Honeywell CH/DHW via RF - evohome, sundial, hometronics, chronotherm

No faked sensors set up at the time.

I am struggling to get the BDR91 relays for CH and DHW to reconnect to controller. Everything else has gone back after a power cycle

You donā€™t have any de-ionisers by any chance do you?

The only time I ever had anything similar, and it wiped out z-wave and Hue as well, was when weā€™d just got a new de-humidifier, with a de-ioniser.

ā€¦ still not 100% sure this is/was the cause, but electrically charged particles I could see how it might be, as it was returned :slight_smile:

No de-ionisers too.

I have changed all the batteries and rebound the relays and all seems good at moment. Hopefully this was just a coincidence.

Remind to all to remember to change your batteries before itā€™s too late.

I use:

(venv) dbonnes@vm-builder ~/c/evohome (master)> cd ~/home-assistant/.config/
(venv) dbonnes@vm-builder ~/h/.config (master)> ls custom_components/evohome_cc/  manifest.json  __pycache__/  services.yaml

You do not need to install ramses_rf (was called evohome_rf until yesterday) with either method - that is specificed in the manifest.json file.

Perhaps you could provide a log file?

Will have a look.

Yes. I am quite keen for people to have no excuse to stay on Domoticz, when they could be using HA instead :slight_smile:

Could you PM me a copy of a packet log, taken when you re-bind your weather sensor to the controller to evohome using Domoticz? You will need to turn any device filtering off in the configuration.yaml.

Or better still - if you can manage:

python -rr listen /dev/ttyACM0 -o packet.log

Ideally, doing this for 24h would be great, to catch all the packets the weather sensor might send - but the binding is the main thing.

I have 100ā€™s of MBs of packet logs, but I donā€™t have a copy of any of that.

I am sorry, I cannot see how evohome_cc / ramses_rf could cause this.

I have done a lot of crazy things here whilst developing ramses_rf & never saw that behaviourā€¦

Do send me packet logs if you have them, and I will take a look.

Hi @zxdavb

Iā€™ve just put in a pull request for a tiny code tweak. It allows users to create an optional configuration parameter:

  advanced_override: true

If this parameter exists and is set to true, the behaviour of set_temperature in is ZoneMode.ADVANCED. If the parameter doesnā€™t exist or is false, previous behaviour is maintained. I see this as a temporary measure until you have completed the development of profiles. It means I donā€™t have to keep manually editing your code every time I update it. I hope this request is ok for you to approve.

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Thatā€™s great! I have made a review. Please install & run pre-commit too.

Ahā€¦ I think I may need a little hand-holding with that please? I was pleased with myself for managing to put in a pull request but Iā€™m afraid Iā€™ve no idea how to do what youā€™re now asking!

Update: After Googling that, Iā€™m assuming pre-commit is something Iā€™d need to install in a development environmentā€¦ only issue is I donā€™t have a development environment with git installed as such! I made the changes manually in my local installation on Home Assistant, tested, then branched your repo on Github and pasted my changes in before making a pull request. I donā€™t have a local clone or anything like that running.

@zxdavb ok, I figured out pre-commit! It made a few changes in accordance with your policy file so Iā€™ve revoked my original pull request and put a new one in. Hopefully thatā€™s ok for you now?

Well done with pre-commit.

I am not sure why you closed the first PR? You can just commit/push any changes to a PR, without the need for a new one.

Iā€™ll remember that for the next time thenā€¦ Iā€™ve no idea what Iā€™m doing, just clicking things until it did what I wanted :slight_smile:

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I need someone with an evohome external/outside sensor to provide a packet log please.

A real Honeywell sensor, not a Domoticz faked sensor.

Please PM me.

@zxdavb David, 12 zones all being controlled by faked sensors using Xiaomi Mijia temperature and humidity sensors. The uniformity of a rooms temperature is definitely improved versus the HR91ā€™s. Any plans to allow more than one fake sensor to be applied to a zone? This is a great enhancement!!

Thatā€™s great - weā€™d always expect TRV sensors to suffer from their non-optimal location & their proximity to their radiator.

No - evohome expects only one device nominated as the sensor per zone.

You could have multiple sensors, and send the average of those to evohome_cc to fake.

I was thinking in the same way you can have multiple room zone? In this case the bound HR91ā€™s act independently of one another.

Can you explain how you set it up?
I have some aqara zigbee and some sensors attached to an esp with esphome which I can use for this but the above explanation was not really clear for me.

With the Zigbee sensors setup and reporting their values within HomeAssistant:

  • Long press Settings on the EvoHome controller
  • Select Zone Configuration
  • Select your zone
  • Select Temperature Sensor
  • Select Remote Sensor
  • Select Yes to override the previous sensor bindings
  • The controller will now ask you to bind the temperature sensor
  • From HomeAssistant call the RAMSES RF: Create Sensor service, the EvoHome controller will acknowledge the ā€œfakeā€ sensor is now bound.
  • Repeat for other zones.

Now that the ā€œfakeā€ sensor(s) are bound, you need to write an automation which calls RAMSES RF: set_zone_temp service passing the current value of the Zigbee sensor(s).

In my case, I have an automation running every 4 minutes, which updates the zones.

OkƩ clear, do you have an example of the automation how you use your own sensor?
The given example from a few days ago sets an manually given temperature.