How do I get correct values from Carlo Gavazzi EM340 Modbus

I have this setup now in my configuration.yaml, and it works (mostly)

    -  name: "EM340_in"
       state_topic: "EM340/kWh_in"
       value_template: "{{ value | float  | round (2) }}"
       unit_of_measurement: "kWh"
       device_class: energy
       state_class: total_increasing       
    -  name: "EM340_out"
       state_topic: "EM340/kWh_out"
       value_template: "{{ value | float  | round (2) }}"
       unit_of_measurement: "kWh"
       device_class: energy
       state_class: total_increasing    
    -  name: "EM340_A1"
       state_topic: "EM340/A1"
       value_template: "{{ value | float  | round (2) }}"
       unit_of_measurement: "A"
       device_class: current
       state_class: measurement
    -  name: "EM340_A2"
       state_topic: "EM340/A2"
       value_template: "{{ value | float  | round (2) }}"
       unit_of_measurement: "A"
       device_class: current
       state_class: measurement
    -  name: "EM340_A3"
       state_topic: "EM340/A3"
       value_template: "{{ value | float  | round (2) }}"
       unit_of_measurement: "A"
       device_class: current
       state_class: measurement

I am publishing to mqqt with a python script on a raspberry pi that has a RS485-CAN-hat attached to it. I intend to swap out the rpi for an esp8266 later in the week. The python code :

from pymodbus.client.sync import ModbusSerialClient
from pymodbus.pdu import ExceptionResponse
from pymodbus.exceptions import ModbusIOException
from pymodbus.payload import BinaryPayloadDecoder
from pymodbus.constants import Endian
import struct
import time

import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt #import the client1

class ModbusException(Exception):
  def __init__(self, resp):
    self.msg = str(result)

  def __str__(self):
    return self.msg

class ModbusRequestDefinition(object):
  def __init__(self, kind, unit, address, count, converter, label, decimals, topic):
    self.kind = kind
    self.unit = unit
    self.address = address
    self.count = count
    self.converter = converter
    self.label = label
    self.decimals = decimals
    self.topic = topic

reqs = [
 #ModbusRequestDefinition('H', 1, 0x0002, 2, '', 'V1'),
 #ModbusRequestDefinition('H', 1, 0x0002, 2, '', 'V2'),
 #ModbusRequestDefinition('H', 1, 0x0004, 2, '', 'V3'),
 ModbusRequestDefinition('H', 1, 0x000C, 2, '', 'A1', 1000,'EM340/A1'),
 ModbusRequestDefinition('H', 1, 0x000E, 2, '', 'A2', 1000,'EM340/A2'),
 ModbusRequestDefinition('H', 1, 0x0010, 2, '', 'A3', 1000,'EM340/A3'),
 ModbusRequestDefinition('H', 1, 0x0034, 2, '', 'kWh+', 10,'EM340/kWh_in'),
 ModbusRequestDefinition('H', 1, 0x004E, 2, '', 'kWh-', 10,'EM340/kWh_out')

client = ModbusSerialClient(method='rtu', port='/dev/ttyAMA0', baudrate=9600, stopbits=1, timeout=1)

delay = 0.05
#period = 0.5
period = 5

mqttclient = mqtt.Client("P1") #create new instance
mqttclient.username_pw_set("your mqqt user", "your mqtt password") # !! insert your own credentials here !!
mqttclient.connect(broker_address) #connect to broker

while True:
  for req in reqs:
      if req.kind == 'H':
        result = client.read_holding_registers(address=req.address,

        if type(result) in [ExceptionResponse, ModbusIOException]:
          raise ModbusException(result)
        # print(req.label,  end ="\t" )
        # print(req.topic,  end ="\t" )
        decoder = BinaryPayloadDecoder.fromRegisters(result.registers, byteorder=Endian.Big, wordorder=Endian.Little)
        val = decoder.decode_32bit_int()/req.decimals
        # print(val)

    except ModbusException as e:
      print("ERROR when querying '{0}': {1!s}".format(req.label, e))
      if client.socket is None:
        print("renew socket")
        #client.socket = getSerial()



this is old pymodbus v2.5 as I couldnt yet port to the new release v3. Anyone have a working example there that I could start from then I would be happy to adapt.

Then submit the EM340_in and EM340_out sensors to the energy wizard and after a few hours of running you can see the stats generating a nice energy graph.

Now I have to mimic the same RS485 > ESP8266 > MQTT > HA for my inverter

Sounds good and well. Go for it!
Just wanted to quickly mention that I am a very happy user of the Protoss RS485 product family, specifically the PE11-H. Ethernet or Wifi, 230V or 5V, Plug and play for 10-30€

Anyone willing to help here with a very basic question for me to get things started.

I do have a Gavazzi EM330 with ModBus interface connected to a Wallbox Pulsar EV charger. I believe that the Wallbox acting as a host and EM330 client. Could I just plug i.e. this in parallel to the EM330 data ports to steal the readings to HA?