How can I have local AND imported scenes? (LIFX)

If I have a blank scenes.yaml then I have no access to LIFX scenes. If I add:

  • platform: lifx_cloud

Then I do. However if I add a local scene via the visual editor, restart checks will complain and the LIFX scenes disappear. If I delete those 2 LIFX specific lines it works (just no LIFX Scenes). So what am I missing here? How do you get both to coexist? Is there something more to it than that?

Please post the error message.

Most likely you just need to adjust your configuration.yaml scene !include(s)


scene ui: !include scenes.yaml # UI generated

scene lifx: !include lifx_scenes.yaml

Put your lifx cloud config in the second file lifx_scenes.yaml (after you create it).

Also please format your forum posts correctly. See: