Honeywell CH/DHW via RF - evohome, sundial, hometronics, chronotherm

Thanks - it’s only really time based overrides I need, have a few scripts/buttons to ‘boost’ for an hour or so the various zones.

So as long as I can do that still, and cut Honeywells useless cloud infra out of the picture, I’ll be a happy chappy again :slight_smile:

Shall order a nanoCUL on eBay!

I do use a HGI80 on my production rig, for testing I have a nanoCUL. Haven’t put much time in it though.

Will give it a whirl - for £30 worth a shot. Just to save me from having to hear “Is bl%$dy Honeywell, down, AGAIN!” from The Boss.

About 12 outages in 16-17 days so far.

How do you do that exactly? I do not have such possibility…
For example when I click on ‘parents room’ another window pop-up, but nothing can be changed/adjusted…

You would need to use the climate.parents_room entity.

Hmm… I added ‘climate’ entity… But still nothing can be changed…

Are you sure it’s the correct entity, if you see a temperature, you should also see a temperature in the climate entity. Perhapse check through development resources (states) for all the climate entities you have.

Yes, I added the ‘climate’ entity… But still nothing can be changed…

O.K. Cleaned-up something…
Looks like in my case ‘climate’ entities are not available/created… Not sure why…
@ zxdavb do you know the reason? Something wrong in my set-up?

04:077944 - are related to ‘parents-room’.

Instead of searching on ‘04:077944’, search on ‘climate’.

The latest evohome_cc of Philippe works here with HGI80. The only features I now miss compared to Domoticz are:

-temporary override with a set date/time in the future
-Direct feedback when you change the temp/settings in the UI (now it seems to wait until Evohome reports the new settings too)
-Assign a temperature sensor entity as an outdoor sensor (binding to evohome). This would be really neat :slight_smile:

Thanks for the efforts so far. I moved from Domoticz to HASS thanks to you guys!

Is there an option for permanent override?
Thank you

Yes, but when i use for example the 1-st one ‘climate.evohome_cc_01_023389_00’.

And add this entity to view:

Still nothing can be changed/adjusted:

climate 3

Telling that this entity is not available, etc.

Looks like ‘climate’ entities are not properly configured/set-up in HA.
Or other reason? Difference because of ‘Hometronic’…?

@zxdavb do you have clue why the temperature doesn’t show up?

I have updated the wiki accordingly, this got me for a while :frowning:

All, I am pleased people are excited by @phdelodder’s good work with evohome_cc and I am sorry that I haven’t merged his PRs for you - the fact is, I just have too much on my plate (in addition, I am busier with lockdown, not less busy).

I am also writing evohome_rf, which is used by - and does all the heavy lifting for - evohome_cc.

evohome_cc has been essentially read-only until very recently, and there are good reasons for that…

There are some exciting improvements coming for evohome_rf, which may necessitate breaking changes to evohome_cc, and the config file…

I am sorry I haven’t kept the wiki up to date either…

David, great job!!! Very glad I took the time to get this custom integration working, although the location of the packet log messed up the installation of evohome_cc (did not start; my HA is installed in a container on ndroid n2+), but the benefit is that I learned a lot more about linux and python troubleshooting due to this. Still not sure of it’s wise to leave the packet.log in the config folder, but that’s no big issue for now.
The intergration works, but I can’t seem to get the zone names to appear, just the ID’s:

04:046803 heat_demand
Honeywell RF (RAMSES II protocol)

04:046803 temperature
Honeywell RF (RAMSES II protocol)

Where do I start to troubleshoot this?

Hi - I have evohome_cc all running within my Home Assistant Docker container on a Synology NAS. Functionality-wise, everything seems to be working as designed. But, I have a question to other users - what’s your CPU usage like when running this integration? My Home Assistant container without this integration sits at around 0.6% CPU usage of the host system. But, enabling evohome_cc kicks that up to around 25% CPU usage. Is that normal or is something going wrong with my implementation?


I’ve just setup my nanoCUL and noticed there is no ‘friendly_name’ reported against the climate objects, that I see some people have in the posts way above this.

Is this a nanoCUL vs HGI80 thing perhaps? As an example, I see:

  - heat
  - 'off'
min_temp: 5
max_temp: 35
current_temperature: 18.6
temperature: 16
hvac_action: idle
controller: '01:xxxxxxxx'
heating_type: radiator_valve
  min_temp: 5
  max_temp: 35
  local_override: true
  openwindow_function: true
  multiroom_mode: false
heat_demand: null
supported_features: 1

UPDATE: Ah ha… I suspect this might have been one of the various cycles the system goes through (was reading above), the names did appear, perhaps an hour after leaving it all running. Or, maybe it was when I re-flashed the nanoCUL with the evofw3 board manager/type (post below)? Pass.

  - heat
  - 'off'
min_temp: 5
max_temp: 35
current_temperature: 18.4
temperature: 16
hvac_action: idle
controller: '01:xxxx'
heating_type: null
  zone_idx: '03'
  min_temp: 5
  max_temp: 35
  local_override: true
  openwindow_function: true
  multiroom_mode: false
heat_demand: null
friendly_name: Guest Bed
supported_features: 1

I did see this, but I have to be honest, I wasn’t really sure what to select - I bought a nanoCUL on eBay, first one of these boards :slight_smile:

EDIT: After a bit of trial and error, the below seems to allow the Upload to complete using the custom board settings.