How to add a 0-line in mini-graph-card

I did create an graph with mini-graph-card. Showing my energy consumption.
It is working fine.
Because I do use solarpannels it can also be a negative value.
Now the graph shows no 0-line and the difference between negative and positive value is hard to see.
I like to add an x-as 0-line.
I’m not able o fix it:

          - cards:
              - entities:
                  - color: 'var(--dwains-theme-accent)'
                    entity: sensor.power_consumption_watt
                    name: Huidig energieverbruik (24h)
                font_size: 80
                hours_to_show: 24
                line_width: 2
                hour24: true
                points_per_hour: 2
                decimals: 0
                  animate: true
                  fill: true
                  icon: false
                  labels: false
                  name: false
                  graph: line
                  extrema: true
                  average: true
                theme: ios-dark-mode-blue-red
                type: 'custom:mini-graph-card'

my current graph:
Any advice?

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imo the only way is to create another sensor with value 0 and add it to the graph.

Optionally you can use ApexCharts from the same author. which will allow you to achieve what you need without creating the sensor

Exactly. I was thinking the same.
But I’m not able to add the extra sensor
giving error.
Any code advice?
(I’m not very good in coding)
Lets say there is a


I did found the solution:

              - entities:
                  - color: 'var(--dwains-theme-accent)'
                    entity: sensor.power_consumption_watt
                    name: Huidig energieverbruik (24h)
                    show_fill: true
                  - entity:
                    color: green
                    show_fill: false
                font_size: 80
                hours_to_show: 24
                line_width: 2
                hour24: true
                points_per_hour: 2
                decimals: 0
                  animate: true
#                  fill: true
                  icon: false
                  labels: false
                  legend: false
                  name: false
                  graph: line
                  extrema: true
                  average: true
                theme: ios-dark-mode-blue-red
                type: 'custom:mini-graph-card'
            type: horizontal-stack


Sorry but i’am new to programming. Could you tell me how to make the 0-line sensor? Could you share the yaml-code so i can do the same in my graphs? Thanks!

For code see reply above

A real simple way is to go to helpers (settings/ devices and services/ hellpers)

Create a helper: “number”, name ‘zero’ say
(Set min zero and max 1 say)
Open the help and on the info page check its value is zero

you can now use it as ‘’


and set it as hidden, so you’ll not even know it’s there

to help a little here, this is how i did it.

i created a template sensor in configuration.yaml

  - sensor:
      - name: zero
        unique_id:  zero
        state: 0

here is my card config for the mini-graph-card

      - type: custom:mini-graph-card
        name: I/O Power
          - entity: sensor.greenhousev2_consumption_watts
          - entity:
            color: rgba(200,200,200,0.2)
            show_fill: false
            show_line: true
            show_points: false
            show_legend: false
            line_width: 1
          - color: '#ACACAC'
            entity: sun.sun
            name: Sun
            show_line: false
            show_points: false
            show_legend: false
            y_axis: secondary
        decimals: 2
        unit: watts
        line_color: '#e74c3c'
        line_width: 3
        font_size: 77
        hours_to_show: 24
        points_per_hour: 4
        upper_bound: 4
        lower_bound: -4
        aggregate_func: avg
          extrema: true
          legend: false
          labels: false
          state: true
          graph: line
          fill: true
        color_thresholds_transition: hard
          - value: -4
            color: '#e51f1f'
          - value: -0.98
            color: '#f2a134'
          - value: 0
            color: '#44ce1b'
          - value: above_horizon
            label: Day
          - value: below_horizon
            label: Night

note that i used rgba because i wanted the opacity variable so i set it 0.2, i thought i looked nicer.
the extra addition is the grey block which represents nighttime from sun.sun
my orange section is what i define as normal consumption so i can see when im power positive or not

for my watt consumption vs generation this is my configuration.yaml code

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: 'Consumption Amps'
        device_class: current
        value_template: >-
            {% set b = (states.sensor.greenhousev2_ina219_1_current.state | default(0) ) | float(2) %}
            {% set s = (states.sensor.greenhousev2_ina219_2_current.state | default(0) ) | float(2) %}
            {{ (s-b) | round(2)}}
        friendly_name: 'Consumption Watts'
        device_class: power
        value_template: >-
            {% set b = (states.sensor.greenhousev2_ina219_1_power.state | default(0) ) | float(2) %}
            {% set s = (states.sensor.greenhousev2_ina219_2_power.state | default(0) ) | float(2) %}
            {{ (s-b) | round(2)}}

Suggest to post similar things in the dedicated mini-graph-card thread, let’s have it in one place.

updated in there also

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This is a great solution! Thank you!