Homematic reconnect does not work

Thanks Daniel!
Would the workaround you mentioned in one of the posts above still be a possible solution?

Maybe. I have not tried it, and I don’t have the time to take care of this. But if someone is willing to give it a shot, the relevant code is somewhere around here.

If you mean restarting manually rather than needing a restart at all you could use one or both of the approaches in the docs and replace the homematic.reconnect with homeassistant.restart; you’ll still have a reboot everytime the ccu looses its connection, though.
I didn’t have connection issues besides a restart of the ccu so far, therefore I only am using the not-so-solid approach with the last reboot time at the moment:

- alias: HomeMatic CCU Reboot
  description: ''
    platform: state
    entity_id: sensor.v_last_reboot
  # - service: homematic.reconnect
  - service_template: persistent_notification.create
      title: "CCU rebooted"
      message: "Restarting in 30 seconds."
  - delay: '00:00:30'
  - service: homeassistant.restart

If you’re going to use the other approach, maybe you should use some form of preventing permanent reboots if the connection can’t be restored or only notify yourself of the connection loss and have a homeassistant.restart shortcut on your dashboard to manually trigger - in the latter case you’d at least detect the connection loss automatically.

opened a bug in github - maybe there will be a solution

That’s actually not a bug RaspberryMatic can fix. It’s the server binary that gets published by eq3. RaspberryMatic is just reusing the binary if I’m not mistaken.