How to best represent timers/countdowns?

You just made me realize I could use jninja templates to generate these. Actually surprised I canā€™t find others doing that. Gonna give it a try later today

Yes, each time a movement is detected, the timer is restarted.
So the light will be stopped 5 minutes after the last detected movement in my example.

But, I donā€™t get whatā€™s the difference between this and checking that the movement sensor has been ā€˜to: offā€™ ā€˜for: 5 minutesā€™?? I mean, if it hasnā€™t been off for that time this counting will also be somehow reset, wonā€™t it?

in this case, we need the trigger to be On, and start doing things. like turning on a light or switch. And then, after a certain period has passed, do yet another set of things. hence the timer and trigger On in 1 automation

OK, in that case I see the need of timers, thank you. :ok_hand:

For some system, for example some 433MHz to MQTT sensor, their is not state, but only an impulse every time a movement is detected. So you need a trigger based automation and not a state based one.

Another thing timer gives you is flexibility, you can restart, change the duration or stop a timer from any other automation.
Also you can choose to activate deactivate part of the automation, for example I often donā€™t want the light to be turned off after 5 minutes, and for that, I deactivate the ā€œturn-offā€ automation.

And lastly, you can display the remaining time of a timer in the frontend, which is much harder if you use state based timing (but surely somehow possible).

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hmm - how do you put automation + timer setup into seperate files ? I thought there was no way to include two top level things via home assistant include support ?

also - when I use your example I see the timer start correctly the first time and count down - great. But when I move again the timer still counts down it does not stop. When it reaches zero nothing happened and when I moved again instead of counting down it just switched to ā€œactiveā€ - no info about countdown.

Any idea on what is going on?

There is a way, and itā€™s super convenient :slight_smile:

Itā€™s call package:
Under homeassistant in your config, add a packages entry to configure the directory containing the config file:

  packages: !include_dir_named packages

In my case the folder is called packages.
And in this folder I have for example a file called office_light_automation.yaml which contain the example I posted earlier with automation and timer top level element.
Now I can copy this file for other light, without any problem with having several automation and timer blocked declared in different files.

Regarding the last question, no Iā€™m not sure whatā€™s going on. Youā€™re sure your trigger or actions are configured properly?

I actually rechecked after your last question, with my setup, the display of timer in the frontend is also wrong.
The timer is restarted (because I still receive the finished event in my automation and the light are turned off), but the frontend still shows the initial count down, and doesnā€™t reinitialise itself.

okey so Iā€™m not going crazy :slight_smile: iā€™ll see if I can isolate it and open a bug on it.

Whats weird though is that as you say the timer does seem to fire at the right time but when I get the state of it it still says the full time is remaining.

okey, cool - Iā€™m trying to make it so I can generate those packages with templates so I can at least avoid having to update 6 different files for each area with a motion sensor.

Iā€™m seeing the same issue here.
While the countdown timer works nicely in the standard UI as a badge, it fails to countdown in Lovelace.

Setup is as follows:


    duration: '00:20:00'


      - type: entities
        title: Timer
          - entity: timer.countdown
            name: "Remaining Time:"

im trying to get the packages !include_dir_named packages to work by creating a packages folder and put the content of what you pasted verbatim in afiled called motionlight.yaml.

The result is this error:
expected a dictionary for dictionary value @ data['packages']['motionlight']

any idea on what can cause this ?

maybe any chance you have your config shared somewhere ?

thanks again!

okey so I accidentally deleted the first line and that gave that errorā€¦

Here is what I actually have in my file:

  - alias: Turn on winter garden when there is movement
    - platform: state
      entity_id: binary_sensor.presence_winter_garden
      to: 'on'
    - service: timer.start
      entity_id: timer.timer_winter_garden
    - service: homeassistant.turn_on
      entity_id: group.winter_garden_lights
  - alias: Turn off winter garden lights at end of timer
    - platform: event
      event_type: timer.finished
        entity_id: timer.timer_winter_garden
      service: homeassistant.turn_off
      entity_id: group.winter_garden_lights

    duration: '00:05:00'

which gives me:

Invalid config for [automation]: required key not provided @ data['action']. Got None
required key not provided @ data['trigger']. Got None. (See ?, line ?). Please check the docs at

afaics its exactly like yoursā€¦I even tried copying yours verbatim whichs gives me similar:

- alias: Turn on office lights when there is movement
  - platform: state
    entity_id: binary_sensor.office_presence_sensor
    to: 'on'
  - service: timer.start
    entity_id: timer.timer_office
  - service: switch.turn_on
    entity_id: group.office_light
- alias: Turn off office lights at end of timer
  - platform: event
    event_type: timer.finished
      entity_id: timer.timer_office
    service: switch.turn_off
    entity_id: group.office_light

    duration: '00:05:00'

Under action, 2 spaces are missing before ā€œ- serviceā€ and before ā€œentity_idā€
Same for the trigger entry.

i thuoght that too but even when I get things indented I keep getting same error ;/

in this I dropped the use of include_dirā€¦ (for now)

        - alias: Turn on winter garden when there is movement
            - platform: state
              entity_id: binary_sensor.presence_winter_garden
              to: 'on'
            - service: timer.start
              entity_id: timer.timer_winter_garden
            - service: homeassistant.turn_on
              entity_id: group.winter_garden_lights
        - alias: Turn off winter garden lights at end of timer
            - platform: event
              event_type: timer.finished
                entity_id: timer.timer_winter_garden
            - service: homeassistant.turn_off
              entity_id: group.winter_garden_lights

          duration: '00:05:00'```

so via Invalid config for [automation]: required key not provided @ data['action'] I found that if I comment out automation: !include automations.yaml then the check passes.

no idea why that should matter since my automations.yaml is empty :slight_smile:

Your automation.yaml being empty might actually be an issue - I recall following a discussion here where linking to an empty automation file cause issues, so somebody created a dummy automation in the yaml-file:

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fyi I opened and after submitting found a bunch of other issues having related issues with timers that I linked in too.

Hopefully we can get that cleaned up :slight_smile:

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