Running the latest 0.17.x release noticed the ‘active fault’ was showing as Unavailable this morning and saw the below in the logs:
Logger: ramses_rf.protocol.transport
Source: /usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ramses_rf/protocol/
First occurred: 22 January 2022, 00:20:55 (6 occurrences)
Last logged: 05:58:19
000 I --- --:------ 36:000268 --:------ F1FF 023 0011017E80B5478233304339204930333A303535353036 < Cant create packet (ignoring): Corrupt addresses: Invalid addr set: --:------ 36:000268 --:------
000 RQ --- --:------ 10:050588 --:------ 30C9 001 01 < Cant create packet (ignoring): Corrupt addresses: Invalid addr set: --:------ 10:050588 --:------
000 RQ --- --:------ 10:050588 --:------ 00C9 001 03 < Cant create packet (ignoring): Corrupt addresses: Invalid addr set: --:------ 10:050588 --:------
000 RQ --- --:------ 10:050588 --:------ 0006 001 00 < Cant create packet (ignoring): Corrupt addresses: Invalid addr set: --:------ 10:050588 --:------
000 I --- 03:005559 --:------ 03:055596 30C9 003 000708 < Cant create packet (ignoring): Corrupt addresses: Invalid src/dst addr pair: 03:005559 --:------ 03:055596
Logger: ramses_rf.protocol.message
Source: /usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ramses_rf/protocol/
First occurred: 05:30:05 (149 occurrences)
Last logged: 07:56:43
I --- 01:050858 --:------ 01:050858 0418 022 000000B00704010000001C162BD27FFFFF7000000002 < AssertionError(07)
RP --- 01:050858 18:141846 --:------ 0418 022 000000B00704010000001C162BD27FFFFF7000000002 < AssertionError(07)
I --- 01:050858 --:------ 01:050858 0418 022 004000B00704010000001C162BF27FFFFF7000000002 < AssertionError(07)
RP --- 01:050858 18:141846 --:------ 0418 022 004000B00704010000001C162BF27FFFFF7000000002 < AssertionError(07)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ramses_rf/protocol/", line 382, in _validate
result = PAYLOAD_PARSERS.get(self.code, parser_unknown)(
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ramses_rf/protocol/", line 152, in wrapper
result = fnc(payload, msg, **kwargs)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ramses_rf/protocol/", line 596, in parser_0418
assert payload[8:10] in _0418_FAULT_TYPE, payload[8:10]
AssertionError: 07
Time (first occurrence) lines up with a ‘bogus’ 250C value for a faked sensor.03_xxxxxx device
Spike is not present on the Xiaomi BLE sensor being used as a faked device:
After a restart of HA, the ‘binary_sensor.01_050858_active_fault’ is still showing as unavailable - even though the rest of the zones are showing data correctly. I haven’t tried ‘restore_cache: false’, will have to try that later. Controller shows the sensor error:
I don’t have the ability to clear the fault log on the controller, no button…. And no accessible batteries to remove (per the Evohome documentation) on my ancient controller.
This is the first oddity I’ve seen in a new weeks, since I got rid of the DT92E (horrendous looking things) and replaced them all with the Xiaomi faked sensors.
Rooms that didn’t have external temperature readings previously, relying on the TRVs, now heat more consistently and pretty much never over or under-run…after a week or so for Evohome to adjust/relearn.