HomeWizard Energy (Wi-Fi P1 meter, kWh meter, Energy Socket and Water Meter)

Does anyone know how I can manipulate the “start value” of the Homewizard WIFI water meter in Home Assistant? It now starts counting at 0, but I would like to take the actual value as a starting point of course :slight_smile:
I thought I could do it with “set state” but apparently it doesn’t work that way

I’ve simply created a template sensor like this:

- sensor:
  - name: "sensor.eau_compteur_total"
    unique_id: "sensor.eau_compteur_total"
    unit_of_measurement: "m³"
    state_class: total
    state: >
      {{ (states('sensor.watermeter_3c39e72d1234_total_water_usage') | float) + 968.574 }}

where 968.574 was my actual value when I installed the connected water meter.


For what it’s worth, personally, I eventually did not set those up, because it is nicely taken care of by the energy dashboard (where you can view the figures by day, week, month, year)

Does anyone facing this issue:

My gas reading is stuck at a constant value in home assistant, but not in the Energy app. This is the API response from my P1 meter. Home assistant sensor value is stuck at the highlighted number


Time to re-plug the P1-power supply, I had that also a couple of times.

@SvanGool I tried re-plug and reset, but that didn’t work. It seems the highlighted value is getting updated in the API

Rebooting does not help you. You should contact your net supplier to remove the connected gas meter that is physically removed in 07-21, or wait for this PR to be accepted.

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Thanks @DCSBL

I currently have HA and a P1 meter running in our new house, but we don’t live there yet. I’m currently using my ISP modem/router. When we will move to the new house, I’ll be moving my Unifi network here and I’ll need to change the IP of my P1 meter. Is there a way to update my configuration in HA without having to delete and readd the P1 meter?

Since yesterday evening, upgrade to Core 4.0, I lost all the Homeward devices.

They are well wifi connected (accessible with HW app).

If I remove the entity and re-add it, I get a “unreachable” error for the IP address.

Unplugging the socking and replugging make them re-appear as new integration entities, and it works.
For a while.
20-30 minutes later, same symptoms.

Could it be a regression with the Core 4.0 and the HW integration ?

Edit: reply to myself

Trigger found: the host to the VM went to suspend (wrong setting), resetting the network adapter of the VM when it woke up.

However, the only integration to suffer from this is the HomeWizard. Some root cause to look at?

Is it possible to get the date out of the peak demand current month ?

how do I do this ?

for me the watermeter did not give anything as well, a reboot was enough to get them visible again

Maybe a strange quistion! But where to put in the price for consumption from Elec, Gas and water?



Edit ‘Energy’ in dashboards → Open your Home Assistant instance and show your dashboard configs.

Did that but there is still coming 0 and think also the times have to be adjusted for Tarive 1 or 2

I have 2 entities
entity: sensor.p1_meter_5c2faf04a1f2_total_power_import
entity: sensor.p1_meter_5c2faf04a1f2_total_power_export_t2

How can I extract how much import and export I had yesterday? I can see the right values in the energy dashbord, but when I use them I see the total

You can create a Utility Meter helper, it has an attribute “last_period”. If you use a daily reset cycle, last_period will be “yesterday”.

Maybe you have to create a combined sensor first to get import - export. Use the “Combine state of several” helper for this.

Open your Home Assistant instance and show your helper entities.

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I write at 00:00 the data to a input_number.
For today i calculated the live value minus the value at 00:00.
At 00:00 i write this calculated value to another input_number, so i can see the value of yesterday.

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I can make a utility helper for a day, but I dont know to make it for yesterday…