I would like to add custom colours to my HASS front end that are available with all themes. For example, one of my dashboard cards has a line of YAML reading: background-color: rgb(var(--jordserv-orange))
jordserv-orange is currently defined in a theme YAML as --jordserv-orange: 255, 214, 165; This is stored in config > themes > material_rounded > material_rounded.yaml
The problem is that this colour is only available when using the material_rounded theme. If not everyone is using the same theme, the cards show up without any colours.
Is there any way I can add these colour variables to the global HASS config so that it is available across all themes? Can I simply add it to the configuration.yaml file?
Thanks for the reply - that’s some good food for thought. I don’t know if I’m as comfortable with this method as my JS skills aren’t that up to scratch these days. I will keep it in mind - surely there’s a more elegant way?