How do I get a local json file to load using Rest or File

Since an update to the Samba and latest HA, there is an issue with the way you address save and read your json files.

With a little help and a lot of experimentation I have discovered the correct way of addressing files generated in Nodered and reading them in HA.
Here are the details in brief

Here is the proceedure:-

1 The mapping in config is a must

  - addon_config:rw
  - homeassistant_config:rw
  - media:rw
  - share:rw
  - www:rw
  - local:rw
  - ssl

2 Nodered write file has to be /homeassistant/www/community/myfolder/myfile.x
3 The REST resource url has to be

Ah, so it really is a Node Red thing. I don’t use that and mine all function fine. I have oXygen editor directly linked via Samba to .homeassistant directory and browse/edit by hand those files.

OK, well I use Nodered because it is the easiest way for me to do some add on processing to other files. The one big issue with nodered is that it seems virtually impossible to write a file that can be processed on any other machine on the network, never mind to HA on the same machine.