Honeywell CH/DHW via RF - evohome, sundial, hometronics, chronotherm

If you cast your mind back I had this problem with my ideal boiler.

Just a question out of curiosity, is it possible to fake a R8810A1018 (opentherm bridge?)

Or is it possible to see the boiler setpoint without having a opentherm bridge?

Background info: I have a very old oil burner without any logic. (always on), which I converted to something smarter. (a few temperature sensors, a shelly relay and a few safety devices (analogue))
So I can now set the boiler temperature and set pump speed, see boiler temp and return temp, on/off status.

I now made a ā€˜curveā€™ in HA based on the RAMSES ā€˜%demandā€™

But can I fake this to as an opentherm bridge?

I canā€™t get the send_packet service to work with any of the 0.30.x versions.
Iā€™m trying to send a packet to turn on/off the BDR relay, using the example from the GitHub wiki, which was working most recently a couple of weeks ago on 0.28.

Essentially, I call send_packet, and nothing appears in the packet log and there are no errors shown in the HA log at the time of calling the service.

My config is as below.

    enforce_known_list: true
  serial_port: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-SparkFun_evofw3_atmega32u4-if00
  scan_interval: 60
    file_name: packet.log
    rotate_backups: 7
    restore_schema: false
    send_packet: true
#    message_events: true
#  enforce_known_list: true
    01:172890: {class: controller}
    04:033094: {class: radiator_valve} #BR1
    04:032948: {class: radiator_valve} #BR2
    04:033104: {class: radiator_valve} #Bathroom
    04:032940: {class: radiator_valve} #LR1
    04:032942: {class: radiator_valve} #Office Main
    04:033100: {class: radiator_valve} #Kitchen
    04:076615: {class: radiator_valve} #Toilet
    04:076585: {class: radiator_valve} #BR3
    04:076583: {class: radiator_valve} #Upstairs
    04:076587: {class: radiator_valve} #Ensuite
    04:032944: {class: radiator_valve} #Office2
    04:033088: {class: radiator_valve} #LR2
    01:000730: {class: controller}
    01:136410: {class: controller}
    13:086478: {class: electrical_relay}
    52:000730: {class: hvac_device}
    08:000730: {class: jasper_interface} #I think this is a corrupted packet - no idea what a jasper_interface is!
    12:130337: {class: thermostat}
    12:113499: {class: thermostat}
    12:040870: {class: thermostat}
    18:000278: {class: gateway_interface} #possibly the relay controller
    12:194299: {class: thermostat}
    03:123456: {faked: true}  # faked thermostat for Downstairs hall

The send_packet action looks like this:

- service: ramses_cc.send_packet
    device_id: "18:000730"
    verb: I
    code: "0008"
    payload: "0000"

Iā€™m using an IndaloTech evofw3 USB dongle - I donā€™t know how to check the exact firmware version?

I can also try downgrading to 0.28 tomorrow evening and trying again and I have a packet log I can send if that is of use?

I also have a single heat demand sensor which remained as Unavailable despite restore schema/state set to false and the system running for 24h (prior to upgrade, more sensors were Unavailable, after, one remained).

Is there anything I can do to get send_packet working again, and the heat_demand showing correctly?

Most of the above devices IDs are have been eavesdropped from corrupted packets (some eavesdropping still takes place, despite the absence of enable_eavesdropping: true) - they shouldnā€™t be in your known_list.

This is the whole point of having a known_list - you rationalise the device ids you see against the devices you have.

I guess one of them is your controller - you can work out which one it is, easily enough.

For CH/DHW devices, you do not need to specific the device class (the sole exception is the gateway, the device that starts with 18:, probably 18:000278 (look in your packet log to be sure).


I think youā€™re asking if your evohome controller can be bound to a faked OTB that will then send instructions to your setup via HA automationsā€¦

Yes, but ramses_rf is not geared up to do any of the heavy lifting, and the work required (e.g. HA automations) would be complicated and a little onerous.

But if youā€™re keenā€¦

If itā€™s any use, Iā€™ve been doing this for a while. My boiler claimed to support OpenTherm, but when I bought the official bridge it turns out it only supports a pretty old version which isnā€™t compatible.
I ended up setting up a digital potentiometer to act as a fake outdoor reset sensor (ie ā€œtellingā€ the boiler that the temperature outside is a certain level so that it sets the flow temperature) - with a script in OpenHAB initially, now HomeAssistant, to scale up and down the fake temperature to allow the flow temperature to be controlled.
Interestingly I note that EvoHome has a habit of jamming the OpenTherm demand up to 100% every time thereā€™s a 100% demand from CH, even if itā€™s actually turned the radiators on early to account for how long it takes to warm up the house - so my script deliberately has a lag to allow the boiler to stay at lower flow temperatures rather than going straight up to max.

You can check the evofw3 firmware version by typing !V in a serial console connected directly to the USB dongle. (e.g. Putty)

v0.7.1 is the latest, December 2021.

Also, in your config you show an 18:xxxx device in the known list. Thatā€™s probably your evofw3 device, presumably you saw the 18:xxxx in the logs?

evofw3 uses a unique xxxx ID based on the hardware signature of the AVR CPU. You can either figure this out from looking for 18: in the ramses_cc log, or by a !I command to evofw3.

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Thanks - I think I know which device is which now - the known list was a hangover from leaving discovery on for a bit too long when I first set it up over a year ago.

Iā€™m a bit more stuck with the send_packet service though - how can I get that working again in HA with 0.30.2?

Iā€™ll add it to the list.

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Can those people who are using the ramses_cc.send_packet service call let me know what theyā€™re using it for?

This feature is to be made a first-class citizen.

Can those people who are using the ramses_cc.send_packet service call let me know what theyā€™re using it for?

Defeating the TPI aspects of the CH BDR so that the CH valve remains open as long as there is a demand.


Could you give a bit more details on how you defeat the TPI to keep the valvle open as long as there is heat demand ? I am interested.

I have UFH and the behaviour of evohome is really annoying me. It keeps opening and closing the valve to the UFH zone which I find very inefficient (see example graph below of the oscillation of the water temperature in the UFH circuit which are generated by the valve opening and closing). I would like to force the valve to stay opened for the duration of the heat demand instead of oscillating


Simply put, if demand is above a threshold (6% from memory), I send an open packet to the BDR91. The BDR91 is double bound (to the Evohome Controller and to the dongle with fw3), and it operates in OR mode - either source can ask for the valve to open.

The Wiki article I wrote has some of the details, and some of the thinking that went into it can be seen here.

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Iā€™m about to update to 0.30.2 (from 0.22.40) and would like to check whether my planned logger config is sensible:

  default: warn
    #custom_components.evohome_cc: warn   # use info for Schema
    ramses_rf.message: warn              # MSGs rcvd (excl. RQ/18:), is the one you usually want
    #ramses_rf.protocol.protocol: warn    # PKTs sent (excl. retries) & rcvd
    #ramses_rf.protocol.transport: warn   # RF Tx'd (incl. retries) & Rx'd
    ramses_rf.dispatcher: info          # TIP: info for logging messages (excl. RQs)
    ramses_tx.protocol: warning         # TIP: info for logging packets Sent/Rcvd
    ramses_tx.transport: warning        # TIP: info for logging frames Tx/Rx

I also think that the rest of my config is sensibly minimal but possible Iā€™ve missed something over the months:

  serial_port: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-SparkFun_evofw3_atmega32u4-if00
  packet_log: packet.log
  scan_interval: 60
    restore_schema: true
    restore_state: true
    enforce_known_list: true
    #enable_eavesdrop: false
    #disable_discovery: true
    #disable_sending: true
      appliance_control: 10:047712
      "0A": {sensor: 01:164379}
    01:164379:     # Controller
    02:020364:     # HCE 80 UFH Controller (Zone 1 - Dining Room / 2 - Living Room / 3 - Hall)
    04:062953:     # HR92UK Bed 1
    07:046947:     # CS92A DHW Thermostat
    10:047712:     # R8810 OpenTherm Bridge
    13:120242:     # BDR91 DHW Demand
    18:065802:     # evofw3
    34:144335:     # T87RF Thermostat (Living Room)

Finally, I am regularly seeing ā€œUnavailableā€ for zone demand for short periods. Iā€™m wondering if the timeout for 0% demand can be made longer i.e. display 0% rather than ā€œUnavailableā€? (There is a related issue with zone demand in the Amazon Echo integration which only ever shows ā€œUnavailableā€ for the two zones that use T87RF thermostats which relate to two zones on the UFH controller.)

I am not needing to comment on your config/schema - it is OK.

The thing is, Unavailable has a distinct meaning, separate from 0%. You can create a filter for this (i.e. turn None into 0), but it may be that I have set the timeout too tight (IIRC, if the latest packet is >2.2x older that itā€™s expected cycle time, then the data is considered stale)ā€¦

I can have a look only if you can provide a packet log taken in a 24h windows when you saw this behaviour, and also indicate the datetimes when unavailable started / stopped.

ā€¦ the alternative is that youā€™ve poor reception, and a lot of packets arenā€™t being received by ramses_rf.

Other people are welcome to chip in here, if they have a similar problem.

I understand the Amazon ā†’ HA integration leverages ramses_rf for this data.

Hi there.
What a rich threat, thanks for all the effort here!
I would like to get started with a HA instance connecting to my Hometronic system.
My system is 433MHz only. It consists of
HCM200T Hometronic manager,
two HCE60 floor heating controller,
and several HCW22 thermostats.

Here most people seem to be working with 868MHz. Can anyone recommend a RF USB device for 433MHz to communicate with Hometronic? Some seem to be using nanoCUL. How about this one?

Would this work with evofw3 and evohome_rf?

Thank you for any helpful hints.

I use Ramses_CC to read and steer my Orcon WTW (425).
By installing Ramses_cc 30.2, several entities are not available anymore.
Hopefully you can bring these back in a updated version

Thanks for confirming config is OK. Updated and all seems well. Same issue with ā€œUnavailableā€ demand is persisting intermittently.

Iā€™ll sort out a packet log, etc. once I have suitable dataset. Weā€™ve talked about this previously and you had the same thought about the timeout possibly being a bit tight.

Iā€™m also now wondering if the low battery state of the HR92 that is showing ā€œUnavailableā€ demand might be relevant. So, Iā€™m going to replace those batteries now.

The Amazon ā†’ HA integration always shows ā€œUnavailableā€ demand for two specific zones. They show correct demand information in HA. Iā€™ll raise this in the relevant forum since Iā€™ve seen you participate there previously. The developer of that integration says that he just collects the information from HA. There must be some variation / incompatibility in play.


I think some of these sensors have been renamed. See the post here from a few days ago.

Thank you all very much, all is solved now. renaming the entities did the trick