Honeywell CH/DHW via RF - evohome, sundial, hometronics, chronotherm

Did you try this - the source will give you a pip.

A, yes… I missed that… In this case ‘su’ only is working.
However - see result:


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pip3 instead of pip, try source without sudo first?

For ‘source’ no such directory…


and ‘pip3’:


Ok, I give up. Maybe the answer is to add this to HACS.

O.K. I looked deeper and seems I’ve made some mess in my configurations… Proxmox, hassio, other stuff,…
I’ll double-check what is the problem and return.

That would be excellent.

I have now the latest evohome_cc, evhome_rf and evofw3. I see a lot of new entities also the climate entities but i can’t control the climate entities and i got this error:

Source: custom_components/evohome_cc/
First occurred: 19:38:41 (288 occurrences)
Last logged: 20:13:41

Error doing job: Task exception was never retrieved
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 283, in async_update_ha_state
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 320, in _async_write_ha_state
    sstate = self.state
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/climate/", line 173, in state
    return self.hvac_mode
  File "/config/custom_components/evohome_cc/", line 99, in hvac_mode
    if self._evo_device._ctl.mode is None:
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/evohome_rf/", line 613, in mode
    return self._mode
AttributeError: 'EvoSystem' object has no attribute '_mode'

I will push a new version of both shortly - lots of bug fixes, an quite a few new features.

OK, just pushed v0.4.0 - a new evohome_cc and a new evohome_rf

  • can change temps of zones,
  • have (limited) support for operating modes of controller & zones
  • have experimental support for heat demand for zones

If I am to keep heat demand for a zone (the green area in the climate entity graphs), then this may be useful to know: why zones don’t have heat_demand

I am gonna try it! i keep you posted! Thx for your work.
@zxdavb it works like a charm for now!! i can control the temperature, but only when i select from off to heat.
But when i change the temp with the arrows, i jumps back to the old temperature at the screen. but after a period i see that he changed the temperature.

someone has tried to use ESP8266 + nRF905 to make a Evohome to MQTT gateway?

What you describe is partly a issue with convergence. The change happens immediately, but HA only checks for changes every few minutes or so by default.

I am cheating: my system checks every few seconds, so I forgot to to make accommodation for this.

I’ll implement a fix presently.

What are you changing from off to heat, the zone or the controller?

i change from the zone. Not all zones are also with the correct name. I add a picturebadkamer


I currently have a HGI80 connected to domoticz which I use to simulate evohome thermostats in some rooms (using Xiaomi temperature sensors). On the Home Assistant side I use the integration via the API of evohome website. I would be very interested to remove domoticz (it’s less stable than HA in my setup) and put everything in HA. I’ve tried to read this feed to see what is possible with the evohome_cc integration, but I cannot see if it enables also to simulate thermostats using a temperature sensor in the same way that the domoticz integration do. Could you please confirm if this is possible or not ?

I cant also select preset modus like eco or away

@bishop I am aware of this functionality.

I am very keen to enable people to migrate from Domoticz to HA and my plan is to do everything Domoticz can do and more. Already, evohome_cc can do many things Domoticz cannot, but this particular feature is not yet one of them - Domoticz had a big head start on me!

For others: this is one of the best things you can do for evohome - to use a temperature sensor other than a TRV. The Honeywell/resideo 'stats are expensive, however.

This feature will allow you to use a wifi/bluetooth room temperature sensor with evohome (in fact, any sensor that can talk to HA) - it will appear in the controller UI as a ‘normal’ temperature sensor.


known issue - will be addressed in time

I’ve made some re-configuration, installed newest components, etc…
Now I do not see all entities (like battery for example).
I did something wrong?