How to automate Tuya mmWave with buggy reporting

OK, when I get home I’ll try and put together an option for you.

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Just a note: i have one Tuya presence sensor ( don’t know which model though, bought on aliexpress), i converted it to esphome (i changed original non-supported control module inside with esp), and if i change any setting module always restarts after that - this is, as it seems, normal behaviour of sensor module and not a bug. It seems that module itself is made in a way that it requires reboot to work with new settings.


Sure, thanks. I’m fine with it rebooting. The bug is that it reports absence in the presence of a human. Tuya should check its sensors first before reporting a wrong status.

If it was a hardware problem which cannot be rectified, the sensor should not report for X seconds after a reboot. Pretty sure there is a reasonable way to fix this upstream, but gets extremely complicated here in HA.

So is a 3 second delay when you leave the area too long? To me for a light that is super fast.

alias: presence in room (Advanced)
description: ""
mode: restart
  - type: occupied
    platform: device
    device_id: xxxx_mmwave
    entity_id: xxxx_occupancy
    domain: binary_sensor
    id: 'occupied'
  - type: not_occupied
    platform: device
    device_id: xxxx_mmwave
    entity_id: xxxx_occupancy
    domain: binary_sensor
    for: '00:00:05'
    id: 'not_occupied'
    - conditions:
        condition: trigger
        id: 'occupied'
        - type: turn_on
          device_id: xxxx_switch
          entity_id: xxxx_light
          domain: light
        - device_id: xxxx_mmwave
          domain: number
          entity_id: xxxx_sensitivity
          type: set_value
          value: 4
    - conditions:
        condition: trigger
        id: 'not_occupied'
        - type: turn_off
          device_id: xxxx_switch
          entity_id: xxxx_light
          domain: light
        - device_id: xxxx_mmwave
          domain: number
          entity_id: xxxx_sensitivity
          type: set_value
          value: 1

You don’t need two automations for light control, just two triggers and a choose:

I would be fine for a minute :grin:


Yes, I was already able to make it faster with high sensitivity, except that it gets false alarms from activities outside the room.

We are dealing with lights today, so I understand that asking for less than 3 seconds is not reasonable. But my aim is also to see how far we can push it without comparing with current norms. Being accurate at less than 1 second can open up other possiblities.

Hope that explains.

I see your automation is handling the bug on the absence side but has restart. Let me see how it behaves. Thanks!

That just helps with the dual triggers and for: command. It’s how I create pretty much all of my automations. This way if you re-trigger the automation during the 5 second cool-down, it will keep you light on for you (ie: if you are actually still in the room).

Having said that, with my automation you could probably simply adjust your sensor sensitivity to a median point and not need all this stuff making settings changes.


It works. I even have for: down 1 second. But overall, it doesn’t seem to have improved the speed at which the lights turn off. I have to fiddle more with it when I have some time.

Nonetheless, it doesn’t go on and off continuously anymore and I have them both in 1 script. It is definitely progress for me. Thank you.

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Just to explain,

  1. I did try to find a median sensitivity, but wasn’t able to
  2. In the end I decided to adjust the sensitivity and that was when I found the bug
  3. That bug led me to write my OP
