Hourly programmable thermostat

I’m aware everybody can do it manually with a bunch of sliders and some code in automation… But I wonder if really there’s no ready-to-use thermostat with hourly/weekly schedule. I think it’s a very common use-case for an home automation system, isn’t it?

Try heaty/schedy

It sounds good, I read though the docs but I cannot find a screenshot to understand how the UI looks like.

There is no UI.

Got it. Hence, it’s not what I’m looking for.

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I’d be interested in this too.
I too think it’s odd that there’s no scheduling front end considering how many thermostats are supported (as well as DIY sonoff options), There’s a great “Nest like” thermostat card for the front end but it doesn’t support schedules.

I guess it’s due to everyone’s use-cases being so different…

Scheduling is handled by automations. There is a UI for that. One specific to thermostats is far far in the future. Home assistant has many other flaws that need to be worked out for it to be fully UI. You could always make a feature request for this and it will get worked on in the future. My current understanding is that the developers are working hard to get basic things into the interface at this point. For example, the last interface Item that was added was renaming entities.

Yes I’m aware of the automations controling the scheduling. It’s just that “isn’t good enough” for my wife at present, so I instead now have to find a thermostat that has a “boost” function that is also controllable via HA so that I can over-ride the inbuilt schedule of the thermostat if “X” and “Y” and “Z” are true without having to rely on hefty automations.

I think I’ve found one that fits the bill (its not as sexy as the Nest, but it will do for our use case), just need to convince her its the ‘Right buy for us’.

I had considered raising it as a request, but like you say… I’d rather them onboard more stuff into the frontend than tie them up with a heating scheduler!

I can’t wait for them to get the secure tunnel working for cloud access so that I can start subscribing.

I mean, you could code the entire thing yourself in yaml. It’s possible to get what you want for your wife if she needs to adjust the automated time schedule. For example, you could create 4 temperature points for weekdays and weekends. It would just be a datetime and a input number paired together in the interface. Then your automations work off that instead of hard coding everything.

Something like that isn’t that hard to do either.

Take a look here. I’m still using this package for scheduling my thermostat, hope it helps.


Yeah, pretty much exactly what I had in mind. Nice setup!

That is not to say you can’t control aspects of heaty with gui elements.

do you mind yo share your lovelace ui solution?

Nothing fancy, I’m using old states for it

          - type: horizontal-stack
              - type: entities
                  - climate.centralno
                  - switch.centralno
                  - input_boolean.automode_centralno
                  - input_boolean.timeonoff_centralno
                  - input_boolean.alarmweekday_centralno
                  - sensor.alarm_time_centralno
                  - input_number.set_temp_centralno
                  - input_number.alarmhour_centralno
                  - input_number.alarmminutes_centralno
                title: Centralno
                show_header_toggle: false