Honeywell CH/DHW via RF - evohome, sundial, hometronics, chronotherm

I will! Can i test it with 0.5.6? Does it need special configuration?

@zxdavb: i get this error when i check the config:
Invalid config for [evohome_cc]: required key not provided @ data['evohome_cc']['config']['enforce_allowlist']. Got None. (See ?, line ?).

Check this out:

  serial_port: /dev/ttyUSB0
  scan_interval: 15
    packet_log: /config/evohome_cc_packet.log
    enforce_allowlist: false

Thx! @phdelodder!
It’s up and running now. Can i test something special?

Invalid config for [evohome_cc]: required key not provided

This is now fixed, the key is no longer required - please consider removing it from your config to check.

When i don’t use: enforce_allowlist: false i will get the same error.
when i add it, it works good.

Did you pull the last version of the repo?

I have just pulled the latest version and i dont need the enforce_allowlist anymore.
@zxdavb can i test something special?

The eco option does works! perfect!

Why not try the allow_list (whitelist) functionality?

Also set the max_zones parameter.

And everyone should be using schema: {controller: ...}

  serial_port: /dev/ttyUSB0
    enforce_allowlist: True
    max_zones: 8
    controller: 01:145038
    - 01:145038
    - 04:056053

In fact, the plan is to strongly recommend people use all three of these, going forward.

I try now the max_zones and allow_list. (First i have to figured out which number for which room)

i have now:

  serial_port: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-1a86_USB2.0-Serial-if00-port0
  scan_interval: 60
    packet_log: /config/packets.log
    enforce_allowlist: True
    max_zones: 4
    controller: 01:087939
    - 18:073736

Update: max_zones works! he picked now 4 valves instead of 8.
@zxdavb allow_list are the valves to accept or not?

For now all your devices need to be in the allow_list…

My records tell me you have 8 zones, no?

yes thats correct, i have 8 zones but i want to test the function :wink: and it works!
now i have to found the other ID’s, how could i find them?

Hmm… For the ‘climate’ I still only have this displayed:

@dariusz PM me a packet.log and a HA log. You’ll need:

  default: info  # don't use debug
    homeassistant.core: debug  # to see: Event state_changed
    homeassistant.loader: info  # You are using a custom integration for evohome_cc...
    homeassistant.setup: info  # Setting up evohome_cc

    custom_components.evohome_cc: info
    custom_components.evohome_cc.*: info

    evohome_rf: warning
    evohome_rf.*: warning
    evohome_rf.packet_log: info  # info=STDOUT, warning=STDERR
    evohome_rf.protocol: info  # for rcvd msgs

# Use your own values here...
  serial_port: /dev/ttyUSB0
  scan_interval: 60
    packet_log: /home/dbonnes/home-assistant/.config/packet.log
    max_zones: 16
    controller: 01:xxxxxx

From startup of HA, for about 10 mins.


Note: when you see your schema - don’t be surprised to see the system isn’t configured as you expect - this is common…

Do I need to add the controller, oth, hgi80 also in the allowlist? Or only the radiators?

Currently I compiled the following list:

    - 01:223036
    - 10:040239
    - 04:231770
    - 04:231772
    - 04:231774
    - 04:231776
    - 04:050559
    - 04:155445
    - 04:155403
    - 04:081849
    - 04:155443
    - 04:155407
    - 04:155551
    - 04:155533
    - 04:155537
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@phdelodder i see in a post of David above that he add’s also the controller in the whitelist.

This wiki entry has been heavily updated: Tips for the configuration.yaml file

I strongly recommend using a controller ID, and an allow list.


Is the ‘manual install’ correct?

When I follow that - I get something like this - see below.
I.e. I have another ‘custom_components’ folder under ‘evohome_cc’.


Note: the latest version of

  • evohome_rf is 0.5.7 - this will be pulled down from the internet, automatically
  • evohome_cc is the master branch of the repo - it does say 0.5.6, but is really 0.5.7.

You do not need to install evohome_rf - HA should pull it down from PyPi

Your directory structure should be:


O.K. Changed to new…
Now for ‘climate’ I see:

When I press 1-st one:

But when I want to change the temperature:

It stay for few seconds - then goes back to 17:

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