How do I convert a string into a "number"?

Yah, I’ve learned to never assume when it comes to the resolver. I.e. I always assume wrong :rofl:

Love you guys :wink: Used this solution:

      description: "Divisão a aspirar"
    - variables:
          corredor: "1,11"
          pais: "3"
          sala: "6"
          meninos: "7"
          gonçalo: "8"
          cozinha: "9"
          escritório: "12"
    - service: xiaomi_miot.call_action
        entity_id: vacuum.viomi_v18_e271_robot_cleaner
        siid: 4
        aiid: 13
        params: [0, 1, "{{ rooms.get(divisao, '') }}"]

@petro the “battle room” is wherever the wife wants it to be :innocent:

Now, the only problem I have is with “corredor” since it passes 2 room ids.

While testing the service call, this works:

service: xiaomi_miot.call_action
  entity_id: vacuum.viomi_v18_e271_robot_cleaner
  siid: 4
  aiid: 13
  params: [0,1,"1,11"]

But for some reason, when using the script above, it doesn’t.
This shows up on the logs:

Viomi S9(viomi.vacuum.v18): Call miot action {'did': '329449566', 'siid': 4, 'aiid': 13, 'in': [{'piid': 36, 'value': 0}, {'piid': 37, 'value': 1}, {'piid': 38, 'value': (1, 11)}]} failed: {'code': -9999, 'message': 'user ack timeout'}

are you 100% sure that the 3rd param is a string of separated numbers?

well… it works on the service call directly :slight_smile: just not via script

can you show what you use as a service call?

^^ this one

can you give this script a try then

I would have said that Home Assistant native typing converted the string "1,11" into a tuple (1, 11). However, I hesitate to say that because I can’t explain why it only happens when the script executes the service call versus when the service call is executed from Developer Tools > Services.

I see it now.

The direct service call uses this:

params: [0,1,"1,11"]

whereas the script uses this:

params: [0, 1, "{{ rooms.get(divisao, '') }}"]

The result of the template within the list is this string '1,11' and to native typing that looks like a tuple and so it gets converted to a tuple.

That would explain the appearance of the tuple in the error message:

{'piid': 38, 'value': (1, 11)}]}

Yeah, it was my first thought too, but since I’m a n00b on this I wanted to be sure here.

The metioned script is missing a “>” after div: right? (otherwise it just has a ton of errors)

Anyway, with the “>” I have this error when it executes:

aspirar: Error executing script. Error rendering template for variables at pos 1: TypeError: can only concatenate list (not "str") to list

that’s possible

that’s not possible, there are no string + [] concatenations. Are you using the one I linked or a previous one

The linked one:

Any idea on how to fool the “guy” ? :wink:

ah ok, then use this config instead. Apparently it does not type corredor

      description: "Divisão a aspirar"
    - variables:
          corredor: [1, 11]
          pais: 3
          sala: 6
          meninos: 7
          gonçalo: 8
          cozinha: 9
          escritório: 12
          {% set which = divisao if divisao is iterable and divisao is not string else [ divisao ] %}
          {% set ns = namespace(ret=[]) %}
          {% for x in rooms.items() | list | selectattr('0', 'in', which) | map(attribute='1') | list %}
            {% set v = [ x ] if x is is_number else x %}
            {% set ns.ret = ns.ret + v %}
          {% endfor %}
          {{ ns.ret }}
    - service: xiaomi_miot.call_action
        entity_id: vacuum.viomi_v18_e271_robot_cleaner
        siid: 4
        aiid: 13
        params: [0, 1, "{{ div | join(', ') }}"]
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Home Assistant’s native typing is based on “If it looks like a duck, it’s a duck” and 1,11 looks like a tuple so it’s a tuple.

oh shit… so i’m doomed on this one? :frowning:

back to the same error message (coverted to a tuple)

Try petro’s suggestion.

… and the same result. Native typing made it a duck again. :slight_smile:

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ok, i know how to fix it gimme a minute

Ok, to get around the typing applied by templates you have to force a complex structure through the template and it won’t adjust the internal items.

      description: "Divisão a aspirar"
    - variables:
          corredor: [1, 11]
          pais: 3
          sala: 6
          meninos: 7
          gonçalo: 8
          cozinha: 9
          escritório: 12
          {% set which = divisao if divisao is iterable and divisao is not string else [ divisao ] %}
          {% set ns = namespace(ret=[]) %}
          {% for x in rooms.items() | list | selectattr('0', 'in', which) | map(attribute='1') | list %}
            {% set v = [ x ] if x is is_number else x %}
            {% set ns.ret = ns.ret + v %}
          {% endfor %}
          {{ ns.ret }}
    - service: xiaomi_miot.call_action
        entity_id: vacuum.viomi_v18_e271_robot_cleaner
        siid: 4
        aiid: 13
        params: "{{ [0, 1, div | join(', ')] }}"
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fyi @123 you can do this too with the entire data field if you try to force a number to be a string…

data: "{{ {'foo': '123'} }}"

foo will be templateable and still be a string and the entire service data field is templated.

It’s the only way to circumvent the typing from the template engine.