzimmer”, and the second entity for Circadian Lighting
is “switch.circadian_lighting_spots_schlafzimmer_hcl”

Ah no, you can add it if you create the popup manually. It is quite some work.

I solved this differently by adding a view selector with circadian (I use adaptive lighting instead, but the base was circadian lighting so I am guessing it functions similarly).

So I made an extra category that just handles adaptive lighting (as in general it is always turned on here anyways and most of the time when it needs to turn off I automated it).

Hi Jim,

thank you for your quick response. Do you have some advice for a good tutorial on how to create a popup manually?
I was also thinking about adding a button for adaptive light, but it’s a few clicks more.
In my opinion, it would be better to have it right there where you can also set the color temperature.


Btw it’s very nice how you realized my idea with the glowing shadow in the current set color.
I love it :heart_eyes:

I understood what you meant. The thing is, I think most people will have adaptive lighting (if they even use it at all) per room or per sets of lights instead of each light having a separate button for adaptive lighting.

What it means is that I can’t really create something for it that would suit everyones needs. Creating your own popup is an option, but you would have to do it for every button that you want to have a different popup (those popups do have quite a few lines of code).

What I could try is adding a slot for an extra card in the settings page. But as I am not the creator of the popup card I found that using other cards than the ones currently supplied do not always tend to work nicely.

Ok thank you. Can you give me a link for documentation of this custom popup?

Hi, I’m having some issues with basic HKI functionality. I’m trying to access my profile but whenever I click the button nothing happens. This is a base installation and I haven’t been able to reproduce it on my friend’s installation either.

(I click the rightmost button, nothing happens.)

Going into the config.yaml file I didn’t touch much except edit the profile menu to be simpler, it now looks like this:

    markdown: >
      This is a Test

and the visual code linter makes it look like this:

In your HKI tutorial video, for example, that angle bracket is orange, so I feel like that may have something to do with it, but I’m using everything pretty much out of the box. Any ideas? I’m drawing blanks here.

edit: On your next video you say that this is an issue with button-card, but I followed the fix by copying the files from the fixes repository, and I’m still having issues.

Question: do the other buttons in the header open up a popup?

If no, please make sure to install button-card (also make sure you tick ‘show beta versions’ and make sure that you install the latest beta).

The other buttons do not open a popup. I had button-card installed with v3.5.0-dev.1, which shows up as the only beta for me, and when that didn’t work I replaced button-card.js and button-card.js.gz with the ones in your repository.

Edit: I redownloaded button-card on HACS for the third time, this time it works. Go figure.

Probably a caching issue. If something like that happens in the future try opening an incognito window (as they have their cache cleared for sure). If it works then you will know at least that the problem was cache.

Thanks for the advice. I’ll check that if it happens again.

Next question: Is there a way to have the default HA theme be one of the custom themes? I’m working on a custom theme and I keep having to enable the theme on my profile every time I restart.

Right now I have an automation that feels like it should work, but doesn’t.

alias: Set HKI Dark Theme on Start
  - platform: homeassistant
    event: start
  - service: frontend.set_theme
      name: HKI Custom Dark
mode: single

Yeah @Slid61 , you don’t need that automation, just open the HKI theme settings and make the theme persistent there.

d’oh, that actually makes a lot of sense.

That being said, that seems to be a device-specific setting. I have to enable that for any phones/tablets that connect to HA as well, right?

No those settings are Global (at least if you have selected the backend-selected theme on your profile). But if you haven’t changed this setting on a profile before then it will already have this selected by default.

With profile I mean the following page:

I do have to mention that on some iOS devices it doesn’t work at all and ONLY this profile setting will work (has to do with the system theme, whether it is light or dark at that moment and I do no longer possess Apple devices to test it).

Now see, I definitely have that setting enabled on my profile, but I just tried it on my Android phone and the theme on startup was the HA default. My friend on his own server is reporting the same on both Android phone and tablets.