How do i get individual mushroom chips to blink

Hi all,

i’m in home assistant for about 10 months now and really enjoying it!!

For one of my dashboards i want to show certain states on my wallpanel.

The case:
I have a horizontal stack with mushroom chips, each chip for a diferent state with a color changing icon. i got this working with template chips and is working exacly as planed.

I would like the chips to blink when they are in a certain state, for example:
i have a chip that when the waterpressure from the central heating drops below 1,6 bar the chip turns red and i get every hour a notification on my phone, when i single click the chip it toggles the automation on/off so it stops nagging me all day, when the automation is off the icon turns yellow.

I would like the icon to also blink when the automation is off

If i put the following in the yaml all the chips start to blink when the state is true

style: |
{% if is_state(‘automation.notify_cv_druk_laag’,‘off’) %}
ha-card { animation: blink 1s linear infinite; }
@keyframes blink { 50% {opacity: 0;} }
{%- endif %}

any thoughts?

kind regard Kevin

ps: i’m from the netherlands, so sorry if my english isn’t always correct.

My current yaml:

type: custom:mushroom-chips-card
  - type: template
      action: call-service
      service: automation.toggle
        entity_id: automation.notify_cv_druk_laag
    entity: input_boolean.status_cv_chip
    icon: mdi:water-boiler-alert
    icon_color: >-
      {{ 'red' if states('input_boolean.status_cv_chip') == 'on' else 'yellow'
      if states ('automation.notify_cv_druk_laag') == 'off' else 'null' }}
      action: call-service
      service: automation.trigger
        entity_id: automation.verwarming_naar_19
        skip_condition: true
  - type: template
    icon: mdi:vacuum
    icon_color: >-
      {{ 'white' if states('counter.stofzuig_counter') == '0' else 'green' if
      states('counter.stofzuig_counter') == '1' else 'yellow' if
      states('counter.stofzuig_counter') == '2' else 'red' if
      states('counter.stofzuig_counter') == '3' }}
      action: none
      action: more-info
    entity: counter.stofzuig_counter
  - type: template
    icon_color: >-
      {{ 'white' if states('counter.vuilnis') == '0' else 'green' if
      states('counter.vuilnis') == '1' else 'yellow' if
      states('counter.vuilnis') == '2' else 'red' if states('counter.vuilnis')
      == '3' }}
    icon: phu:garbage-residual
    entity: counter.vuilnis
alignment: center