How do i read a shopping list?

Trying to send my shopping list once i enter a certain zone, but for the life of my i can’t find out how to list the items in the shopping list. I only see the state of the incomplete items on the list.

There is a way of sending a notification once a todo item is added, but no way to send the entire list ?

The items of the list aren’t held in the state machine. They will be available via a service call that returns a response variable, like calendar and weather forecasts now do. However, the listing service has not yet been implemented.

I am using a python script that sets a entity when the (stil) current shopping_list.json gets updated and this allows for automation.
check this one
Shopping list, is it possible to trigger an action when something is added? - Configuration - Home Assistant Community (

I am not sure when the rest of the renovation of SL is going to be applied as @Didgeridrew refers

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Thanks, that makes sense.