HomeWizard Energy (Wi-Fi P1 meter, kWh meter, Energy Socket and Water Meter)

I got it to work now. I’m not applying the update service onto the device, but only onto the entities:

The YAML is:

alias: Update KWh meter 3-phase
description: >-
  - platform: time_pattern
    minutes: /1
condition: []
  - service: homeassistant.update_entity
    data: {}
        - sensor.kwh_meter_3_phase_active_power
        - sensor.kwh_meter_3_phase_total_power_import
        - sensor.kwh_meter_3_phase_wi_fi_ssid
mode: single

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Did anyone face problem when wrong gas meter ID is being shown in Homewizard entities?

In the Homewizard app itself correct meter is displayed, but wrong meter is provided via API to HA.

Anyone knows how to fix such?

Hi, just installed the KWH meter for my panels, the direction is normally good
i see an positive export , also i see in my app like below, but the active power phase are negative? is this normal? Is it because i dont have an P1 meter yet ?
Or is it because i’m more consuming then production

Negative means “export according to the kWh meter”. So your kWh is saying your solar panels are producing 12,955 kWh, nice!

Nothing more nothing less. This has nothing to do with your own consumption, you need a P1 meter or something else that measures your main connection.

hmm, thats a decimal issue, its only 12W at this moment for that phase
But anyway, the connectiosn are good? :slight_smile:

Ow sorry, unit_of_measurement is ‘W’. So 12,955 watt.

But your setup seems to be correct.

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Hi Friedrieck,
Would you mind sharing a daily and a weekly utility meter which captures daily/weekly data?
I am struggling in setting up these meters.
Thanks a lot.
KR, Chris

Hi @chrispie50,
I can’t paste yaml code for those, because I have used the helpers. Simply add new helpers, of the type utility meter, select the watermeter total water usage sensor, the frequency, and that’s about it.

Hypothetically, what would happen if WiFi was turned of for a feew hours. Will Home Assistant be updated with the missed hours?

And if so… how?

  1. Will it add all the missed data as one datapoint in the last hour.
  2. Will it retroactively add the data in the correct hours?

An offline meter will be treated as ‘no consumption’. So no graphs or backfilling.


I was thinking to use a 3-phase Wifi kWh meter to measure mains power, water boiler and cooker, which are the two main appliances drawing power in the house and are rated too high for other simple sensors.

Would this work? Would I need a subscription to read the 3 different phases in the Home Assistant integration?

I have in the past used 3 of those contactless clamp current sensors to do that and it was working fine, but it wasn’t a very clean installation, it wasn’t so accurate and it had noisy output.

I have a 1-phase Wifi kWh meter for the mains and I’m pretty happy with it. I would be even happier if I could measure also the other appliances with one device!

I was thinking to use a 3-phase Wifi kWh meter to measure mains power, water boiler and cooker, which are the two main appliances drawing power in the house and are rated too high for other simple sensors.

Care to share the MPD of the appliances? Any < 3680W?

Would this work? Would I need a subscription to read the 3 different phases in the Home Assistant integration?

Yes, you do need the subscription to read the 3-Phase graph.

The benefits of Energy+

I use the Wi-Fi kWh meter 3-phase MID for my 3-phase solar inverter. Great product.

off topic: very happy with all HomeWizard products I use atm. :smiley:

No, not true. No subscription is needed to generate 3-Phase graphs in Home Assistant. Totally free and unlimited.

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Thanks for the clarification.

I thought you should be able to see each of the 3 phase in Home Assistant, I just saw there is a new option to completely disconnect the HA integration from the cloud, but I wasn’t sure. Credit to Homewizard for adding the option and keeping the HA integration free of subscription for all the data.

The other 2 appliances I would like to measure are the solar water heater, which draws 3600W (but 20A fuse) and the electric cooker with oven, which for sure can draw more than 3600W (that’s just the two bigger electric hobs, not including two smaller hobs and the oven) though I couldn’t find the spec, but it has a 40A fuse. I have used a Sonoff rated for 20A on another project for the water heater, but I can’t find anything for the cooker.

Any reason why I wouldn’t be able to connect one phase of the 3-phase kWh meter to the cooker?

Thank you for correcting my bad. It’s the HomeWizard app that needs the subscription as per the table shown above.

Did homewizzard made a change to its API sinds 20 dec I’m missing al lot of values like current power and current gas in my homeassistant and when I look at the api these values are missing or have the wrong dimmension w and not Kwh.
Will this be fixed ? I bought homewizzard just to have a good integration and it was working well beginning of dec last year

No, no changes are made.

The available sensors reflect the data exposed by your smart meter, maybe something is changed there.

You can open an issue on GitHub if you are unsure.

I’ using a Home Wizard P1 meter for over a year to use excess solar energy instead of sending it to the grid.
This is partcularly interesting for me in the spring and autumn to save gas by automatically switching on-off an IR panel.
However, from time to time the connection with HA is lost, making it unreliable.
In the screenshot you can see it happening multiple times and the connection mostly recovers but sometimes it doesn’t and then I have to make connection again by pushing the HomeWizard button. The P1 meter always keeps connection with it’s app, so no problem there.
I’m using a mesh with OpenWRT and wondered if setting a fix IP adress would help but didn’t succeed in doing that.

Do you have any advise for me?

Did you check in the settings of your router if it is possible to fix the IP address of you P1 meter by configuring your DHCP server to always give the same IP address, based on the MAC address of your P1 meter.
I do this for a number of IP devices in my home network
I don’t have an openwrt based router, but I always read that openwrt provides really extended settings compared to lots of commercial home routers.

I did some googling and found this in the openwrt documentation:
It is called static lease in openwrt.


and via command line

I made the change in OpenWRT. let’s see if it works.
Thanks for the research!