How to: cards in card?

I want cards in a style like this:

I have made this with cards nested in a ‘entities’ card

title: Markisen
type: entities
  - type: custom:mushroom-chips-card
      - type: entity
        entity: input_boolean.vorbau_markisen_automatik
        content_info: none
        icon: ''
          action: toggle
        icon_color: primary
      - type: entity
        entity: input_boolean.vorbau_markisen_verschattung_notwendig
          action: none
        content_info: none
        icon_color: accent
  - type: custom:mushroom-cover-card
    entity: cover.vorbau_markisen_steuerung
    icon: ''
    show_position_control: false
    show_tilt_position_control: false
    show_buttons_control: true
    name: Manuelle Bedienung

But it seems that this is only working with a few card types, especially with custom cards.

I want a similar one with the core thermostat card but this throws an error:

title: Thermostat
type: entities
  - type: custom:mushroom-chips-card
      - type: entity
        entity: sensor.abstellraum_heizkreissteuerung_verteiler_garderobe_ventil
  - type: thermostat
    entity: climate.schlafzimmer_thermostat_wand
    show_current_as_primary: true

Unknown type encountered: thermostat

I tried out the ‘custom:vertical-stack-in-card’, but on the one hand, the layout is not as desired (chips too close to the edge and no border around the thermostat card) and on the other hand, I actually want to avoid too many custom components.

Any other solutions for that?

You have cards called stacks.
They can be found as horizontal stacks and vertical stacks in the official cards, but there are also several custom ones.
There are also grid cards, so as the layout_card.

Remember that stacks can go inside other stacks.

Use this:

You can put pretty much anything inside anything.

I use it to put all sorts of things inside entities cards as I like them more than vertical stacks as they have a border and a title.

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Thank you very much. I am familiar with these cards, but I wanted to have something with a card around the outside to keep things together - like in the screenshot above.


I’ve stumbled across this custom component before, but I didn’t understand its use and lost sight of it again. Now I know what you can do with it and it’s exactly what I was looking for.

Thank you both!

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