How to automate

Something like this?

And then use the entity_id sensor.office_temperature in front end?

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: Office Temperature
        value_template: '{{ states.climate.office_thermo.attributes.current_temperature}}'
        - sensor.office_temperature

Should be - climate.office_thermo

no not working, the entity_id has a value of “unknown” …

mmhhh ok, but I want just the value current_temperature shown

Yes, then this should work.

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: Office Temperature
        value_template: '{{ states.climate.office_thermo.attributes.current_temperature}}'
        - climate.office_thermo

thanks I will continue tomnorrow!

Nope this is not working. The entity_id sensor.anna_bedroom_temperature gives UNKNOWN value
and the entity_id climate.anna_current_temperature is non existant … ??

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: Anna Bedroom Temperature
        value_template: '{{ states.climate.anna_thermo.attributes.current_temperature}}'
        - climate.anna_current_temperature

This is working fine for me;

but you use
sensor.target_temp_stue or

to give you the states.climate.termostat_stue.attributes.temperature ???

Go to Your_IP:8123/dev-template and add {{ states.climate.anna_thermo.attributes}}
Then you see all the attributes you have access to. Then you should choose the attribute you are interested in.

I have this

{‘friendly_name’: ‘Termostato Anna’, ‘min_temp’: 7, ‘away_mode’: ‘off’, ‘operation_mode’: ‘idle’, ‘temperature’: 0, ‘current_temperature’: 14.1, ‘unit_of_measurement’: ‘°C’, ‘max_temp’: 35}

I am interested in getting current_temperature (the value 14.1) in front end and for automation. How to get it?

Use the Your_IP:8123/dev-template page and try

{{ states.climate.anna_thermo.attributes.current_temperature}}

yes yes that works. But how to use it (showing the value and a name like Anna Current Temperature) for example in front end?

Make template sensor as I suggested before:

I did, but either I did not understand or I did something wrong.

In your settings which is the entity _id with the states.climate.termostat_stue.attributes.temperature value?

I use climate.termostat_stue as the entity_id in my case.

entity_id (Optional): Add a list of entity IDs so the sensor only reacts to state changes of these entities. This will reduce the number of times the sensor will try to update it’s state.

entity_id is optional, so you can try without.

Yes without is working, with was NOT working … go figure …

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: Anna Bedroom Temperature
        value_template: '{{ states.climate.anna_thermo.attributes.current_temperature}}'
        #- climate.anna_current_temperature

before climate.anna_current_temperature was NOT created (non existant)

now I use sensor.anna_bedroom_temperature
and is giving the state correctly

Your entity id is climate.anna_thermo

but that is giving all the values (I think), not only current_temperature.

climate is for me Netatmo

No, you are misunderstand it. Read the documentation again:

entity_id (Optional): Add a list of entity IDs so the sensor only reacts to state changes of these entities. This will reduce the number of times the sensor will try to update it’s state.