How should I approach controlling a DALI lighting system from Helvar from Home Assistant?

Interessting - do you have anything to share?

I got aiohelvar to work by setting the routerid and cluster manually in

Hi All

Just discovered this thread and very interesting. I have a Helvar system self installed and have explored the Router approach but find it too complicated for a simple domestic application. Routers are designed to work across very large installations such as a cruise ship or Moscow library so instead I use an AV (RS232) module and programme via Digidim tool box. Helvar stopped distributing Designer to anyone apart from trades so that was a problem also but with the AV module and an ethernet converter it is possible to set up a UDP link and control the system remotely. It only works on one Helvarnet though so multiple networks would need to be consolidated. I just wish Helvar would do more in the domestic market.

We are Matter certified, and Matter is an end-to-end encrypted local API that can be directly integrated into Home Assistant. Additionally we are still supporting Apple HomeKit, which is a local protocol, that also works completely without any Apple device. We are also soon supporting MQTT for a third integration possibility into HA. All of these integrate into HA without a single line of code.

Hi, Sorry, when you say “we” can you elablorate who “we” are? Many thanks

I found a solution if you are interested write to me. I use a Router 905. A friend gave me a hand,