How to cableconnect eth0 2 RPI4, 1 runnng HA OS and the other Hotspot Access Point

I have this setup running nicely over wifi, but I would like to use an ethernet cable insted.
I can not figure out how to set the IP address on the RPI running HA OS, I have tried some nmcli code I found but I did not succede.
The cable is funktioning there is a nice lightshow on both ends and using nmcli con show, I can see a connection,
Soo how to set the IP address?


Settings → System → Network

the HA OS has booted but not connected because there is no IP address therefor I can not get to the menues you are refering to, i think :0)
I am looking at a screen with a green ha and I can writ nmcli commands

ahh. Maybe the easiest way would be to connect it to your normal network and then set things up with a static IP before moving it back again.

THX :o) I found one who made a my-netwok file and it worked.

But thank you for you time
Best Frank