How I solved a reset of an integral

Sorry, not true.

After a while the Riemann values get huge and the results in the utility meter are just rubbish.
I guess, that is what we call ‘small differences of large numbers’.

What do you mean by this?

Here’s an grafical explanation how it works (sensor + utility_meter).

If you use a meter that does not deliver kWh but Watt. You need an integral sensor on the power sensor that calculates the energy kWh out of the power W.

Its german, i hope google translate will help.

Could we add a full minimal working example for this usecase?

I try with:

  - platform: integration
    source: sensor.inverter_house_pv_p_in
    name: integration_inverter_house_pv_p_in
    unit_prefix: k
    round: 2

and the reset with a utility_meter:

    source: sensor.integration_inverter_house_pv_p_in
    cycle: daily

But it seem that it not working. What I am doing wrong?