Hello @benoit-cty ! Your recomandation looks promising… Please share with me an Arduino sketch that will sent the temperature of a dht11 sensors and can control a 4 channel relay board. Thx
Hello, you don’t need a sketch, that’s the power of OpenMQTTGateway.
You need to install in the Arduino, and after you just configure what you want to do in Home Assistant in configuration.yaml:
- platform: mqtt
unique_id: cave.relais3.4
name: "cave relais 3 -4"
command_topic: "home/cave_mega/commands/MQTTtoONOFF"
payload_on: '{"gpio":17,"cmd":1}'
payload_off: '{"gpio":17,"cmd":0}'
You could search for OpenMQTTGateway in this forum, there is many thread about it.