Homewizard intergration

Dear All,

I found out what the problem was with getting the status of an switch
like underneath statement:

    value_template: '{{ value_json.response.switches[4].status=="on" }}'

The numer between the brackets is not the number of the ID but it is the number of the place in the Array of the switches.

If you want to know what number you have to put between the brackets, go to http://IP/Homewizard_Password/get-status

You get the status of all devices connected to your home wizard.
I saw in my system the status of the switches if you look closely you see that the id numbers are not exactly adding up. See the example how you can see which array number you have to put between the brackets for which id:

“switches”:[ Array Numbers:
{“id”:0,“type”:“switch”,“status”:“off”}, 0
{“id”:3,“type”:“switch”,“status”:“off”}, 1
{“id”:4,“type”:“switch”,“status”:“off”}, 2
{“id”:5,“type”:“switch”,“status”:“on”}, 3
{“id”:8,“type”:“switch”,“status”:“on”}, 4
{“id”:9,“type”:“switch”,“status”:“off”}] 5

if i want to readout the status of ID 8 i put the underneath lines in my code:

    command_state: curl "http://IP:Port/Homewizard_Password/get-status"
    value_template: '{{ value_json.response.switches[4].status=="on" }}'

This is working perfectly,

Good luck with programming :wink:

With the commands in the yaml file i can see the switch in my entities but not in the interface. What am i doing wrong?

Sorry had to with syntax copied from the site but it’s working now.

Hi I’m only just starting with HA, and am really struggeling to follow some of the implementations.
I really want to embed my Homewizard Link in to HA. However I am not sure if this is possible. This is a new kind of Hub from Homewizard. I don’t have the Homewizard itself, and therefore cannot find my switches though the http request.
Are there any ways to implement de Homewizard Link into HA?
I dont mind setting up a proxy or somthing, however the HTTP Rest API is no longer available. So I cannot try that out either.
Is there anyone who can help me out?

I am a little bit confused with local control, with app it works:

  1. What is password exactly- Homewizard one or the one assigned by app to controller?
  2. IP port- is it always 80?
  3. When I go to the IP and try to log in- user and password- which ones?
    As You can see I am somehow stuck on primitive problems :frowning: maybe due to very sparse documentation (besides my elderly and tired brain :slight_smile:
    TIA, JR

I tried to control my comfy sunscreen via homewizard however this code doesn’t work in my config.yaml file.

Because the “command_up”,“command_down” & “command_stop” wasn’t recognized, is there a way to work around? Or maybe a different approach?

Best regards.


Try and change “switch” into “covers“ and “vswitch” into “curtains”.
In your command change “sf” into “sw”.
This works for me.

Thnxs JonOv :+1:t3:

Will try this in a couple of days. The wind is quit strong today and tomorrow.:grimacing:

@JonOv Today I tried the new set up. And it worked. Indeed I had to put it under “cover” .

Thnxs a lot.

to get the degrees of the wind direction, use:

value_template: “{{ value_json.response.windmeters[0].dir.split (’ ')[1] }}”

After some months started again with HASSIO as I was still curious to get it working after crashing/locked SD cards before.
Now have the fully HomeWizard working in HA after some googling and trying as only the curl command did not work and needed some extra instructions.
Also added the HomeKit and now as well directly available in HomeKit on iPhone and iPad.
So your HomeWizard can still work as a great Rx/Tx hub without investing in other extra equipment.

Dear Tinus,
I’m having the same problem.
What is the correct code?

This is mine, what am i missing?


  • platform: command_line



      command_up: curl “http://192.168.1.xxx/password/sw/41/up”
      command_down: curl “http://192.168.1.xxx/password/sw/41/down”
      command_stop: curl “http://192.168.1.xxx/password/sw/41/stop”
      friendly_name: rolluik1

With regards,

Hoi Eric:

Dit staat er in mijn config.yaml

- platform: command_line
command_open: curl “http://ipadres:80/password/sw/41/up
command_close: curl “http://ipadres:80/password/sw/41/down
command_stop: curl “http://ipadress:80/password/sw/41/stop

I don’t think “friendly name” is needed as it is just beneath covers. Just change “zonnescherm” to your choice “rolluik1”

And I would check if “41” is the id of your “rolluik1”. You can use this command:

Hopefully this works for you otherwise let me know.

Good Luck ::+1:t3:

PS. I don’t get the code in with correct spaces as in the yaml code.

Beste Tinus/Dear Tinus,

I’ll look into it en let you know!

It Works!!!
Thank you so much/bedankt Tinus

Great!!! :smiley:

Hello everybody,
i am using the princess smart glass heater which is using the homewizard app.
I connected the heater with my WiFi and got the IP from my Fritz.Box.
From where do it get the mentioned password above? Or is everybody using a bridge between the IoT device and the router? Because I do not find a password anywhere for the API.


I also have the same heater and cant get it to work, it doesn’t seem to be listening on port 80 or any other port that i can see from a port scan

Same heater, would be awesome to have it in HA.
There are no open ports and the traffic is TLS1.2, so i guess we never going to have HA integration.

Got some more info about the heaters! i digged in ssl mitm proxy and got the homewizard android app mapped out.

So now i have a highly experimental HomewizardToMQTT bridge, readonly for now.
We still need the homewizard cloud because we are emulating the android app.

MQTT Examples:
homewiz/heater/3c39e7217cc0/state/power_on true
homewiz/heater/3c39e7217cc0/state/target_temperature 16
homewiz/heater/3c39e7217cc0/state/current_temperature 15
homewiz/heater/3c39e7217cc0/state/mode low
homewiz/heater/3c39e7217cc0/state/lock True
homewiz/heater/3c39e7217cc0/state/timer 0
homewiz/heater/3c39e7217cc0/state/current_temperature 16
homewiz/heater/3c39e7217cc0/state/current_temperature 15
homewiz/heater/3c39e7217cc0/state/current_temperature 16


I need to add some more stuff to the code before i make it public and i want to integrate it with the HVAC MQTT Climate control in HA.

i am by no means a good coder, just a system engineer with some basic knowledge. So any dev with python websocket, mqtt and asyncio experience > contact me.

Now i can also control the heater in HA:

todo: HVAC MQTT climate and a lot nicer code

That was easy!


EDIT! Hey @viertel97 @M3ntalBadg3r , Its a lot easier than expected, iv got full offline control! ill keep you posted…

I am also interested in this @a1ad. We are talking about the homewizard climate app, right ?