Honeywell CH/DHW via RF - evohome, sundial, hometronics, chronotherm

The point is - it does it 24x7 - so is usually enough to keep things on the straight & narrow.

You would use a purge after (say) a shower (or cooking pasta on a gas hob, without a lid on the pot).

Remember the air you’re pumping in via the PIV is cold as well as dry.

The unit continued to flash B until the time out. tried twice before the third time I just tried sending a command to see what would happen. it would move to flashing B/P and after trying a few time it came out of the binding mode.

I believe however the issue was that I could not send 10E0 as it kept converting it to just 10 in the code and erroring.

If I am unable to unbind I am happy to retest the process.

yes. that is how i have mine automating. if the humidity hits 75% then I know my shower is on and it purges. but would be nice when the humidity is in the 60-70 it just boosts it a little. hence the Humidity sensor faking being beneficial.

I have a large fish tank so humidity slowly rises too.

I believe the PIV just does that, regardless - I will check with my real switch…

It is interpreting it as 10x10^0 - mentioned in the wiki - surround it with double quotes:

service: ramses_cc.bind_device
  device_id: 32:123456
    "22F1":  # 4-way switches only support 22F1
    "10E0":  # double-quotes are required for 10E0

… finally:

Just create a second virtual switch, it will replace the first.

1 Like

Ill give it ago. Thanks. makes sense.

I’ve upgraded to 0.31.2 to test as I had issues with .31 with missing entries.

After upgrade binary_sensor.01:095421 schema became unavailable and binary_sensor.18_135685_status started to show as Problem but there are no errors on the actual controllor

Other heating and DHW entries are ok and automations are working

I can also see 18 new entries such as 04:112342 oem_code shown as Unavailable

Given rest are working, I will stay on this version and see if I encounter any other issues

With the exception of sensor.10_xxxxxx_oem_code, they can be safely removed - they were created in error.

You can remove them via: Settings > Devices & Services > Entities.

1 Like

It has been renamed - is now called:


I cannot see any bugs with this sensor. Anyone else?

The gateway (the 18: device) does not care about anyone other than itself.

An issue with the controller would not cause it to move to the problem state.

If you like, you can start playing with a virtual relative humidity sensor? I will tweak the relevant page of the wiki for you to make a start:

Let me know when there is something to test. I appreciate you are busy and I am grateful for all the work you have done.

Just let me know when you get to it.

Many Thanks for the replies David
Overnight various zones stopped responding and to be on the safe side, I’ve rolled back to 0.31.
Will try again when this cold spell ends

Stumbled on this Integration the other day, might also be of interest to some:

Provides a nice/rough way to record the ‘on’ status time for actuators or anything.

I have 2 sensors, that calculates actuator ‘on’ for heating and hot water combined, with a day and week reset period:

{{ is_state('binary_sensor.13_xxxxxx_active', 'on') or is_state('binary_sensor.13_xxxxxx_active', 'on') }}

Hi Guys, first thanks for all the hard work! Iam trying to get my MVS-15 working with the new “v2” binding (before this version I was able to bind the remote).

This is my conifg:

    file_name: packet.log
    rotate_backups: 28
  serial_port: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-SparkFun_evofw3_atmega32u4-if00
    restore_schema: false
    restore_state: false
      class: REM
      _note: Orcon 15RF remote
      faked: true
        away: " I --- 29:177904 29:226830 --:------ 22F1 003 000004"
        low: " I --- 29:177904 29:226830 --:------ 22F1 003 000104"
        medium: " I --- 29:177904 29:226830 --:------ 22F1 003 000204"
        high: " I --- 29:177904 29:226830 --:------ 22F1 003 000304"
        auto: " I --- 29:177904 29:226830 --:------ 22F1 003 000404"
        timer_15mins: " I --- 29:177904 29:226830 --:------ 22F3 007 00020F03040000"
        timer_30mins: " I --- 29:177904 29:226830 --:------ 22F3 007 00021E03040000"
        timer_60mins: " I --- 29:177904 29:226830 --:------ 22F3 007 00023C03040000"
    enforce_known_list: true

And Iam trying to bind with the following:

service: ramses_cc.bind_device
  device_id: "29:177904"
  device_info: " I --- 29:177904 29:226830 --:------ 10E0 030 000001C85A01016CFFFFFFFFFFFF010607E0564D4E2D32334C4D48323300"

And somewhere in the logs:

ramses_rf.exceptions.BindingFlowFailed: 29:177904: SuppSendOfferWaitForAccept: Failed to transition to <class 'ramses_rf.binding_fsm.SuppIsReadyToSendConfirm'>: expected message not received after 3.0 secs

If somebody has some pointers of what Iam doing wrong let me know. I would be happy to help out to get this setup working MVS-15 with Orcon 15RF

Please provide a packet log - at least with 1FC9 packets - and say 50 packets either side, and I’ll have a look.

The 10E0 should be: I --- 29:177904 63:262142 --:------ or I --- 29:177904 --:------ 29:177904, no?

Thanks David, for taking the time to look at this!

I have tried to change the 10E0 to I --- 29:177904 --:------ 29:177904 or I --- 29:177904 --:------ 29:177904 but not success.

Hereby the package.log with some 1FC9 and also some commands from the 15RF remote:

2024-01-21T08:01:03.746283 ...  I --- 29:177904 --:------ 29:177904 1FC9 018 0022F176B6F06C10E076B6F0001FC976B6F0
2024-01-21T08:01:03.799102 000  I --- 18:003601 63:262142 --:------ 7FFF 023 0011018D2AD2A28731464339204936333A323632313432
2024-01-21T08:01:03.814036 000  I --- 29:177904 --:------ 29:177904 1FC9 018 0022F176B6F06C10E076B6F0001FC976B6F0
2024-01-21T08:01:43.245002 ...  I --- 29:177904 --:------ 29:177904 1FC9 018 0022F176B6F06C10E076B6F0001FC976B6F0
2024-01-21T08:01:43.298372 000  I --- 18:003601 63:262142 --:------ 7FFF 023 0011018D2AD33CD231464339204936333A323632313432
2024-01-21T08:01:43.313262 000  I --- 29:177904 --:------ 29:177904 1FC9 018 0022F176B6F06C10E076B6F0001FC976B6F0
2024-01-21T08:03:37.763558 075  I --- 29:226841 --:------ 29:226841 31D9 003 000003
2024-01-21T08:03:37.883560 075  I --- 29:226841 --:------ 29:226841 31D9 003 000003
2024-01-21T08:03:38.008393 074  I --- 29:226841 --:------ 29:226841 31D9 003 000003
2024-01-21T08:03:52.031757 ...  I --- 29:177904 --:------ 29:177904 1FC9 018 0022F176B6F06C10E076B6F0001FC976B6F0
2024-01-21T08:03:52.080247 000  I --- 18:003601 63:262142 --:------ 7FFF 023 0011018D2AD533E131464339204936333A323632313432
2024-01-21T08:03:52.095240 000  I --- 29:177904 --:------ 29:177904 1FC9 018 0022F176B6F06C10E076B6F0001FC976B6F0
2024-01-21T08:03:59.153705 076  I --- 29:226830 --:------ 29:226830 31D9 003 000004
2024-01-21T08:03:59.278341 077  I --- 29:226830 --:------ 29:226830 31D9 003 000004
2024-01-21T08:03:59.401400 077  I --- 29:226830 --:------ 29:226830 31D9 003 000004
2024-01-21T08:04:33.203085 089  I --- 37:070929 --:------ 37:070929 31DA 029 00EF007FFF31EF7FFF7FFF7FFF7FFFF800EF0114000000EFEF7FFF7FFF
2024-01-21T08:04:54.173418 089  I 057 37:070929 --:------ 37:070929 31D9 017 0006130020202020202020202020202000
2024-01-21T08:05:06.637039 ...  I --- 29:177904 --:------ 29:177904 1FC9 018 0022F176B6F01010E076B6F0001FC976B6F0
2024-01-21T08:05:24.176515 055  I --- 29:184022 --:------ 29:184022 1298 003 000257
2024-01-21T08:05:27.380013 090  I --- 32:098347 29:233787 --:------ 31E0 008 0000000001001E00
2024-01-21T08:05:27.432021 091  I --- 29:233787 --:------ 29:233787 31D9 003 000000
2024-01-21T08:05:33.050272 042  I --- 29:183243 --:------ 29:183243 1298 003 0002EF
2024-01-21T08:06:57.872402 091  I --- --:------ --:------ 12:251039 313F 009 0038020AC8150107E8
2024-01-21T08:08:11.202763 ...  I --- 29:177904 --:------ 29:177904 1FC9 018 0022F176B6F06C10E076B6F0001FC976B6F0
2024-01-21T08:08:11.250579 000  I --- 18:003601 63:262142 --:------ 7FFF 023 0011018D2AD9284331464339204936333A323632313432
2024-01-21T08:08:11.264550 000  I --- 29:177904 --:------ 29:177904 1FC9 018 0022F176B6F06C10E076B6F0001FC976B6F0
2024-01-21T08:08:31.419459 ...  I --- 29:177904 --:------ 29:177904 1FC9 018 0022F176B6F06C10E076B6F0001FC976B6F0
2024-01-21T08:08:31.467823 000  I --- 18:003601 63:262142 --:------ 7FFF 023 0011018D2AD9773C31464339204936333A323632313432
2024-01-21T08:08:31.481932 000  I --- 29:177904 --:------ 29:177904 1FC9 018 0022F176B6F06C10E076B6F0001FC976B6F0
2024-01-21T08:08:48.875328 075  I --- 29:226841 --:------ 29:226841 31D9 003 000003
2024-01-21T08:08:49.001283 075  I --- 29:226841 --:------ 29:226841 31D9 003 000003
2024-01-21T08:08:49.131683 074  I --- 29:226841 --:------ 29:226841 31D9 003 000003
2024-01-21T08:08:56.650699 078  I --- 29:226830 --:------ 29:226830 31D9 003 000004
2024-01-21T08:08:56.776118 077  I --- 29:226830 --:------ 29:226830 31D9 003 000004
2024-01-21T08:08:56.900177 076  I --- 29:226830 --:------ 29:226830 31D9 003 000004
2024-01-21T08:09:23.592158 ...  I --- 29:177904 --:------ 29:177904 1FC9 018 0022F176B6F01010E076B6F0001FC976B6F0
2024-01-21T08:09:49.871303 091  I --- --:------ --:------ 12:251039 0008 002 0000
2024-01-21T08:09:50.866354 092  I --- --:------ --:------ 12:251039 0008 002 0000
2024-01-21T08:10:24.758974 090  I --- 32:098347 29:233787 --:------ 31E0 008 0000000001001E00
2024-01-21T08:10:24.773983 091  I --- 29:233787 --:------ 29:233787 31D9 003 000000
2024-01-21T08:10:54.327389 081  I --- 29:183317 --:------ 29:183317 1298 003 00019A
2024-01-21T08:12:27.102486 ...  I --- 29:177904 --:------ 29:177904 1FC9 018 0022F176B6F06C10E076B6F0001FC976B6F0
2024-01-21T08:12:27.152260 000  I --- 18:003601 63:262142 --:------ 7FFF 023 0011018D2ADD0FE131464339204936333A323632313432
2024-01-21T08:12:27.167272 000  I --- 29:177904 --:------ 29:177904 1FC9 018 0022F176B6F06C10E076B6F0001FC976B6F0
2024-01-21T08:13:38.434283 064  I --- 29:177904 29:226830 --:------ 22F1 003 000104
2024-01-21T08:13:38.449230 074  I --- 29:226830 --:------ 29:226830 31D9 003 000001
2024-01-21T08:13:41.051759 062  I --- 29:177904 29:226830 --:------ 22F1 003 000204
2024-01-21T08:13:41.067686 074  I --- 29:226830 --:------ 29:226830 31D9 003 000002
2024-01-21T08:13:42.022486 075  I --- 29:226830 --:------ 29:226830 31D9 003 000002
2024-01-21T08:13:43.516523 062  I --- 29:177904 29:226830 --:------ 22F1 003 000304
2024-01-21T08:13:43.530456 074  I --- 29:226830 --:------ 29:226830 31D9 003 000003
2024-01-21T08:13:44.015835 074  I --- 29:226830 --:------ 29:226830 31D9 003 000003
2024-01-21T08:13:46.433670 062  I --- 29:177904 29:226830 --:------ 22F1 003 000404
2024-01-21T08:13:46.453377 075  I --- 29:226830 --:------ 29:226830 31D9 003 000004
2024-01-21T08:13:47.005690 076  I --- 29:226830 --:------ 29:226830 31D9 003 000004
2024-01-21T08:13:49.197788 063  I --- 29:177904 29:226830 --:------ 22F1 003 000004
2024-01-21T08:13:49.244780 074  I --- 29:226830 --:------ 29:226830 31D9 003 000000
2024-01-21T08:13:49.992847 075  I --- 29:226830 --:------ 29:226830 31D9 003 000000
2024-01-21T08:13:50.705919 062  I --- 29:177904 29:226830 --:------ 22F1 003 000004
2024-01-21T08:13:50.739857 075  I --- 29:226830 --:------ 29:226830 31D9 003 000000
2024-01-21T08:13:53.121387 061  I --- 29:177904 29:226830 --:------ 22F3 007 00020F03040000
2024-01-21T08:13:53.136302 076  I --- 29:226830 --:------ 29:226830 31D9 003 000003
2024-01-21T08:13:53.980342 075  I --- 29:226830 --:------ 29:226830 31D9 003 000003
2024-01-21T08:13:54.178215 074  I --- 29:226830 --:------ 29:226830 31D9 003 000003
2024-01-21T08:13:54.304304 075  I --- 29:226830 --:------ 29:226830 31D9 003 000003
2024-01-21T08:13:54.422955 074  I --- 29:226830 --:------ 29:226830 31D9 003 000003
2024-01-21T08:13:56.334133 062  I --- 29:177904 29:226830 --:------ 22F1 003 000104
2024-01-21T08:13:56.349058 075  I --- 29:226830 --:------ 29:226830 31D9 003 000001
2024-01-21T08:13:56.970157 074  I --- 29:226830 --:------ 29:226830 31D9 003 000001
2024-01-21T08:13:58.243531 062  I --- 29:177904 29:226830 --:------ 22F1 003 000404
2024-01-21T08:13:58.258528 074  I --- 29:226830 --:------ 29:226830 31D9 003 000004
2024-01-21T08:13:59.650591 062  I --- 29:177904 29:226830 --:------ 22F1 003 000404
2024-01-21T08:13:59.705324 074  I --- 29:226830 --:------ 29:226830 31D9 003 000004
2024-01-21T08:13:59.984555 076  I --- 29:226841 --:------ 29:226841 31D9 003 000003
2024-01-21T08:14:00.113327 075  I --- 29:226841 --:------ 29:226841 31D9 003 000003
2024-01-21T08:14:00.233254 076  I --- 29:226841 --:------ 29:226841 31D9 003 000003
2024-01-21T08:14:01.157575 062  I --- 29:177904 29:226830 --:------ 22F1 003 000204
2024-01-21T08:14:01.204351 074  I --- 29:226830 --:------ 29:226830 31D9 003 000002
2024-01-21T08:14:01.953386 074  I --- 29:226830 --:------ 29:226830 31D9 003 000002
2024-01-21T08:14:05.109539 062  I --- 29:177904 29:226830 --:------ 22F1 003 000304
2024-01-21T08:14:05.125524 074  I --- 29:226830 --:------ 29:226830 31D9 003 000003
2024-01-21T08:14:05.942122 074  I --- 29:226830 --:------ 29:226830 31D9 003 000003
2024-01-21T08:14:06.516975 062  I --- 29:177904 29:226830 --:------ 22F1 003 000404
2024-01-21T08:14:06.561955 075  I --- 29:226830 --:------ 29:226830 31D9 003 000004
2024-01-21T08:14:06.934953 074  I --- 29:226830 --:------ 29:226830 31D9 003 000004
2024-01-21T08:14:33.844995 089  I --- 37:070929 --:------ 37:070929 31DA 029 00EF007FFF31EF7FFF7FFF7FFF7FFFF800EF0115000000EFEF7FFF7FFF
2024-01-21T08:14:54.856454 090  I 058 37:070929 --:------ 37:070929 31D9 017 0006140020202020202020202020202000
2024-01-21T08:15:20.290165 042  I --- 29:183243 --:------ 29:183243 1298 003 0002EB
2024-01-21T08:15:21.904263 090  I --- 32:098347 29:233787 --:------ 31E0 008 0000000001001E00
2024-01-21T08:15:21.918147 091  I --- 29:233787 --:------ 29:233787 31D9 003 000000
2024-01-21T08:15:38.210045 056  I --- 29:184022 --:------ 29:184022 1298 003 000257
2024-01-21T08:16:08.582497 062  I --- 29:177904 29:226830 --:------ 22F3 007 00020F03040000
2024-01-21T08:16:08.638489 075  I --- 29:226830 --:------ 29:226830 31D9 003 000003
2024-01-21T08:16:09.513891 075  I --- 29:226830 --:------ 29:226830 31D9 003 000003
2024-01-21T08:16:11.548670 063  I --- 29:177904 29:226830 --:------ 22F3 007 00021E03040000
2024-01-21T08:16:11.562612 078  I --- 29:226830 --:------ 29:226830 31D9 003 000003
2024-01-21T08:16:15.666202 061  I --- 29:177904 29:226830 --:------ 22F1 003 000404
2024-01-21T08:16:15.680209 077  I --- 29:226830 --:------ 29:226830 31D9 003 000004
2024-01-21T08:16:16.489886 078  I --- 29:226830 --:------ 29:226830 31D9 003 000004
2024-01-21T08:16:57.869872 092  I --- --:------ --:------ 12:251039 313F 009 00380214C8150107E8
2024-01-21T08:17:24.220266 ...  I --- 29:177904 --:------ 29:177904 1FC9 018 0022F176B6F06C10E076B6F0001FC976B6F0
2024-01-21T08:17:24.269501 000  I --- 18:003601 63:262142 --:------ 7FFF 023 0011018D2AE1987D31464339204936333A323632313432
2024-01-21T08:17:24.284463 000  I --- 29:177904 --:------ 29:177904 1FC9 018 0022F176B6F06C10E076B6F0001FC976B6F0
2024-01-21T08:18:24.330531 ...  I --- 29:177904 --:------ 29:177904 1FC9 018 0022F176B6F07D10E076B6F0001FC976B6F0
2024-01-21T08:18:36.266139 ...  I --- 29:177904 --:------ 29:177904 1FC9 024 0022F176B6F0007FFF76B6F07D10E076B6F0001FC976B6F0
2024-01-21T08:18:51.708368 077  I --- 29:226830 --:------ 29:226830 31D9 003 000004
2024-01-21T08:18:51.838312 076  I --- 29:226830 --:------ 29:226830 31D9 003 000004
2024-01-21T08:18:51.968331 076  I --- 29:226830 --:------ 29:226830 31D9 003 000004
2024-01-21T08:19:11.101609 082  I --- 29:226841 --:------ 29:226841 31D9 003 000003
2024-01-21T08:19:11.222620 082  I --- 29:226841 --:------ 29:226841 31D9 003 000003
2024-01-21T08:19:11.345291 081  I --- 29:226841 --:------ 29:226841 31D9 003 000003
2024-01-21T08:19:49.870158 092  I --- --:------ --:------ 12:251039 0008 002 0000
2024-01-21T08:19:50.864153 092  I --- --:------ --:------ 12:251039 0008 002 0000
2024-01-21T08:19:51.864763 092  I --- --:------ --:------ 12:251039 0008 002 0000
2024-01-21T08:20:11.331462 088  I --- 32:098347 --:------ 32:098347 1298 003 0001A7
2024-01-21T08:20:19.158589 091  I --- 32:098347 29:233787 --:------ 31E0 008 0000000001001E00
2024-01-21T08:20:19.172534 090  I --- 29:233787 --:------ 29:233787 31D9 003 000000
2024-01-21T08:21:06.710331 079  I --- 29:183317 --:------ 29:183317 1298 003 00019A
2024-01-21T08:23:49.235543 074  I --- 29:226830 --:------ 29:226830 31D9 003 000004
2024-01-21T08:23:49.360743 074  I --- 29:226830 --:------ 29:226830 31D9 003 000004
2024-01-21T08:23:49.489778 075  I --- 29:226830 --:------ 29:226830 31D9 003 000004
2024-01-21T08:24:22.220196 078  I --- 29:226841 --:------ 29:226841 31D9 003 000003
2024-01-21T08:24:22.344125 078  I --- 29:226841 --:------ 29:226841 31D9 003 000003
2024-01-21T08:24:22.463104 078  I --- 29:226841 --:------ 29:226841 31D9 003 000003
2024-01-21T08:24:55.458803 093  I 059 37:070929 --:------ 37:070929 31D9 017 0006130020202020202020202020202000
2024-01-21T08:25:07.515373 039  I --- 29:183243 --:------ 29:183243 1298 003 000314
2024-01-21T08:25:16.422816 089  I --- 32:098347 29:233787 --:------ 31E0 008 0000000001001E00
2024-01-21T08:25:24.590536 092  I --- 13:183647 --:------ 13:183647 3EF0 003 0000FF
2024-01-21T08:25:52.258529 059  I --- 29:184022 --:------ 29:184022 1298 003 000263

There are no W commands in the log - I have updated the wiki to add 22F3 to teh yaml.

Please confirm that you do not have a real RF15.

  1. If you do have a real RF15 - simply bind it as per normal - there is no requiremet to bind it via ramses_cc - that is, no need to use the bind service call.

This is called impersonation.

If you have to rebind the remote, I would appreciate a copy of the log file taken whilst that happens.

In addition - you could try binding a virtual remote to prove that it works as intended.

  1. If you do not have a real RF15 - I have updated the wiki entry for you.

I suggest you use :123456` for the device_id, just to make it obvious.

In either cause, you need all the yaml to make the send_command service calls work.

Version 0.31.3 has been released. I am hoping that the following release, 0.31.4 could be the new stable, so I am encouraging people to try this one and report any bugs.

Just moved to 0.31.3. Changed my automations beforehand, double and triple checked them and even did a dry run without everything in place. Made a backup and restarted.

Some preliminary observations:

I get a message that my schema is not minimal. Had those before but I’m at a loss as to what is not minimal about it. when I comment out appliance control for instance, the integration fails to launch. Truncated to “one” each as I see no point for 13 HR92’s in there :wink:

  serial_port: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-SparkFun_evofw3_atmega32u4-if00
    file_name: packet.log
    rotate_backups: 7

    restore_schema: False #Change to true once stable and confirmed OK
    restore_state: False #Change to true once stable and confirmed OK
    enforce_known_list: true # if not true, still enforces the block_list
    disable_discovery: false
    disable_sending: false # do not transmit any packets, ever
    enable_eavesdrop: false # can be used to create an initial system schema

  01:245354:  # Temperature control system (Evohome)
    system: #tried commenting out the system and appliance control lines, which both resulted in ramses_cc failing to load.
      appliance_control: 13:155994

  orphans_hvac: [37:182456, 29:057880, 29:123456]

    18:203291: {class: HGI}         # SSM-D Kantoor
    01:245354:                      # Evohome / Controller Huiskamer
    13:155994:                      # BDR91 Meterkast
    04:136057:                      # HR92 zone 00 Trapkast, test TV
    03:255542:                      # Thermostaat zone 05 Kantoor
    34:010179:                      # Thermostaat zone 06 Slaapkamer
    37:182456: {class: FAN}         # Itho CVE-S Optima
    29:057880: {class: REM}         # Itho CVE-S Optima Remote
    29:123456:                      # Itho CVE-S Optima Remote faked
      class: REM
      faked: true
        low:  ' I --- --:------ --:------ 29:057880 22F1 003 630204'
        auto: ' I --- --:------ --:------ 29:057880 22F1 003 630304'
        high: ' I --- --:------ --:------ 29:057880 22F1 003 630404'
    03:123456: {class: THM, faked: true}  # faked Woonkamer temp sensor.indoor_outdoor_meter_1856

I see zone heat demand, HR92 valve positions, overall zone temperatures on my dashboard no problem. I use the standard automatic dashboard as an overview of everything in my system. Battery states, Window open states, per HR92 temperatures and several HVAC/Fan values like “sensor.37_182456_exhaust_fan_speed” and “sensor.37_182456_fan_info” however have disappeared from this view. They appear to still be available, but they just don’t show up on the dashboard. Tried creating a new auto-managed dashboard, but this doesn’t help. Adding them manually does, but this screws up the auto-managed part of this overview dashboard. Is this by design or is there something wonky going on? Do I just need to have patience or is this something I have to report somewhere?

A few others have become unavailable from ramses_cc entirely like “37:182456 remaining_time” which I’m using in an automation, it is no longer being provided by Ramses_cc as per the warning on screen. Is this just due to that they haven’t happend yet since installing the new version?

Unfortunately my HCF82 still stays unavailable in this version, would really like to get that one in here as well.

Other than that, everything appears to be working fine. Will monitor and provide feedback once I gave it a spin for a bit.

Installed 0.31.3:

  • The sensor sensor.10_040239_ch_water_pressure is still unavailable. When reverting to 0.22.40 it is available.
  • using the services call set temperature on 4 zones at the same time, only 2 are being set to the requested value.

These are my initial findings.

I am not sure if you have any reason to have these as False?

Some of the packets you rely upon are sent only once a day and cannot be polled. If you disable the cache and restart HA, that sensor may not be available for a few hours.

This may be a bug. Use the schema you need, and ignore the ‘not minimal message’ for now. It is a warning set to encourage good behaviour: a correct minimal schema is much better than a fuller that is incorrect.

By design - this is in line with most recent changes to HA’s guidelines, and is best practice:. Tis is a chunk of HA code

class EntityCategory(StrEnum):
    """Category of an entity.

    An entity with a category will:
    - Not be exposed to cloud, Alexa, or Google Assistant components
    - Not be included in indirect service calls to devices or areas

    # Config: An entity which allows changing the configuration of a device.
    CONFIG = "config"

    # Diagnostic: An entity exposing some configuration parameter,
    # or diagnostics of a device.
    DIAGNOSTIC = "diagnostic"

Many of the sensors - for example, battery_state, are clearly DIAGNOSTIC.


  • for CH/DHW there will be one sensor per device
  • for ventilation units most sensors will be neither DIAGNOSTIC nor CONFIG (I will make this change now, for 0.31.4)
  • for HVAC sensors, there will only rarely be more than one exposed sensor
  • switches are essentially stateless (but often have batteries: DIAGNOSTIC)

I will have another look at the FAN sensors.

If the disabled cache is not at fault, then this appears to be a bug. Wat others are missing?

I have had a look - I cannot see why it isn’t there - can other people please confirm / refute this bug?

[quote=“PyroPath, post:4098, topic:151584”]Unfortunately my HCF82 still stays unavailable in this version, would really like to get that one in here as well.

You mean 03:123456? If so, this appears to be a bug. Disabling the cache would not help, but is shouldn’t matter - it should still be instantiated.

I updated from 0.31.2 to 0.31.3, my findings:

In the logs, the next day:

 Logger: ramses_rf.dispatcher
First occurred: 21 januari 2024 om 23:26:35 (73 occurrences)
Last logged: 10:35:46

    I --- 32:139773 32:131922 --:------ 31E0 004 00000000 < PacketInvalid( I --- 32:139773 32:131922 --:------ 31E0 004 00000000 < Unexpected code for src to Tx)
    RP --- 32:139773 18:072982 --:------ 22F1 003 000207 < PacketInvalid(RP --- 32:139773 18:072982 --:------ 22F1 003 000207 < Unexpected verb/code for src to Tx)
    RP --- 32:139773 18:072982 --:------ 22E0 004 004CE61E < PacketInvalid(RP --- 32:139773 18:072982 --:------ 22E0 004 004CE61E < Unexpected code for src to Tx)
    RP --- 32:139773 18:072982 --:------ 22F2 006 0005D9010411 < PacketInvalid(RP --- 32:139773 18:072982 --:------ 22F2 006 0005D9010411 < Unexpected code for src to Tx)
    RP --- 32:139773 18:072982 --:------ 3222 008 000505130013000F < PacketInvalid(RP --- 32:139773 18:072982 --:------ 3222 008 000505130013000F < Unexpected code for src to Tx)

Logger: ramses_tx.parsers
First occurred: 06:04:56 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 06:04:56

I --- 32:097710 63:262142 --:------ 10E0 038 000001C8510D0167FEFFFFFFFFFF0B0207E3564D532D3135434D313700000000000000000000 < Support the development of ramses_rf by reporting this packet, with the make/model of device: 32:097710 (device type 32 not known to have signature: 0001C8510D0167FEFF)
Logger: ramses_rf.entity_base
First occurred: 21 januari 2024 om 23:28:08 (30 occurrences)
Last logged: 05:28:26

No response for task(22E9|RP|32:139773): throttling to 1/6h
No response for task(22F2|RP|32:139773): throttling to 1/6h
No response for task(22F8|RP|32:139773): throttling to 1/6h
No response for task(313E|RP|32:139773): throttling to 1/6h
No response for task(3222|RP|32:139773): throttling to 1/6h

Part of my ramsess_cc.yaml:

  - 32:139773 # Orcon HRC425
  - 32:131922 # Orcon zone valve
  - 32:097277 # Orcon REM/CO2 sensor zone 1 slapen
  - 32:097710 # Orcon REM/CO2 sensor zone 2 wonen
  - 35:097277 # Orcon fake REM zone 1 slapen
  - 35:097710 # Orcon fake REM zone 2 wonen
  - 37:139773 # Orcon Fake REM gekoppeld HRC425
  - 37:097277 # Orcon fake CO2 gekoppeld zone 1 slapen

  18:072982: # Ramses USB dongle
    class: HGI
    _note: SSM-D2

  32:139773: # Orcon HRC425
    class: FAN
    _note: Orcon WTW

    class: HVC # Orcon zone kleppen

  32:097277: # Orcon CO2 sensor 1 | Zone 1: slapen
    class: CO2
    scheme: orcon

  32:097710: # Orcon CO2 sensor 2 | Zone 2: wonen
    class: CO2

  37:097277: # Orcon CO2 fake sensor 1 | Zone 1: slapen
    class: CO2
#    scheme: orcon
    faked: true

  37:139773: # Fake remote gekoppeld aan 32:139773: Orcon HRC425
    class: REM
    scheme: orcon
    faked: true
      uit: " I --- 37:139773 32:139773 --:------ 22F1 003 000007" # uit
      away: " I --- 37:139773 32:139773 --:------ 22F1 003 000107" # away
      low: " I --- 37:139773 32:139773 --:------ 22F1 003 000207" # speed 1
      medium: " I --- 37:139773 32:139773 --:------ 22F1 003 000307" # speed 2
      high: " I --- 37:139773 32:139773 --:------ 22F1 003 000407" # speed 3
      auto: " I --- 37:139773 32:139773 --:------ 22F1 003 000507" # auto ca 30% van speed 3
      bypass_open: " W --- 37:139773 32:139773 --:------ 22F7 003 00C8EF" # open
      bypass_close: " W --- 37:139773 32:139773 --:------ 22F7 003 0000EF" # close
      bypass_auto: " W --- 37:139773 32:139773 --:------ 22F7 003 00FFEF" # auto
      request31DA: "RQ --- 37:139773 32:139773 --:------ 31DA 001 00" #
      RQ_filter_change: "RQ --- 37:139773 32:139773 --:------ 10D0 001 00" # opvragen filter
      reset_filter: "RQ --- 37:139773 32:139773 --:------ 10D0 002 00FF" # reset filter

  35:097277: # Fake remote gekoppeld aan 32:131922: Orcon zoneklep | Zone 1: slapen
    class: REM
    scheme: orcon
    faked: true
      away: " I --- 35:097277 32:131922 --:------ 22F1 003 000007" # away
      low: " I --- 35:097277 32:131922 --:------ 22F1 003 000107" # speed 1
      medium: " I --- 35:097277 32:131922 --:------ 22F1 003 000207" # speed 2
      high: " I --- 35:097277 32:131922 --:------ 22F1 003 000307" # speed 3
      auto: " I --- 35:097277 32:131922 --:------ 22F1 003 000407" # auto
#      auto2: " I --- 35:097277 32:131922 --:------ 22F1 003 000507" # 000507 = auto_alt (comfort <=950)
      low_15: " I --- 35:097277 32:131922 --:------ 22F3 007 00120F01040404" # sp1 tmp 15m
      low_30: " I --- 35:097277 32:131922 --:------ 22F3 007 00121E01040404" # sp1 tmp 30m
      low_60: " I --- 35:097277 32:131922 --:------ 22F3 007 00123C01040404" # sp1 tmp 60m
      medium_15: " I --- 35:097277 32:131922 --:------ 22F3 007 00120F02040404" # sp2 tmp 15m
      medium_30: " I --- 35:097277 32:131922 --:------ 22F3 007 00121E02040404" # sp2 tmp 30m
      medium_60: " I --- 35:097277 32:131922 --:------ 22F3 007 00123C02040404" # sp2 tmp 60m
      medium_780: " I --- 35:097277 32:131922 --:------ 22F3 007 00520D02040404" # sp2 tmp 780m
      high_15: " I --- 35:097277 32:131922 --:------ 22F3 007 00120F03040404" # sp3 tmp 15m
      high_30: " I --- 35:097277 32:131922 --:------ 22F3 007 00121E03040404" # sp3 tmp 30m
      high_60: " I --- 35:097277 32:131922 --:------ 22F3 007 00123C03040404" # sp3 tmp 60m

  35:097710: # Fake remote gekoppeld aan 32:131922: Orcon zoneklep | Zone 2: wonen
    class: REM
    scheme: orcon
    faked: true
      away: " I --- 35:097710 32:131922 --:------ 22F1 003 000007" # away
      low: " I --- 35:097710 32:131922 --:------ 22F1 003 000107" # speed 1
      medium: " I --- 35:097710 32:131922 --:------ 22F1 003 000207" # speed 2
      high: " I --- 35:097710 32:131922 --:------ 22F1 003 000307" # speed 3
      auto: " I --- 35:097710 32:131922 --:------ 22F1 003 000407" # auto
#      auto2: " I --- 35:097710 32:131922 --:------ 22F1 003 000507" # 000507 = auto_alt (comfort <=950)
      low_15: " I --- 35:097710 32:131922 --:------ 22F3 007 00120F01040404" # sp1 tmp 15m
      low_30: " I --- 35:097710 32:131922 --:------ 22F3 007 00121E01040404" # sp1 tmp 30m
      low_60: " I --- 35:097710 32:131922 --:------ 22F3 007 00123C01040404" # sp1 tmp 60m
      medium_15: " I --- 35:097710 32:131922 --:------ 22F3 007 00120F02040404" # sp2 tmp 15m
      medium_30: " I --- 35:097710 32:131922 --:------ 22F3 007 00121E02040404" # sp2 tmp 30m
      medium_60: " I --- 35:097710 32:131922 --:------ 22F3 007 00123C02040404" # sp2 tmp 60m
      medium_780: " I --- 35:097710 32:131922 --:------ 22F3 007 00520D02040404" # sp2 tmp 780m
      high_15: " I --- 35:097710 32:131922 --:------ 22F3 007 00120F03040404" # sp3 tmp 15m
      high_30: " I --- 35:097710 32:131922 --:------ 22F3 007 00121E03040404" # sp3 tmp 30m
      high_60: " I --- 35:097710 32:131922 --:------ 22F3 007 00123C03040404" # sp3 tmp 60m

The fake CO2 sensor 37:097277 is bind to the valve 32:131922 and is available with status unknown.

state_class: measurement
id: "37:097277"
unit_of_measurement: ppm
device_class: carbon_dioxide
friendly_name: 37:097277 Kooldioxide

When changing the status to a ppm value in developer-tools/state the status falls back to unknown within about 30seconds.I cannot find a service call to change the status.

Hope this helps to improve your development. If I can help with data or testing: let me know.