The “sensor” defined in the configuration.yaml file does expose a useable “entity”.
The data is properly being queried and its history stored/displayed properly.
However, where would one define the association of this working “entity” with a parent “device” ? Is not that what the yaml property of - name supposed to define?
When looking for “Devices”, I do not see a device name ESP32-1.
The “Developer Tools/YAML configuration reloading” sub-feature does NOT appear to work for any changes I make to the “modbus:” section of the configuration.yaml file.
I have to do a “full” RESTART of the Home Assistant platform for any modbus-section changes to be recognized.
Thanks for the reply, but I’m not sure how this relates to the creation of a parent “device” which would contain all of the working “entities” (as a “container”).
Are you just confirming that my observation of the:
- name: ESP32-1
also DOES NOT work for you?
I would have imagined that EPS32-1 should have been a new "device" name...
Everything works perfectly for me for 2 different modbus meters. But your ESP32-1 and my hub1 do not exist. So my take is you are looking for something that does not exist. I just used consistent sensor names. eg Modbus_*
It would logically seem that the added ESP32-1 Modbus “device” should be visible and all of its “sensors/entities” should be associated with the device as are most integrations.
I integrated an Eastron SDM630 three-phase power meeter via modbus.
I would love to to see the 86 sensors/entities to be grouped into one device.
It would be awesome whene opening “related” to see the grouping device and the “related” entities.
First and default grouping could be the “name” from modubus device.
If you have connected several devices via modbus, an optional “device” in sensor config could be a solution.