How can I download HA Green OS iso to try on a Orange Pi 3b

I bought an Orange Pi 3b and have had no luck installing HA Supervised without the CGroup version and AppArmor issues. I have tried different Debian 11 and 12 base OS and various fixes for both issues. I even tried the Orange pi Raspberry Pi OS version base then install HA on top, Still no luck.

I was looking at the new HA Green when I noticed that it uses the same Rockchip RK3566 as the Orange Pi 3b. So I was thinking, I bet the HA Green OS would probably work. I then looked to see if it was on the HA site to download. It wasn’t or I couldn’t find it.

My question, how can I get a copy of the HA Green OS to see if it will work on my OP 3b? or maybe you can release an HA build for the Orange Pi. It can’t be that difficult if you have already ported the HA OS to be used on another RK3566 SBC.

it is listed on

See here

Lets us know if it works !

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Awesome… Thank you, I will let you know!

Yeah, no luck. Maybe I did something wrong. I burned the fill to an SD card with BalanaEtcher. Inserted and nothing happen. I got a red power led on the board but no flashing green activity light. I hooked up a monitor to see if anything was showing on output. Nothing. I left it running for over 30min with no changes.

I’m going on a business trip for a week so when I return, I will try a few more things.

But if you have any suggestions to get HAOS or Supervised with no flags onto a Organge Pi sbc, that would be helpful. I have both OP5 and OP3b boards.

Hi !
I had the same problems than you installing HA on an Orange PI 3B running Rasbian 12 and finally make it works with just a few configuration changes.

See the whole story here : Installing Home Assistant Supervised on a Raspberry Pi using Debian 12 - #891 by jca24440

Hope this help !

  • Jean-Claude
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Hi, I actually just did that right around the same time… Just managed to post my notes:

Did you get any of the errors? CGroup or AppArmor?

How did your install process go? Did you receive any of the dreaded errors?

Well, I had a few attempts, so yes I got it first time around… But if you do it in the sequence described in the post above, I don’t think you get any error (I can’t even remember any warning that caught my attention)… The step 5.3 takes care of the CGroup or AppArmor setup before starting the HA install.

Hey madHatter, thank you for your suggestions, I tried to follow your instructions but I was not able to get HA running. I had a bunch of install error’s and couldn’t figure out why because most of the steps were the same as I’ve been doing on past attempts. I think the board may have taken a dump. I’m not exactly sure, but when I tried a different board, I didn’t get the same errors. Just a side note, I’m a noob and the some of the instructions were not noob friendly. Since I have gone down the rabbit hole of HA, I have started to learn linux but most of the things I’ve learned were the basic “how” and not the “why” it’s that way. So, if you revise your write-up, please consider us noobs.

Step 4, I wasn’t sure how to do this. I put that exact command in, and nothing happen. I looked it up, and couldn’t find anything. So it was skipped.

Step 5.1, there was no mention how to get to the /etc/os-release directory. I tried sudo nano /etc… and it looked like I was in the right place but being a noob, I may have been in the wrong place.

Step 5.3 didn’t work at all for me, maybe because I didn’t wait long enough or maybe it was my board issue. but nothing happen and I got install errors.

Also, the “Check it that worked”, maybe show the expected output and or correction if the step didn’t work.

So, for my board issue, which I didn’t figure out till I tried Jean-Claude’s method, I don’t think my board had an internet connection. I first felt like something was wrong when I couldn’t SSH in. Then I couldn’t see the IP on my router. Lastly, after plugging up a monitor, there was no IP listed on the first boot. I still ran through the steps not noticing I wasn’t getting the apt updates or the wgets. Did I mention I was a noob. So then I built a Debian OS which I was more familiar with and again, on first boot, I didn’t see an IP listed. I then inserted the same sd card into my spare board and the first board listed an IP. So I’m guessing the internet controller crapped out. I will have to play with it a little more. But, being that I was unsure with some of the steps, I thought I was give Jean Claude’s suggestion a try.

Thank you again for your help!

Thank you Jean-Claude, your tweaks worked. I have a fully supported HA that is supervised and no errors. If you read my reply to madHatter, then you will know that I’m a noob and everything I do has a learning curve. Buuuut, out of all the methods I have tried, this seems to be the easiest with the fewest steps. But I would like to also offer 1 update to your right up.

I followed the Russian installation of HA using the Orange Pi 3b Debian bookworm Server build with pretty much no issues. HA server started but gave a laundry list of errors. Then I realized your post had tweaks to get it running. I was able to get into the boot.cmd and locate the first line. I added your line, saved and exit but the Sudo mkimage… CMD didn’t work. I have tried this fix before but the mkimage cmd never worked. I went back into the boot.cmd to insure I didn’t copy something wrong or didn’t save it right. But to my amazement, I did it correctly. Just by chance, I was looking through the rest of the file and at the bottom of the file I saw the mkimage -c… line but it was commented out with the “#” at the beginning of the statement. Well that was what I thought. So I removed the “#”, Saved and exited the editor. Ran the sudo mkimage… cmd again and it printed stuff that wasn’t an error. So I continued with your instructions, rebooted and the HA server started up with the normal set-up. I went through that process, got into HA and only had one notification that I had new devices.

My suggestion, you may want to add the possible uncommenting out part while in the boot.cmd. I’m sure this was the reason my other attempts inputting that cmd didn’t work. I don’t think the new noob knows about “#”. But as a seasoned noob, I was able to recognize that the OS doesn’t do anything with a cmd that starts with “#”.

Thank you for your help and clear write-up. I was just about to give-up and buy a HA Green. I like tinkering with things but I have been trying to get a supported HA supervised for over 2 months. I was able to get an unsupported HA working but what fun is that. Come to think of it, I have probably tried your fix before. I have tried sooooo many.

Thank you again.

Now for my next issue… by any chance do you know how to get a zooZ 800 Long Range stick working? HA times out starting up the z-wave JS integration. Down the rabbit hole I continue to fall:/


Glad you made it work in the end! :slight_smile: Thanks for the comments: I have clarified step (4) and corrected a typo in (5.3).
As a general piece of advice: ChatGPT can make a good companion coaching you through this kind of process and explaining you what you are actually doing and need to know. Not always the best answers, but unlike humans, it has infinite patience… :wink:

Lol… in my many attempts to get it running with no errors, I did use Chat GPT. Maybe if I would have seen the uncommented line earlier, it would not have taken me this long.

Did you have an error with the Bluetooth in this build? In the Integrations, under Configured, the Bluetooth has an error “Failed setup, will retry”. It has been that way ever ever since the first start up. I figured it would sort itself out with an updated or something. I haven’t found any other correction yet. Would you know of a fix?