Honeywell CH/DHW via RF - evohome, sundial, hometronics, chronotherm

I thought since DHW is working I’ll share my automation that turns it on when the water temperature drops below 40 deg while off.
If anyone can think of any improvements, please share.

$ cat automations.yaml
- id: '1614965419220'
  alias: Heat HotWater
  description: ''
  - platform: numeric_state
    entity_id: water_heater.stored_hw
    below: '40'
    attribute: current_temperature
  - condition: state
    entity_id: water_heater.stored_hw
    state: 'off'
  - service: water_heater.set_operation_mode
      entity_id: water_heater.stored_hw
      operation_mode: 'boost'
  mode: single

Hey all, I’m having an issue with the standard evohome and am wondering if the feature set in this project will help. As you can see in the chart below, the heating in one of my rooms takes a long time to kick in… annoyingly this is the nursery! So for example this morning the room was cold at 5.10am so we turned the heat up to encourage the heating on but it didn’t start heating until 5.40. Will setting this project up allow me to better understand what’s going on here? Or even to override evohome and force the valve on? Thanks!

How are you getting the green shaded areas with the ‘standard’ (official) evohome integration? It is not accurate & was removed (I think I removed it, anyway).

There is a dead band of 0.5C.

Yes - you will see the ‘truth’, as opposed to the fudge that was in the original integration (my fault - i put it there).

Dear zxdavb, with the latest version of evohome_cc, if I try to set_hvac mode off, I am getting the following error: Failed to call service climate/set_hvac_mode. ‘RadZone’ object has no attribute ‘frost_protect’

This was working in the previous versions
Thank you in advance

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OK, just pushed v0.5.16 - some bugfixes, including:

‘RadZone’ object has no attribute ‘frost_protect’
‘RadZone’ object has no attribute ‘cancel_override’


    assert mode in ZONE_MODE_LOOKUP, mode
AssertionError: 00

@zxdavb Do you prefer bugs reported here? Or on github? I was chatting with @phdelodder about a few things, he also noted the issue/fix with window sensors:

For the window open state you need to change line 23 of and the reason you can see on file evohome_rf/ at line 1018 and line 1026

Well… It could, but someone would have to write the code… And given the small number of people in this use-case…

Try this work-around:

Duplicate the evohome_cc folder within in the custom_components folder:


Modify this line in evohome\ to say:

DOMAIN = "evohome_cc2"

Create a second entry in configuration.yaml:

    controller: 01:111111

    controller: 01:222222

Make sure you have mutually-exclusive allow_lists.

And see what happens! If it doesn’t work - what error message did you get?

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I would prefer github - there tends to be better bug reports then

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I believe I have just fixed this - I have pushed a new evohome_cc

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I have raised an issue on Github, when trying to set a Preset change on 0.5.16a:

Results in:

Failed to call service climate/set_preset_mode set_zone_mode() takes 3 positional arguments but 6 were given.

OK, try 0.5.17 - sorry, stupid mistake.

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There seems to be a new issue:

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OK, try 0.5.19

it’s a different error now:
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/evohome_rf/", line 520, in set_zone_mode
    assert mode in ZONE_MODE_MAP, mode
AssertionError: follow_schedule

When I look at my schema from 0.5.19 I have several orphans, when looking at 0.5.10 I don’t have any orphans. Is that something new in the latest evohome_rf and do I need to rebind or is this all good?

Version 0.5.19 (nanocul 0.6.14 evofw3):

Schema = {'controller': '01:223036', 'system': {'heating_relay': '10:040239'}, 'orphans': ['04:050559', '04:081849', '04:155407', '04:155445', '04:155533'], 'stored_hotwater': {}, 'underfloor_heating': {}, 'zones': {'00': {'heating_type': 'radiator_valve', 'sensor': None, 'devices': ['04:231774', '04:231772', '04:231776']}, '01': {'heating_type': 'radiator_valve', 'sensor': '04:231770', 'devices': ['04:231770']}, '02': {'heating_type': None, 'sensor': '04:155537', 'devices': []}, '03': {'heating_type': 'radiator_valve', 'sensor': '04:155551', 'devices': ['04:155551']}, '04': {'heating_type': None, 'sensor': None, 'devices': []}, '05': {'heating_type': None, 'sensor': None, 'devices': []}, '06': {'heating_type': None, 'sensor': None, 'devices': []}, '07': {'heating_type': 'radiator_valve', 'sensor': '04:155403', 'devices': ['04:155403']}, '08': {'heating_type': None, 'sensor': None, 'devices': []}, '09': {'heating_type': None, 'sensor': None, 'devices': []}}}

Version 0.5.10 (HGI80):

Schema = {'controller': '01:223036', 'system': {'heating_relay': '10:040239'}, 'orphans': [], 'stored_hotwater': {}, 'underfloor_heating': {}, 'zones': {'00': {'heating_type': 'radiator_valve', 'sensor': None, 'devices': ['04:231774', '04:231772', '04:231776']}, '01': {'heating_type': 'radiator_valve', 'sensor': '04:231770', 'devices': ['04:231770']}, '02': {'heating_type': 'radiator_valve', 'sensor': '04:155537', 'devices': ['04:155537', '04:155533']}, '03': {'heating_type': 'radiator_valve', 'sensor': '04:155551', 'devices': ['04:155551']}, '04': {'heating_type': 'radiator_valve', 'sensor': '04:155443', 'devices': ['04:155443']}, '05': {'heating_type': 'radiator_valve', 'sensor': '04:155445', 'devices': ['04:155445']}, '06': {'heating_type': 'radiator_valve', 'sensor': '04:155407', 'devices': ['04:155407']}, '07': {'heating_type': 'radiator_valve', 'sensor': '04:155403', 'devices': ['04:155403']}, '08': {'heating_type': 'radiator_valve', 'sensor': '04:050559', 'devices': ['04:050559']}, '09': {'heating_type': 'radiator_valve', 'sensor': '04:081849', 'devices': ['04:081849']}}}

OK, I think I worked out why my testbed wasn’t working, try: 0.5.20

I still need to digist and wiki-ise this - I saw the same:

David then responded, under the ‘The sync_cycle’ heading, in my understanding, stating it is not an/binding issue.

" Note : a TRV does not need to be in a zone from the controller’s point of view to choose to accept this data and process it as if it was in the zone.

I understand that this is not a problem and accounts for the ‘orphan’ with the controller still able to trigger it as required."

WIthout looking at you schema…

There was a enhancement to evohome_cc, where all devices seen by evohome_rf are now shown up as sensors, that is, now including those that are ‘true orphans’.

Because of the above change, the devices key was removed from Status = {"devices": {... (status of devices known to the system), and now is a separate entry, Devices = {... (status of all known devices).

There are two slightly different definitions of an orphan:

  • a device that is bound to your controller, or - more likely - believes it is bound to your controller, but does not (yet) have a parent (perhaps it was not bound properly) - a parent is a zone, or DHW, or heating-control - because it has no parent, it has no ‘home’ in the schema
  • a device that is not bound to your controller at al - a true orphan - these may become system orphans later on (or never), and even children after that (or never)

A true orphan is a device (e.g. a TRV) that has been eavesdropped rather than discovered - most likely it actually belongs to another controller. (@Hassiouser this will help you a little - you can get all your devices, but not both systems).

Here below, orphans are devices that belong to the system, but have no home (as yet) under system, stored_hotwater, underfloor_heating, or zones.

Schema = {
    'controller': '01:145038', 
	'system': {'heating_relay': '13:237335'}, 
	'orphans': ["13:123456"], 
	'stored_hotwater': {}, 
	'underfloor_heating': {}, 
	'zones': {

Issues surrounding the above can be managed with allow lists (or less well, with block lists), which is strongly recommended.

Fell free to add this to the wiki.

Guys, you need to be aware.

NOTE: If you restart HA often, you will exceed the RF duty cycle and your system will not behave as expected.

evohome_rf sends a huge number of packets when it starts up as part of discovery & has a lot of intelligence surrounding that to ensure things go smoothly, despite it clearly exceeding the RF duty cycle.

If you restart evohome_rf often (e.g. by restarting HA often) within a short period of time, then it will perform discovery back-to-back, which will result is an excessive number of RQ packets been sent via RF.

The controller will stop responding to these RQs for an extended period of time, and discovery will fail to work. There will be nothing to do, but wait (or reboot the controller), and then restart HA.

The situation is even worse if you are using a HGI80 instead of a evofw3-based device - you will have you power-cycle the HGI80 to get it working again.

An example of what you will likely see is an incomplete schema, where previously it was complete.

Seems fixed, altough my test env needs some rest now, guess I had it restart one to many times.