Honeywell CH/DHW via RF - evohome, sundial, hometronics, chronotherm

I have a EMS bus gateway that I’m willing to give away.

It is the older ESP8266 version, running the older firmware. I’m told it can be upgraded with a ESP32 chip relatively easily:

If you’re interested, PM me: all I ask is for someone to consider paying for postage.

I’m trying to fake a sensor for an existing zone with an hr92, I have already 1 zone with a fake sensor for a fee years but don’t remember how i did it.

I’m in the zone and have tried the button temperature sensor and then Remote sensor, pressed then the call fake device service in ha, but that pairs nothing. Did the same with rf device button and no succes eighter. Is this good of do I have to delete the zone and and the hr92 and a fake temp sensor?

Have you read here: Create new page · zxdavb/ramses_cc Wiki · GitHub

If the answer isn’t in there - let me know.

The other option is: there is a bug in the code, so perhaps:

  • let us know what version of ramses_cc you’re using
  • someone else could try faking a sensor (with that version) too - if two people report difficulty, then I’ll have a look

Yes I read that, but the evohome part is not in it so maybe I do something wrong there.
I’m using 0.21.5 and this code:

service: ramses_cc.fake_device
  device_id: "03:256006"

Edit: saw in the wiki that i need to add the new id firts to the know list, but still no luck.
But then I get this in the log: The device id does not exist: 03:256006

Deleting zone didn’t help, hopefully my schema is still good.

Found in this topic the how to for facking, this is What I did, and that is not working with the new id what I’m using in the know list.

Tried it with the known list disabled but stil not working and this fault in the log:
The device id does not exist: 03:256006

So i think i tried now everything, mabe someone else can try it?
but looks like a bug.

Post the ramses_cc: section of your configuration.yaml

Should it not be

  device_id: "03:999999"
  create_device: true

This is my configuration.yaml

  scan_interval: 60
    restore_schema: true
    restore_state:  true
  serial_port: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-SHK_NANO_CUL_868-if00-port0
    file_name: packet.log
    rotate_backups: 7
    enforce_known_list: true
  01:155341: {}
#    system:
#      appliance_control: 13:189740
    01:155341:                # Controller
    13:189740:                # BDR91 Ketel
    18:203293: {class: HGI}   # nanoCUL
    03:256005: {faked: true}  # BME680 Kantoor
#    03:256006: 

shall try it tommorrow
is start_binding also needed?
a few years ago both where not needed.

Oke, i have it working now, first indeed you need te create the device with the code:

service: ramses_cc.fake_device
  device_id: "03:256006"
  create_device: true

The you set your evohome in pairing mode for the remote sensor, and than you send the start pairing code:

service: ramses_cc.fake_device
  device_id: "03:256006"
  start_binding: true

on the evohome screen you now see a succesfull pair message.

After that i changed my configuration.yaml know list with the new sensor

    03:256006: {faked: true}

The did a reboot, but schema was not updated so i could not use the service ramses_cc.put_zone_temp, as stated in the wiki i then changed:

  restore_cache: false

After a reboot schema was still not updated, so changed:

  restore_cache: false
  restore_schema: false

After a reboot now the schema was good and i could use the service ramses_cc.put_zone_temp

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I guess you were looking at the wiki, after the edits I made last night?

It is still a WIP - I wonder if you have identified a typo - I will check it.

Don’t forget to put this back:

  restore_cache: true


    restore_schema: true
    restore_state: true

Yes, already done that.
But i had this in my config:

    restore_schema: true
    restore_state: true

So i changed first state to false, i see now what is in the wiki is for both so that was my bad.

Indeed i did read the updated wiki, maybe the creating and binding is a good addition to it.

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Actually, thinking about your experience, and the number of HA restarts needed, I am going to change a few things around to improve the UX.

Sensor faking is one of the highlights of ramses_cc - so we want it to be easy.

If you know how to do it, it’s not difficult. And 2 reboot it’s doable.
It’s still a hobby for me :wink:

I must be doing something silly. Can someone please confirm that this logger config should give me decoded messages in home-assistant.log. I’m getting output for protocol and transport, but no decoded messages.

  default: warn
#    homeassistant.core: debug 
#    ramses_rf.devices: debug
#    ramses_rf.entity: debug
    ramses_rf.message: info
    ramses_rf.protocol: info
    ramses_rf.transport: info
#    custom_components.ramses_cc: debug
#    custom_components.evohome_cc.sensor: debug

They are:

ramses_rf.dispatcher: info            # messages   Tx/Rx at app layer - usu. the logging you want (no RQs for readability)
# ramses_rf.protocol.protocol: info   # packets    Tx/Rx at upper (serial) layer (SENT/rcvd)
# ramses_rf.protocol.transport: info  # raw frames Tx/Rx at lower (RF) layer (incl. RSSI)

Thanks. Have updated the troubleshooting Wikki page.

Thanks: I have tweaked it a little.

  • it is definitely ramses_rf.protocol.protocol and not ramses_rf.protocol
  • it is definitely ramses_rf.protocol.transport and not ramses_rf.transport

… and regardless of that, the one you want is usually:

    ramses_rf.dispatcher: info
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I’ve just had a OTB installed, and I’m trying to understand how it operates. Looking at the decoded packets I cannot see how the controller tells the boiler what temperature to operate at. I’d appreciate it if someone could shed some light on this. Thanks