As in the subject. I’m new to HA. I set up a bunch of sensors related to my solar system. Second by second data is important to catch peaks so all my sensors are inverters-rs232->mqtt->HA my database is influxdb.
The hardware is raspberry pi 5 on 256GB M2 NVME Ssd. The backend speed is fine.
But even if I only have one history card on a lovelace-ui dashboard as long as there is more than 5~6h of data (let’s say 3 values on the chart) all the browsers grind to a halt.
The only one that manages is my desktop PC with a modern water cooled 16 core cpu and I can hear the waterpump increasing rpm every time I open that dashboard.
I imagine some sort of data aggregation is the answer. I suppose every minute could be aggregated to average/min/max for entire minute display purposes and that would take care of this. Then maybe every 15min could be aggregated for displaying many days.
But what is the correct way to do it in HA? I spent ages searching and all I found is various methods of debugging /speeding up the backend. But nothing to make the browser life easier and still have data displayed.