How do I refresh hue integrations within HA?

I have a lot of old entities and rooms from Hue within HA. How can I refresh its state without redoing everything?

I know this is old post, but I’m also having similar issues and would like to know how to clean up devices that have been removed.

I went into the the app and on my pc and deleted some test generic switches i created before having HA.
Of course i deleted them after i had already linked HA with smarthings. I’m trying to clean up my devices and not sure how to refresh/reflect the changes i made in samsung within HA so i can clear up unused / unwanted devices.

Have you tried the new reload option? On the integration page, go to the more menu and select “Reload.”

I don’t know if that would work, but worth a shot.

Ive tried that, as well as deleting them from the HA screens, and even deleted from the app and restarting HA and still nothing happens, still seeing the old orphaned devices.

Well now i really screwed up, not sure what happened, but i tried the reload option and the integration disappeared and a new one showed up with the “configure” button, went thru the process again to allow access to the samsung account and once i provide the token and it asks to login it returns the following error:

“error”:{“code”:“UnexpectedError”,“message”:“A non-recoverable error condition occurred.”,“details”:[]}}

Now what?

Interesting enough the suggestions found here, resolved the issue and im back in business